Don’t tease me Adelaide

1038 Words
When I got in the hotel room I was in awe. There were chandeliers hung from the ceiling, golden colours filled the room and the decor was very fancy. Marbled floors and gold luggage trolleys filled the corridor. It was much fancier than the hotel I had booked for myself. I immediately put my phone on charge when I got in the room. There was food on a tray. Fruit, cakes, salad, burgers, fries, pizza, toast, oatmeal and some meals I had never seen before. Orange juice, bottled water and hot drinks. A note was placed on the side ‘I didn’t know what you’d like but I knew you hadn’t eaten so I ordered a few different things. If you’d like something different please just order room service’. A bath was already running when I went into the bathroom. There were high bubbles, luxurious products along the side of the bath and lavender buds in the shape of a heart on top of the water. When I stepped in, I instantly felt relaxed. I really needed this. I heard my phone buzz as it turned back on and then continued to keep buzzing. I got out of the bath, grabbed my phone and took it back to the bathroom, along with my food tray. I wasn’t wasting this bath or the food. ‘I’m worried about you. Please call me straight away’. Said Pete on the voicemail. I needed to come up with the perfect lie. I wasn’t good at lying but I couldn’t tell the truth. After reading a few messages I gathered that the hotel fire had been on the news. He knew about it and was worried. I texted back and said ‘Sorry I haven’t got back to you sooner. I had no battery on my phone. I found another hotel to stay in and ended up sleeping all day, but I’ve only just got my belongings back. I’ll call you once it’s charged. I'll be at the airport soon so need to save as much battery as possible.’ I tried a bit of all the food, drank some fresh orange juice and felt much better. The realisation that I’d been out in the woods not eating was ridiculous. I got out of the bath, wrapped a towel around me and knocked on the conjoining room door. Syl opened the door and just dropped his face. I forgot I was dripping wet in a towel, but I didn’t care. ‘Why did you let me go without food for so long if you really cared? No wonder I couldn’t stay awake’. ‘I did try giving you food but you couldn’t even stay awake. I was giving you sips of water and you were taking them. You had been drugged. You weren’t waking up.’ I said okay and just stood there. I could hear his breath getting heavier and his eyes had gone from brown to black as he stared at me. I quickly shut the door and began to laugh. I guess that’s what happens when a wolf gets turned on. ‘Please don’t tease me like that Adelaide. I can’t handle it.’ Sighed Syl from the other side of the door. That only made me chuckle more. I wonder what would happen if I teased him again. I hadn’t meant to tease him, but now I knew something as simple as standing in a towel was teasing, it felt exciting. Something I hadn’t felt in a while. I got dressed and then applied some makeup to make myself look a bit better. I put on some comfortable travelling clothes. Just gym pants and a baggy T-shirt with some trainers. I had a hoodie too which I tied around my waist. I opened the door and asked Syl if he wanted to come in. I still had an hour to go until I needed to set off to the airport. It would be nice to have a conversation now I felt more like me. He looked really happy when I invited him, he had a spring in his step. As he walked past me he sniffed me. ‘Adelaide you smell irresistible. It’s hard to control myself around you’. I don’t think he realised how creepy it was to sniff people but I just went with it. ‘Oh, it’s those products out of the bathroom. They smell amazing’. He looked at me, incredibly sincere and grabbed my hand. ‘When a wolf finds their mate, it doesn’t matter what they wash with. Their scent is enticing. It’s supposed to be like that. It’s why you can’t keep your hands off one another when you’re mated with someone.’ I wondered, if we had met each other sooner, would I have found his scent like that too? He smelt good, but nothing that drew me to that extent. His eyes were a different story and every time I looked at his lips I wanted to kiss them, but I didn’t want to breathe in his scent when I walked past. I sat on the side of the bed and he sat on the chaise in front of me. The room was so luxurious. I hadn’t really looked before, but it was huge. I wished I’d spent a night here. Why couldn’t he of brought me here instead of taking me to the forest to lay on the floor? I asked him. ‘Adelaide, if I’d have brought you to the hotel and you would have caused up as much fuss as you did in the woods then one of us would have got arrested. It would have been dangerous for both of us. You speaking about wolves could have got you locked up, me being caught as a wolf could have led to me being killed. It was the safest option.’ I agreed with him and sat in deep thought. I started thinking about what all this meant and how I’d never come here before if my whole life was supposed to lead me here. I’d always believed in being on the right path and hoped there was more. I wouldn’t have my children though so maybe that’s why it hadn’t happened sooner.
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