Chapter 4 - A Man Has Needs

1650 Words
As we enter, I grab the remote from the nightstand and plop down onto the bed to watch television as he shuts the door behind him. I'm really not tired, and I'd almost drive home tonight if I were in my car, but I just hate to be rude. His family is so warm and inviting, and he's just... not.  He reaches down, takes the remote from my hands, turns off the television, and sets it on the nightstand. Then he lifts off my top over my head, "Nate, what are you doing?" I whisper.  "A man has needs," He responds as he leans in to kiss me on the lips. I try not to let it gross me out, but he tastes and smells like an ashtray; it is nauseating.  He pulls my boots off before working to unbutton my pants. Once they are unbuttoned, he yanks them down. I lift myself off the bed as he pulls them off, throwing them to the floor. Then he yanks my panties down before pulling them off, "Nate! Your parents are probably still awake." I whisper, trying to warn him.  He covers my mouth with his hand, "Shh...they won't hear us if you don't speak. I miss you so much, Maggie. I'm sorry I acted nasty today. I'm just missing being with you like this. God, you smell so good." he says as he leaves a trail of kisses from my neck down to my navel.  Jesus, his mood swings are giving me whiplash! I can hardly keep up. I close my eyes and try to enjoy the sensation he gives me, but I'm still pretty upset with him. He inserts his finger through my slit, and I cringe as he roughly flicks my clit with his index finger, and I begin to squirm. It's really uncomfortable, but he always mistakes that for me being turned on despite how many times I've told him I don't enjoy it. I don't want to upset him and have a confrontation, so I try to will myself to lay back and relax even though my legs are jerking and shaking as a result.  Suddenly he jams his finger into my core, and his knuckles press hard into my sensitive area. I yelp in response, my entire body tenses and not in a good way. I close my eyes and grasp the comforter. Christ! This is worse than getting a pap smear! He stops thankfully right before I get ready to smack him upside his head, and he wraps his arms around my thighs and inserts his tongue into my slit, flicking my clit, "Ahhh! Nate." I cry out as I buck wildly at him. God, this is absolute torture! This man knows nothing about foreplay. As he begins to increase his speed, I can no longer stand it, so I reach up and push him away, "Sorry, that was pretty intense. I need you to f**k me," I tell him.  He stands at the bedside, smiling down at me as if he's just given me the best o****m of my life, and unzips his zipper. Lord, I'm so thankful the foreplay is over. I can at least tolerate the f*****g. He's just kind of average in the sack. I don't have anyone to compare him to, but I can tell you there is no way he's a stallion in the bedroom.  He pulls his pants down and steps out of them before pulling his boxers down. His erect c**k springs free, and he positions himself between my legs. He's panting loudly as he runs his c**k along my slit. Despite his best efforts to get me turned on, I'm dry as a bone down there, which doesn't feel very pleasant. He expectorates into his hand and rubs it along my slit for lubrication. Oh, be still my beating heart! I roll my eyes and spread my legs open so we can get this over with.  He positions himself between my legs and thrusts his c**k into me. I'm really trying to focus on getting turned on, but it's tough. The smell of stale cigarettes lingers on his breath, so I close my eyes and turn my head. He reaches up and inserts the finger he had in my p***y into my mouth to suck on before I realize what he's doing. It tastes of the saltiness of my arousal if that's what you want to call it and, of course, cigarettes. I force a smile on my face and fake moan so he will hurry up and finish what he's doing. He immediately reaches his c****x when I begin to moan and collapses on top of me, panting, sticky with perspiration. After he recovers, he rolls over next to me on the bed, panting, "Thanks, I needed that," he whispers before pushing off the bed. He begins to get himself dressed while I lay there, trying to make sense of what just happened. That was a total s**t show! A dumpster fire, let me tell you, "Going out for a smoke, be back." He says as he throws his shirt on and grabs his smokes out of his jacket before exiting the room.  I roll off the bed, throw my clothes on, and quietly tiptoe down the hallway to the bathroom to get myself washed up before bed. You would think after all this time that the man would know exactly how to please me. I've dated him on and off since I was a sophomore in high school. That's six long years! I just want to feel something good for a change when I'm with him. I'd love to experience an o****m just once before I die. Instead, I feel like a s*x object when we are together. He never takes the time out to ask me what I want because he doesn't care. It's all about what he wants.  I return to the bedroom, take off my sweater and jeans, fold them neatly on top of the dresser before throwing on one of his clean t-shirts he has hanging in the closet.  I crawl into the side of the bed closest to the window. He returns moments later and strips down to his boxers, crawling into bed next to me. Before long, we are both passed out.  The next morning, we are awakened by the sound of Matilda barking to go outside. Nate's father scrambles to take her out quickly before she has an accident on the floor. Nate sits up in bed and stretches his arms up over his head while yawning, "You can use my toothbrush and deodorant that I leave here, and we can head out soon. I know you got your family's thing today. Sorry, I couldn't join you, but I'm hanging with Jeb, so he's not alone," He says as he begins hacking to break up the mucous in his throat.  I gaze up at the ceiling, "It's fine."  He jumps out of bed, quickly gets himself dressed, and grabs his smokes from the nightstand before walking outside to smoke. I throw on my sweater and jeans before tiptoeing out into the hallway to the bathroom to brush my teeth, use his deodorant, and clean myself up. When he comes back in, he goes into the restroom to get himself cleaned up as well.  I stroll out into the dining area to find Nate's parents having a cup of coffee at the table in their robes.  Lola enters wearing her pink polka dot pajamas, rubbing her eyes.  I approach her and pull her in for an embrace, "I will miss you so much, Lola," I tell her.  She squeezes me tightly, "I will miss you too, Maggie." I approach Nate's parents and give them a big hug before Nate exits the bathroom. We gather our things, he bids them farewell, and we hop into his Blazer and take off down the road, en route back to Laurel.  I was silent on the drive home. He smoked like a chimney, of course, and had his music blaring over the speakers. It was so loud that I could hardly think, so I gazed out the window to admire the scenery.  After a while, I decided to test him to see how well in tune he is with me. I place my hand on the middle console to see if he would take it, but he never does, so I give up and place it on my lap. He doesn't appear to have a clue what I'm doing. Ugh! Nate, you are failing every test I try to give you! I sigh audibly and turn away from him, "What?" He asks.  "Nothing, just tired is all," I mumble.  I know I want to break it off with him, but he's driving me home. This is not the time to break the news to him, or I'd probably be hitchhiking the rest of the way home.  He flashes a smirk and then starts to mouth the words to some God-awful song that's playing on the radio. I bite my lip to keep the laughter from escaping as I fantasize about punching him right in the nose. His face even annoys me right now, but I resist the urge and turn away from him, continuing to gaze out the window. I realize I have a lot to think about, but I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye to Nate for good.  After a few hours, Nate pulls in front of my house to drop me off. I see the whole gang already parked along the road. I don't ask Nate to join us because, frankly, I've had enough of his grumpy ass for one day. I grab my things and carry them all inside. Nate backs out of the drive and takes off like a bat out of hell down the road.
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