Chapter 3

2906 Words

Chapter Three ALEX Dylan and I finally finish up for the day and double-check that we’ve completed everything Dad’s given us to do over the past two weeks. Ever since I asked for two weeks’ vacation, he’s overworked us, but we’ve not complained once. The fence is finished, hay is baled and stacked, and we even dug out a ditch on top of our regular morning duties. We’ve started work before sunrise and stayed out past sunset, but it’s been worth it because I plan to take full advantage of this trip. “Jackson was volun-told to drive us to the airport in the mornin’,” I remind Dylan as I drive him back to his truck parked near the cattle barn. “Good. Don’t wanna leave my pickup in the parking lot that long,” he says. “I’ll be here around five, so we’ve got plenty of time to make it to the

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