The cottage

932 Words

We lay there whilst we gained back some energy. Herd leant up a bit with the cheekiest look creeping over his face. He flicked a huge bit of muck at me and began to laugh. I wrestled on top of him and smeared some mud across his head. Syl got Herd with a huge smear of mud and accidentally got my cheek. I launched myself onto him and smeared some back on his cheek. All three of us wrestling each other and laughing. My belly hurt from laughing so much so we laid back down in the mud and dirt, looking like we had just taken a Turkish mud bath. Herd picked me up ‘There’s a waterfall just down here’. There was no way he was throwing me into a waterfall. I began to kick and try to wriggle away but he was holding me so tight. It was too late though, he jumped into a smaller waterfall pool and t

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