Under The Moon

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Syl agreed that we could wait until tomorrow to meet him. We spent the evening at the spa I had originally wanted to visit and it was incredible. I felt so much more relaxed and at peace with myself. I told Syl I wanted to go by myself but it didn’t stop him lingering. I’m unsure what he thinks is going to happen to me. Unless there is a risk now I’m linked to him and that’s why? It’s something I need to ask him about. Syl booked me extra treatments as a surprise. had a full body massage, and a pamper and I felt amazing afterwards. He wanted to go out for dinner but I said I’d rather just get room service as I’d been out all day and the last few days had been a lot to take in. I didn’t tell him that I thought it was strange to be going out for dinner with the fated love of my life whilst I had a partner at home waiting for me. We ordered room service to the room and sat in the hot tub together. That bit wasn’t supposed to happen. Syl was in there relaxing, gazing up at the stars and the moon. The moon was full and I had asked him about him turning on a full moon. He told me it was only in movies but that the moon affects everyone, making emotions higher. I was sitting on the edge talking to him when I slipped and fell in. I’d been wearing my pyjamas. I don’t have very sexy pyjamas so they consisted of some shorts and a baggy T-shirt. When I fell in, Syl helped me so quickly that I wouldn’t have fallen. I felt like I was committed to the fall at this point though so I threw myself in anyway. We played around splashing each other and laughing at first. I ended up in front of him and he was holding me, we nearly kissed and then he pulled away. (I’m glad he did, at least I’m not a cheat. It’s something I didn’t want to be.) ‘One kiss is all it takes to end up going further. Once you realise you won’t stop. We can’t do that until we know exactly what you want.’ I’m glad he was honest with me. He could have easily led me in and then I never leave. I trust him and I feel safe with him. I do want to ‘try before I buy though’. What if I give up everything for him and then he kisses like he’s trying to brush my teeth? We sat in the hot tub together most of the night. I’m not sure what time it was when we eventually went inside. He had his arm around me whilst I had been cuddled into him. I had never felt like this before. Gazing at the stars, whilst he pointed out to me what each one was called, and chatting under the moon just felt like a dream. One I didn’t want to end. I woke alone the next day as we had planned, to see shopping bags on the dressing table in my room. I walked over and found a note. ‘I’ve been shopping this morning with my sister. I didn’t want to wake you as you looked peaceful. If you don’t like them just leave them in the bags and we can get something else. Syl’ In the bags were two pairs of the most luxurious feeling silk pyjamas. One pair with long trousers and a button-up shirt, and then another pair with a cami style top and shorts. There was a silk nightie and nightgown, some slippers, a new long coat, leather gloves and a fur hat. A cashmere jumper and leather trousers with some black boots. Then some very sexy, lacy black underwear. Inside there was another note, in different handwriting ‘Knock ‘em dead sis and wrap up warm. I can’t wait for you to finally join our family. Elena xoxo’ My feelings were mixed between a feeling of ‘this is far too much’ and ‘I can’t wait to meet this girl’. My sisters were estranged. Well, my whole family was so the thought of joining another family made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I got a shower, styled my hair and dressed in my new clothes. I put the underwear on, even though nobody would see it. It helped me feel sexy and empowered. I applied my makeup and added a dark lip. I didn’t know where we were going today, all I knew was today was the day I was meeting Herdley. We hadn’t discussed me doing this alone and Syl hadn’t been in the suite the whole time. I sat on the chaise impatiently waiting. Time was moving so slowly and every minute felt like an hour. After what felt like eight hours (which was only eight minutes) I heard a knock at the door. I looked through the peek hole to see Syl standing there and I opened the door with relief. ‘I was hoping you’d be ready. Here, I’ve got this for you. He pulled out a jewellery box and opened it towards me. Inside was the most beautiful necklace. A crescent moon-shaped Moonstone crystal in the middle of a tree on a white gold chain. Around the moon was wording ‘under the moon or above the stars. Distance means nothing when you have my heart’. It was the soppiest but sweetest gift I had ever received. ‘The necklace resembles the Wild Forest Moon Pack. It’s something special for who I hope will be my Luna.’ Said Syl as he placed it around my neck. We walked out of the hotel and to the car together. There was nobody else in the car so I could have a bit of breathing space, just the two of us. I needed this time before I needed to get used to there being an extra person. I wasn’t sure how I would handle this. How was dating two people supposed to even work?
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