Wake up Adelaide

631 Words
All I ever wanted was to find true love. I was 30, alone with two children. Well I wasn’t alone. I lived with the children’s father, Pete. We argued most days. I didn’t really want him to touch me. He would try but I didn’t want it. I became depressed. I yearned for more than mediocrity, trying to fulfil my needs with hopes and dreams. If I learn to appreciate him more then I can love him again. I wanted to find myself. Find who I was before I became Mum. I never went anywhere or did anything without my family. My entire life revolved around Felix and Mable. I decided I was going to book some solo trips to have some kind of break. Somewhere I could be Adie again, and not just Mum. I booked some cheap flights to Bucharest in Romania. Nobody wanted to come with me so I decided to go alone. I was so nervous but something was drawing me here. Maybe it was the thought of some peace and quiet and a visit to a spa. I boarded the flight and sat for a few hours with my thoughts. I was nervous about taking a trip somewhere by myself. I was rarely alone in my own home, now I would be exploring a new country by myself. I took a few deep breaths then reached for the small case from above my head whilst telling myself I could do it. It’s just a couple of days of exploring. I am capable. I jumped in a taxi and headed to my hotel. Upon arrival, there had been a mistake with my room. They said they needed to make up a room for me and asked me to sit in the bar area whilst I waited. Now I definitely looked like a 30 something lonely woman, sat at the bar alone. I was sat slumped when someone knocked into me, nearly knocking me off my stool. I barely lifted my head to acknowledge them. The receptionist came over and began to apologise profusely, telling me that there had been a mix-up and there was no room available. Someone else was leaving their room at 4 am for their flight and they would make it up as quickly as possible so that I could take it. They refunded the costs and said I could stay for free as an apology. It was nearly midnight, I was exhausted and I would struggle to find somewhere else. I curled up on a comfy chair in the bar and began to close my eyes. ‘Wake up. Wake up. Adelaide wake up now.’There was this voice in my head, but it wasn’t mine. It was a deep male voice. Similar to the one I had heard at the airport, but this time it seemed serious. I woke up confused and looked around. The bar was empty and I had forgotten the mistake at the hotel. I looked at the time. 1:43 am. I put my head down but something was screaming at me. ‘Adelaide get up now.’ The only person who called me Adelaide was the Doctors surgery. Why was my subconscious now a sincere male calling me by my proper name? I sat up confused, everything felt hazy. ‘Adelaide get up’. I tried to stand up but my legs gave way and I could feel myself hit the floor. Everything felt strange. I could hear the voice again ‘Adelaide, my dear Adelaide, are you okay?’ I smelt smoke, trying to look around seeing flames around me. I could hear loud noises like a construction site. It sounded like it was being bulldozed. I was so worried but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I drifted back off.
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