Please sir.

1553 Words

Syl threw me on the bed, crawling up my body on top of me to kiss me, slipping his tongue into my mouth. Another body entered the room - Herd. I could sense where each one was, I could smell them, and even though they looked exactly the same, (except their personal differences) I could tell who was who. I grinned as he came into the room. I could feel through Syl, the jealousy he was feeling towards the bond I shared with his brother. I grabbed Syl’s bum and pushed it down into me, so I could feel his bulge hit my pelvis. That settled the jealousy but made him ravenous for him. ‘Easy big bro.’ Laughed Herd as he took one of my ankles and strapped something around it. I tried to sit up to look, but Syl pushed me back down onto the bed, gripping both of my wrists with one hand, and pinning

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