I’m El

1381 Words

I woke up the next morning feeling content. I decided today was the day that I would tell Pete I was going to be moving into the cottage. I couldn’t do it to his face, I can’t lie. So I texted him in the early afternoon. Manifestations do come true because guess what???? I won the cottage!!!!!! I won!! I won!! I’m the owner of a cottage! He of course thought I wasn’t telling the truth. I told him I would be meeting with a solicitor the next day to sign the paperwork. Which I was, but not because of a raffle. He still wasn’t sure I was telling the truth but agreed to stay with the children all the same. The next day I met with a solicitor to sign the paperwork. The cottage was in my name only, and the twins were so excited to give it to me. There was no clause. I could do whatever

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