Death Did NOT Come For Her (Part 3) - May 15, 2017 1500

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“As we lay our sister and friend to rest, we ask that she watch over us with the love and kindness she always showed each of us. We will press on living to honor her memory with love in our hearts,” the minister spoke with compassion in his voice. "Heavenly Father spoke of death in Genesis saying ’By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.’ For centuries, we have done so as humans. Many of us have been touched by the life and actions of our sister, Anara. While many will remember her for the visual works we see on the screen or the recording of her music, there are many others she touched with her works of compassion and love towards her fellows, especially the least of us." There were soft sobs and crying through the crowd of hundreds present at the graveside. There had been many more who had attended the funeral session with even more who attended the viewing. The guestbooks had to be replaced three times before the funeral attendees arrived. Jan stood at the graveside next to Mary watching and listening. He was amazed at the faces he didn’t see.  Many who claimed to be Anara’s friends and confidants, including her agent, Miki, were missing from the hundreds in attendance. He shook his head when he spied a face he had not seen in years. The minister was concluding the service and prayer as Jan watched the figure. “As her spirit goes to our Heavenly Father in his palace on high, we mourn her loss. However, it is up to us to let her go in this short separation. We, therefore, commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life in the eternities of time.” The casket was closed again. Jan stepped forward with Mary to put the red roses on the top in the form of an x. As the casket lowered the minister picked up a hand full of dirt and tossed it onto the casket. Mary started to cry again turning to her fiancé for support as Jan stood alone swallowing his own pain. He would not publicly show his grief. The attendees moved past the casket tossing roses and dirt into the grave. Jan refused to throw dirt at the casket. Anara never knew how Jan felt for her. Jan never had the courage to tell her. He was so honored just to have her friendship for all those years, asking for more seemed greedy. If she felt the same, she never said either. He knew she treasured his friendship and his protection. Yet, Jan never saw her with anyone the studio didn’t put her with. She never even pretended to be in love with any of them. Jan looked down at the casket thinking of her face and voice. He was going to miss her more than life itself, but no one could know. Jan looked up as he approached with the rose in his hand. “It’s been a long time Erick,” Jan said softly as to not break the solemnness of the grave. Erick looked up at Jan with the blue eyes which reminded him so much of Anara’s. There was a sad smile that took his lips before he said “Yes Jan, it has been. You honored her well with all of this. She would have been happy with it.” “I was only fulfilling her wishes. It would have been nice to have you to help.” “Yeah, well, Anara and I had not talked in many years, longer than you and I actually. I’m not sure I would have known what to do for her.” “Erick, what happened?” “It doesn’t matter now, does it? We can’t get the past back Jan. She’ll never know how sorry I am or be able to forgive me.” “Actually, Erick, she did forgive you. She forgave everyone who wronged her. You had to forgive yourself. You need to meet me tomorrow at her lawyer’s office.” Erick looked at Jan with disbelief as he said “What do you mean?” “You are in her will. I don’t know what, but I know she left you something.” “As long as it’s not that dog…” Jan laughed softly remembering how much Anara loved that little puppy while Erick hated it. He sighed finally before saying “No, Hela died a year ago of old age. Anara hadn’t managed to find another she loved as much.” “Oh,” said Erick as the tightness in his throat seemed to choke him. He looked down at the casket. “Was she alone?” “What do you mean?” “Was she alone when she died?” Jan sighed as people continued to file past the lowered casket dropping in roses. It looked like a hundred or so were already scattered atop it. “Erick, we don’t know,” he said finally. Erick looked at him confused. “I don’t understand,” he said. “I thought she died a natural death…” Jan looked around then motioned Erick to come to the side so they could talk softer and possibly unheard. Jan couldn’t turn his back on the grave, but he spoke softly to Erick saying “She was found alone. She was alone at home when I dropped her off, at least I believed so. Someone had to be hiding in the house or showed up later. Either way, the way they found her; the condition of her body suggests homicide. We’ve kept it quiet, but there is no way she died naturally.” “Jan, you were with her that night? Who would want to kill her? Everyone loved her.” “I don’t know, but the police are trying to find out.” Erick looked back at the grave his eyes finally filling up with tears. “Jan, I need to know everything. I need to know what happened to my sister.” “Tomorrow,” Jan said. “Meet me at 10 at my office. We will talk. Then we can go to the lawyer’s together.” Erick nodded pushing his blond hair back out of his eyes. He watched the people filing by his sister’s grave. So many people loved her. She touched so many lives. Who hated her enough to kill her?
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