‘These ones here...’ he said, picking out some slim metal arrows with extremely sharp points and no flight feathers, ‘these can pass through almost any armour, and would go straight through a man if you were to hit the right spot. Always keep them greased, or the metal will corrode.’ ‘Charvaka, why won’t you ever explain to me about my armour? And my ear-rings. When are you going to tell me about those?’ ‘When you’re older, my boy, when you’re older...’ Charvaka replaced the metal arrows in one of the quivers. ‘There are some other weapons I would like you to have had, but I think Drona has them. Though I’m not sure he knows I made them. Unfortunately I haven’t the materials at the moment to reconstruct them — I would have to go to Hastinapura.’ ‘Who exactly is Drona?’ ‘Drona... He is