Just the four of us

1709 Words

‘Please just take me to the real Herd. Let me be with him for a while. I need to be with him. Then I will speak to you, I’ll answer your questions, listen to your stories and drink your bowls of.. whatever that was. Right now, my heart needs to be with my mate.’ I said extremely sincerely so that she would understand. ‘Of course, dear child. I’m so sorry for upsetting you.’ She replied. When we left the room, it didn’t crumble. I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign. Either the room was real or the rest of this was fake too. We walked down the corridor in the bunker until we came to a room. I could smell his scent, Syl’s too. Urgh. I didn’t want him there. I opened the door but not before turning around to Hecate ‘So you promise me, swear this is real? If you fool me or trick me, I will

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