2959 Words

CHAPTER ONE –––––––– BECKA LEFT THE COFFEE shop in a hurry. She held a hot coffee cup in one hand, and at the same time, she tried to stick a muffin and a toasted bagel in her handbag with the other. She had forgotten to ask for a hot sleeve for the cup. On top of that, she had also neglected to take a napkin. Her head was high in the clouds that morning. Now the searing heat burned her fingers through the paper cup. Nevertheless, she couldn’t go back to the coffee shop. She was already late for her morning classes, and the last thing she wanted was to miss the entire lecture on her favorite subject. So, Becka kept struggling. She tried to make the muffin and bagel fit in her handbag, at which point she wondered why she had left the house with such a tiny purse that morning. The peopl

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