I Reject You

1542 Words

I remained standing by the door. A lot of people had tried to speak to me. Iona had come over, she was as sweet as Elena but a little more assertive. I still wasn’t moving. She had begun to cry at one point just begging me to let her say goodbye to her son. I felt bad, but she didn’t need to say goodbye as he wasn’t going anywhere. Surely, she would rather have him here than not at all. Hours had passed and I was drained from communicating with so many people. Syl hadn’t been back properly but I had smelled him come by to try and listen in, whilst I had turned back to a human. I started though-linking people again so he couldn’t hear our conversations. It tired me out even more. I heard Elena and Syl arguing outside. She was sticking up for me and he was being awful. He told her how disa

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