You can’t board

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We had spoken and discussed our lives. General chit-chat and getting to know each other. It actually felt really easy. You would never know we had only just met, and under the circumstances we did. Syl took me to the airport and he kissed me on the head goodbye. There was a lot of commotion at the airport, and it looked really busy. Syl told me to wait in the car and he would check it out. I don’t know why I couldn’t do that myself, but it did look quite overwhelming. He came out and said there had been an oil leak on the runway. No planes could take off and all planes leaving today had been cancelled. I contacted the airline to see what could be done about my flight and was told there wasn’t another flight for three days, that was flying to a totally different airport in my country too. I started to panic. I had nowhere to go. I tried to frantically search for hotels but due to the demand, many were either fully booked or had put their prices up high. ‘Adelaide, please don’t worry about small things like this. You shouldn’t have to worry about the cost of a hotel. There’s so many more important things.’ I couldn’t believe he had said that. ‘That’s easy to say when you drive around in a Mercedes, looking like a God. We don’t all have an unlimited amount of money. I don’t even have the funds in my bank.’ Syl rolled his eyes at me and took my phone. He dialled a number. ‘Hi, yes it’s Sylvanus. I’ll be staying for 3 nights with an extremely important guest. Please set up the rooms and ensure that there are optional meals ready. Thank you.’ ‘Adelaide, I’ve booked you in my suite. I’m going to stay to ensure that you are safe but we will be in separate rooms. If you need anything, you just need to ask. You don’t need to stay in the room. Where did you want to go on this trip and I’ll take you there?’ I felt so lucky. Someone cared about me, even if he did come across as quite controlling. I called Pete and explained what was happening. I spoke to Felix and Mable and settled in the room. It wasn’t just a room but a full penthouse suite. It was huge. There was an outdoor roof hot tub surrounded by fairy lights. There was a lot I had wanted to do in Bucharest but I wanted to stay in this suite forever. The bed could fit my whole family, it was so big. It was so comfortable too. Syl knocked at the door, even though it was open. ‘I hope you don’t mind. I contacted my Dad, The Alpha. He’s been in contact with Herdley to tell him I found you. As soon as he heard what had happened he flew straight back, he had been in the Bahamas, but it’s been a couple of days so he’s back now. I’d like you to meet him tomorrow. Is that okay?’ Syl asked. I was stunned. The prize possession had been captured and was ready to be passed around. I started to gather my things and got up to leave. Syl grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back to him. ‘Please don’t leave. You don’t know what it’s been like for us both. You don’t have to stay but please just meet him. He spent years looking for you and when he found you, it destroyed him.’ Syl explained. ‘That isn’t my fault? I am just living my life. I didn’t ask for any of this and you’re expecting so much of me. I didn’t grow up in this world.’ I cried. Syl pulled me closer to him, placing my head near his heart. I began to feel calmer immediately. ‘We don’t blame you. You don’t have the same feelings as we do. The bond with your mate is even stronger than the twin bond. When Herdley left it was hard for us both, and then when he found you he ended up a mess. He didn’t want to hurt me so he didn’t even tell me. I could sense his pain though and I knew something was wrong. He’s been healing. Well, he says that I don’t think he has. We both just wanted to meet you. If you understood how strong this connection was and how strong it could be you wouldn’t want to leave. I know you have children and we don’t expect you to leave them behind, but we just want a chance to show you how strong this bond can be.’ Syl said looking deflated. I placed my things back down and sat back on the bed. I couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be. I didn’t have to deal with this and I’d always felt a longing for something else. I didn’t know what, and now I do know, I’m pushing it away. I’m worried about what will happen and what’s expected of me. I want to see where this can go, see if the longing feeling goes away.
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