Chapter 6 - Hallelujah

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EIGHT MONTHS LATER... My phone vibrates on the nightstand. I walk over to glance at the caller ID to find it's Nate. s**t! I've been rehearsing this conversation in my head for weeks now. Come on, Maggie, just do it! I gather up all the courage I have left and pick up the phone. "Hello?" I answer.  "Hey, what are you doin?" he asks.  "Nothin, getting ready to watch John Luke for Momma while she runs to the store. What are you doin?'  I'm totally lying to avoid hanging out with him, but he doesn't need to know that. We got into a horrible argument the last time we hung out, and I swore it was the last time I'd subject myself to the abuse, "Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to see a movie, but I can see you are busy, so I'll let you go." He barks.  Now is my chance. I need just to rip the bandaid off, "Hey, listen, I've been thinking...we need to talk, Nate." I choke out.  He snickers,  "Don't tell me." "What do you mean?" I ask curiously.  "You are going to break up with me, aren't you?" "Well, yes. I think it's time, Nate. We are not right for each other. I need this time to get my business rolling. If you aren't supportive of my decisions and are always critical of how much time I spend at work because I'm trying to save money, then I just need to move on." He snorts, "Aren't you going to tell me, oh it's not you, it's me, kind of thing? Well, enjoy the time with your friends now. Oh, wait. You have no friends." He responds viciously.  "Nate, come on. Let's be grown-ups about this. Stop being an asshole!" I reply sternly.  "Screw you, Maggie! By the way, your baking sucks!" he yells as he disconnects the call.  I pull the phone from my ear. Ugh! What an ass! Tears begin to well up in my eyes. He's right about the whole friend thing. I really have no friends right now. My only friend is away at college. I put my head in my hands and began sobbing quietly.  My sobs are interrupted as I can hear Momma speaking to someone over the phone in the living room. I remain quiet and press my ear against my bedroom door to listen, "Okay, so the funeral will be Saturday at 1:00 pm. Thank you, Fletcher. I'll be by to make the final arrangements Monday." she says tearfully. Funeral? I wipe the tears from my eyes and tiptoe down the hallway towards her; she's sobbing on the sofa with her head in her hands, "Momma? Are you okay?" I ask.  She looks up at me and holds her hand out for mine, "Gran passed away last night, baby. I got the call early this morning, and I just called to make funeral arrangements." she chokes out.  Suddenly my whole world came crashing down around me, and I begin sobbing uncontrollably. ride or biggest fan...gone! Momma embraces me tightly as we cry on each other's shoulders for a moment. She breaks the embrace and holds my shoulders with her hands, "I need to call your brother. I set the funeral for this coming Saturday at 1 pm." She sniffles as she reaches out for her phone to dial his number. I amble back to my room as she calls him. Once I enter, I plop down onto my bed, sobbing. My heart is literally broken, and I wish I had someone to talk to. I not only lost my Gran, but I also broke up with Nate. Wow, this blows! I pick up my phone to look through my contacts, trying to find someone I can call when I come across Brie's number. She would want to know about Gran too. I dial her number; she picks up on the second ring, "What's up, heifer?" she answers.  I begin to sob, "Brie, it's Maggie." I choke out.  "Hey, Maggie, are you okay?"  "No, I'm not okay. Gran passed away last night." I sniffle. "No! Oh, my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss, darlin." I really can't even speak at this moment; my heart is literally broken. I attempt to pull myself together, but she breaks the awkward silence between us, "Is there anything I can do for you?" she asks.  "Her funeral is Saturday at 1:00 pm, is there any way you can come?" I ask.  "Sure, I'll see if I can get off work. You know what? Nevermind, I will make it happen. I promise. I'll see you Saturday." "Thank you, I miss you so much," I tell her. "I miss you too, sweet girl. I love you, heifer." "I love you, Hugh Heffnah," I respond before disconnecting the call.  I walk back out into the living room to check on Momma. She is quietly sobbing on the sofa covered in an afghan, "How did he take it?" I ask as I approach her. She wipes the tears from her eyes with a tissue, "Not good." She says as she sniffles.  I sit there in silence with her, rubbing her back and watching as she just quietly sobs while holding the tissue to her nose, "Momma?" I ask.  "Yes?" she asks before blowing her nose with the tissue.  "Are you going to be okay tonight while I go to work?"   "I'll be fine darlin, go on and go to work. Don't worry about your Momma. Gran was old, and she lived her life. I'm just sad, is all." She replies.  "You don't need me to call in?"  "No, honey. I'll be fine. I promise. I may call and see if I can get the grandkids tonight. I'm not sure yet, but that might help cheer me up if anything else."  I chuckle, "Okay, well, I'm going to get ready for work."  I stroll down the hallway and jump into the shower to get myself cleaned up and ready for work. Once I'm finished, I quickly get myself groomed and head out the door.  