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‘Adelaide, I need you to hear me. I know this is a lot to take in but you must know’. I didn’t. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. All I know is that I wanted to leave. ‘Adelaide. You’re my match. I’ve been waiting for you. Every part of me has yearned for you and I’ve been trying to call you here. I couldn’t find you but I knew you were coming. I felt you were coming to me and when I walked past the hotel I picked up a scent like one I had never smelt before. I knew straight away it was you.’ I’m not sure what happened but I was terrified and I began to scream and try to run. There wasn’t any running from this man though. Maybe I should accept my fate? What kind of Mum was I? I’d left them behind to go and find myself for two nights and I was going to die out here in the woods. They would never know why I didn’t come home. Always wondering. I tried to fight him but every hit was blocked or either didn’t hurt. If anything, it seemed to hurt me more. I hit him with sticks, I ran, I fell. I got up and kept running. He wasn’t really trying. It felt like that scene in a movie where the victim keeps running so fast and the murderer just walks quickly. It was so surreal. I fell on the floor and he stood over me. I was screaming and crying. Why was this happening? ‘Adelaide, stop this right now’. The voice again. Stern and sincere and it made me stop in my tracks. I took a big gulp and thought maybe if I was nice to him I could break free. He helped me up and sat next to me on the leaves. I was cold now, shivering and shaking. Not sure if it was the fear, the cold or both. When he looked into my eyes I couldn’t help but get lost in them. It felt strange to say it, but it felt like home. I felt I was safe and home with him. Even though I was also concerned he was trying to kill me. He put his arms around me and I just melted next to him. I felt warm and safe. It was an off feeling. My heart felt safe but my brain was screaming to run. Maybe it was whatever I was drugged with. ‘Adelaide, I need you to understand that it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. I wanted you to find me and fall in love with me. I needed you to do this your way’. I just sat there and listened. Maybe he wouldn’t kill me tonight. I just didn’t want to say the wrong thing. ‘Adelaide, you’re my match and we were meant to find each other. It doesn’t usually take this long but you weren’t supposed to live in England. You have ignored every calling and your destiny. I don’t know why you did that, I won’t begrudge you for that but you’re here now’. I didn’t know what he was talking about. Maybe I was hearing things because I was just lost in his eyes. It didn’t feel like I was being hypnotised but it kind of did. I had never seen eyes like them. Sylvanus stroked my cheek and my body felt like every single electron in my body had just woke up. My whole body felt electric. I was wide awake now. I don’t know what had happened or what this was but I needed to find out. I put my hands through his hair. He had dark thick hair. It was perfect. Everything physical about him was perfect. His dark hair, his dreamy brown eyes, his longcurled lashes and his lips. Oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips. His jaw was strong and his muscles looked even stronger. He was only wearing a black t-shirt and I could see his physique right through it. I stroked my hand down his chest and to his six-pack. He was perfect and for some reason he wanted me. If he had played it cool I think I’d have wanted him too. Even without playing it cool I still did. But Pete. I needed to reign myself back in and think about Pete. Syl was at ease with me touching him. He looked more relaxed and like he was enjoying it. He grabbed my hand and put it on his heart. ‘Adelaide, you’re the only person this beats for’. I tried not to laugh but ended up letting out a schoolgirl giggle instead. What was happening? He smiled. Thank goodness, because I was beginning to wonder if he could.
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