Chapter One

1156 Words
Chapter One Olivia I barely listened as the beautiful tall red head spoke , I definitely wasn’t as engrossed as Spencer was. Although he wasn’t paying as much interest in her face as he was her rack. I rolled my eyes , heels shuffling. Worse date ever. But then I wasn’t surprised , it had been one disastrous date after another since I had met him. But he was the only other Siren my age I knew. Which meant I was pushed into his arms. My parents wanted me to find the same kind of bond that they had. The fact that I was already twenty-five and hadn’t even had a whiff of my mate yet seemed to dismay them. It was hard work being their daughter sometimes, with their love story being so legendary. I used to love those stories growing up. How they had met in school , fallen in love in the perfect little triad. How tragedy had ripped them apart for years until fate brought them back together. Biologically my dad wasn’t my dad , but it didn’t matter to him and it mattered even less to me. If my real dad had lived my parents would have lived as triad. I would have had two dads and one mum. I couldn’t imagine that but it was the way of my people and I knew my parents wanted it for me. Happiness with a man or men who treated me like the queen my dad treated my mum. Still, I wasn’t sure I was going to find it with Spencer. I wasn’t even sure he liked me like that. I was pretty certain he was just acting interested to get in with my dads company. “Liv , you need to leave your phone here.” I shook myself, I had totally zoned out there for a second but dutifully I placed my phone in the woman’s hands. Her nails were filed to points, wickedly sharp. And painted bright red. “Sorry.” I mumbled as she caught me staring at her with my mouth open. “You ok hon?” Her hard face broke into a wide white smile. “You look a little nervous.” “She’s fine.” Her smile faded as she flicked her heavily made up eyes towards my date. “I’m fine,” I finally said. “If you need anything come and find me.” It’s pretty busy tonight. Have a good time and stay safe.” She turned her attention to the group behind us. Greeting them with real enthusiasm. Obviously regulars. “Come on Olivia, lets get a drink.” Spencer tugged me further into the room. All dark greys, blacks and reds. The lighting low , casting shadows everywhere. There was music but it seemed muffled , someone moaned loudly to my right and I turned my face in that direction. Instantly regretting it. I knew this was a s*x club but to see it with my own eyes? “A drink sounds good.” I admitted. Did Spencer expect us to do what that woman was doing on the small raised Dias in the corner. Sure she seemed to be enjoying it if her moans were anything to go by but we had barely shared a kiss good night. Maybe this was how he got his rocks off? “Stay right there ok, I’ll be back.” He motioned for a velvet coveted bar stool. And I hopped up on it in relief. I was already tall , so I usually shied away from heels but he had said to look pretty and dress up for tonight so I had made an effort. And my feet were already killing me. “Don’t be long.” Truth was I needed a break from him and his constant chatter. “I won’t.” He bent and I knew he was about to kiss me. I gave him my cheek instead of my lips. Dismissing him when I signalled the bartender with my hand. “All alone?” The hand that trailed up my arm made me jump and I whirled about, trembling fingers clutching my wine glass. “No.” I tried to smile. He smelt wolf like and I would know I had pretty much grown up on packlands but I didn’t know him. Sure looked like he wanted to know me though. “My date went to the bathroom.” Brown eyes narrowed. “Come on now pretty thing, it’s ok if you are alone I can help you find your way around. It’s your first time here isn’t it?” “No, no of course not.” “You don’t belong to anyone, you aren’t marked and you wear no ones collar.” His fingers slipped up my bare to draw a line around my throat. I swallowed hard. “I would happily collar you.” His voice was husky and I had to lean back as he invaded my space further. “Like I said me and my friend are regulars here.” I tried again, motioning frantically to the bartender at the other end of the bar. Surely they had rules about this sort of thing? “Then how come I haven’t seen you before, I would have smelt you . I’ve always had a soft spot for little mermaids.” He cracked a smile and I knew it was meant to be charming. To anyone else it probably would have been. But I wasn’t anyone else and I didn’t really want to be here. I definitely didn’t want to be here alone. Where the hell was my date? “There you are.” The woman’s voice was loud, almost impatient. “Liv your master has been looking for you all over. He wants to see you.” I opened my mouth to speak , confusion clear on my face when the woman from the door shook her head. A clear keep quiet. I shut my mouth with a snap. She was coming to my rescue after all. “She isn’t anyone’s , there’s no collar.” Wolf boy snarled. His hand closing about my wrist. “She’s new.” A shrug “if you have a problem take it up with the boss.” His grip loosened. “The boss?” “You know the rules , we don’t man handle women here and you most definitely don’t touch this one. Come on lovey, your master wants you.”
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