483 Words

CHAPTER SEVEN –––––––– * * * * BECKA WAS IN THE GARDEN, staring into the distance. For a few days now, she couldn’t find any peace in there, although it used to be her realm of tranquility before. She had stopped attending her classes at university, and she couldn't do anything else, either, like reading one of the books she loved or talking with her cousins. Becka used to talk with one of them once a day. Now a week and a half had passed, and Becka still couldn’t pick up the phone to call someone. Becka had avoided seeing anyone over the past week and a half since her falling out with Bryan. She hadn’t felt able to go to the regular dinner with her parents, at least. She had made up a party she couldn’t miss, only to get out of it. Her father hadn’t been too happy about it, but her

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