30th November

2395 Words

It all came flooding back. Felix and Mable are lifeless in Iona and Cezar’s arms. I couldn’t breathe, the pain in my heart was beyond anything I’d ever felt. I couldn’t speak. I wolfed out, broke out of the hospital room and ran into the gardens howling. I kept hearing gasps and whispers as I ran past people. Did no other werewolf become their inner selves here? Another wolf was near to me, Herd. I would be able to recognise his smell anywhere. He nuzzled my head. Baby, talk to me. Tell me what’s going through your mind and I can help. Thought-linked Herd. His wolf was ginormous, just like Syl’s. I was so small in comparison. I didn’t know what I looked like. They were both jet black, Elena was a creamy beige coloured, very large compared to a normal-sized wolf but much smaller than th

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