A few moments pass, and I pull up in the parking lot of Tito's and stroll in to start my shift. The bar is packed tonight, and it's a nice distraction. I'm still heartbroken over Gran, and I'm even a little bit sad over Nate. I can't really explain why I'd be sad over Nate, but being here helps keep my mind occupied on other things.  Mr. Miller strolls in tonight while his wife is at work after his shift is up. The regulars make their way in and out, and by closing time, I'm worn out. Alisha left early, around 2:00 am, while I was cleaning a sink full of her dirty dishes. I don't mind, though. I could use a little music therapy after we close. Todd has hired several security guards over the last few months, but they all seem to quit when the Vance family strolls in, causing trouble like they own the place. Right now, it's just me closing up the bar tonight alone, and I couldn't be happier.   After I've finished cleaning up and counting the drawer, I sneak into the back and plop down on the bench in front of the piano. I playfully run my fingers across the keys and smile ear to ear. I'm going to play my heart out and drown in my sorrows. I decided to sing Hallelujah since it's one of Gran's favorite songs. I gaze up at the ceiling; this one is for you, Gran. Once my fingers move across the keys to play the melody, I begin to sing... Now I've heard there was a secret chord..that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do ya?... Everything else starts to fade. I get lost in the melody. It's's Gran. Until... Dominic's POV I finally got my first job at Tito's Bar since I moved here from Los Angeles. It took a long time for me to find something. I've been living off my savings for two months now. I don't regret coming here, although there isn't much to do in Laurel like there is in Los Angeles. I just decided one day that I would be adventurous and pick a place to live on a map with my eyes closed, and it just so happened to be Laurel, Mississippi. What are the odds of anywhere I could live, it had to be this place? I'm hoping it's fate bringing me here because so far I can tell you it doesn't give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. My accent throws everyone off here, and I'm sure that's why I've had trouble finding work. I'm originally from Venice, Italy. I came to the United States chasing the big dream and settled in Los Angeles. I met my now ex-wife Suki there. We fell on hard times, and she couldn't handle it, so she left me, and so that's when I decided to leave. I have nothing there to tie me down. Here's to new beginnings and new adventures, I tell myself as I take a shot of my bourbon and sit it down at the kitchen island. I told my boss, Todd, that I'd run and check on the place when it closed tonight to make sure the bartender that's closing tonight is safe. I guess she was robbed a few months ago at gunpoint, poor kid. I glance at the clock and realize it's 3:00 am now. s**t, I better head out now. I grab my keys and my wallet and head out on my bike towards Tito's.  When I get there, I find a red Volkswagon parked in the parking lot. I stroll up and check the front door to find it's locked.  I take the keys that Todd had made for me, and I unlock the front door. As soon as I walk in, I can hear someone playing the piano. There's nobody in the front, so I follow the sound of the melody, and it leads me to the back room. Whoever is playing is incredible! I tiptoe down the hall, and I peek around the doorway to find the most beautiful blonde sitting in front of the piano. Her fingers move effortlessly along the piano keys. Thankfully she doesn't notice me because her eyes are closed. As she opens her mouth, her angelic voice echoes throughout the room, and I'm captivated by her...  Now I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do ya? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth. The minor fall and the major lift. The baffled king composing, Hallelujah!" She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in all of my life, "Bellissimo Angelo (Beautiful Angel)," I utter breathlessly.  She's so consumed by the music, and in return, I'm so consumed by her that I can barely contain myself. Is this the bartender that I'm looking out for? God, I hope so! I listen as she gets up high with the notes. Her voice is the most beautiful angelic thing I've ever heard. I try not to even budge because I don't want to disrupt her. She finishes the last hallelujah and hangs onto that last note for a few seconds. My heart skips a beat, "Allucinante! (Incredible!)" Once she finishes, she places her head in her hands and begins to sob. I am not sure what to do because I don't want to startle her. I begin to approach her quietly, "Excuse me, Miss?" Startled, she jumps up from the bench and begins to back away from me. I reach out my hand to her, "Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you. I am Dominic Rossi, the new security guard." I tell her as I hold up my key.  She begins to relax, "How long have you been standing there?" she asks with her eyes down, avoiding my gaze. "Long enough to hear the most beautiful angelic voice I've ever heard," I tell her. Her cheeks flush, and she avoids eye contact with me as she passes. It was at that moment I realized my life would never be the same...
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