Chapter 3

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I was perplexed. This can't be happening right now. " What..t do you...u mean by that...Alpha?" I just couldn't help but ask. Alpha Ronald laughed at my shocked face. He dragged me closer, fanning his breath on my face. He caged my whole body, leaving just a small space for me to breathe. For a typical girl, he'll be called attractive with his looks but right now, I only see him as a p*****t that will do anything to force himself on helpless ladies. Sometimes, I wonder if he'll ever find his mate because no woman would want to be with a man like him. He makes me want to puke. I held my breath not wanting to take in his alcohol smell. I'm very sure he just had a drink " You'll be my spy. I want you to always report whatever you find strange to me when you get there " he repeats. I looked at him as if he was crazy. How was I going to do that? As if reading my mind, he smiled " Don't worry, I'll tell you how to do it. I have an insider around the palace, all you need to do is to find him when you get there and tell him what you see inside since he has no right to step into the palace, he would do the necessary" " But Alpha, it'll be hard because from what I heard. They said the king alpha knows whatever is going on as he has large hearing ears. A gift from the Goddess" I tried disputing. He nodded in agreement " True, but with the charm I have with me from the witch, nothing will happen. Just do as I say and that's all" I nodded reluctantly" What if I don't do as you say, what will you do you me?" I wonder where the courage came from. No one dares to question the Alpha. Alpha Ronald stood tall and went back to sit on his chair. He smirked " Ethan..." I furrowed my brows confused at why he looks smug. That name he called though, why did he call that name? I couldn't help the thought. He picked up a pen" Well, I'm sure that name sounds familiar right?" I was quite waiting for him to continue. " If you don't follow my orders, your brother Ethan will be held responsible. I'm sure you don't want that to happen right?" My body felt rigid" did you know him?" He chuckled, pleased to have the upper hand " I keep track of all my slaves. It doesn't end there, I'm sure you know your father is sick and it wouldn't hurt to save his life by just ending his life with the snap of a finger " I gasped " No! please don't kill my father. Please I want to see him. Please Alpha, don't do anything to my family. I beg of you" I went on my knees pleading for mercy. " Well, it all depends on your love. Either you do as I say or you put your family in danger," He said to me with so much authority that scares me. His eyes turned from their blue color to red. I was shaking in fear " I will do it. I'll be your spy but please don't hurt my family " He c****d his head on one side " Good then. You may rise and don't look stupid " I need not be told twice, I did as I was told. I wiped my now tears stained face with the back of my hands. I never knew my father was sick and it hurts to find out this way. I'm sure he is suffering right now for not seeing me for all these years. God, I miss them so much. I took a deep breath " What will I get if I do as you say?" I craved to know what I can benefit from this. He raised a brow as if stunned I asked " I knew you were sharp and that's why I chose you to be my spy. I know you'll do great. Talking about what you'll get.." He rubbed his head as if he was thinking about it " I promise you your freedom, something you've been craving for all this while " He told me I knew I shouldn't believe him but I'm holding onto that because he is my passport to finally see my parent right now. " One more thing" I glanced at him ready to embrace whatever he was about to say. " This should be between you and me. If I find out that you betrayed me, I'll make sure I kill your entire household with my bare hands. Take this necklace." He hands over the necklace to me and I took it with shaky hands. " Put it around your neck once you get to the palace. It'll be hard for the Alpha to find out your intentions there and what's more, very hard to know your smell. This will help you achieve your aim" I nodded" Ok" A knock interrupted us. " Come in " Steven came in looking breathless. I was also alarmed too. " What is it, Steven?" " They are here" Alpha Ronald need not ask who as he already knows exactly what Steven meant. He gave me a hard look as if reminding me of what will happen if I don't do as he says. I nodded with a lowered head. " Let's go" ***** We got outside and truthful, they were here looking murderous, sending a chill down my spine. They look heartless already making the rumor looks true. "Alpha" I called out Alpha Ronald gritted his teeth, seeing how they came inside without asking for permission. This was an insult to him. Mere guards for goodness sake, not even the King Alpha. " Not now Melissa. Go join the rest" I kept mute and went into the crowd in search of Ashley.
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