
1511 Words

I woke up panicking, coughing and spluttering. I felt like I was choking. I wasn’t by the lake and I wasn’t in the hospital bed either. The room was completely empty. It felt huge and it was so bright. I was in the afterlife. ‘It’s okay. You’re safe.’ Said a calm voice I had never heard before. I think I’m dead. I felt like I was going to die when I couldn’t feel anything. I knew that when I lay next to Herd in that hospital bed and closed my eyes I wouldn’t open them again. So this must be an afterlife. There was no other explanation. ‘Hi Adelaide. I’m Hecate. I can sense everything you’ve just been through, it’s probably really scary but you’re safe now.’ Said a stranger whilst stroking the top of my head. I was so exhausted I couldn’t sit up, I could hardly move. I was all alone i

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