
1646 Words
Olivia I arrived at the restaurant early, still feeling unsure about meeting Logan. He has been avoiding him since our last encounter. I bet Jamie's threats had worked on him. I spotted him sitting at a table by the window and made my way towards him. He stood up as I approached, a smile on his face. "Hi Miss Olivia," he said, holding out a chair for me. "Thanks for coming." I took a seat, feeling a little nervous. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. "I came up with a solution," He began, leaning forward. "It's a bit unconventional, but I think it's the best way to keep both of our reputations intact." I raised an eyebrow, already feeling skeptical. "What do you mean?" "Well," he hesitated, "I will take you to my family house and tell them you're my friend's cousin sister who came for an internship and needed a place to stay. That way, you will be able to be taken care of and they won't assume we're involved romantically. Our secret will be safe." I was taken aback, feeling my face flush with anger. "Absolutely not," I said firmly. "I won't pretend to be someone I'm not just to save your reputation." It's always about his reputation. Logan sighed, looking defeated. "I understand how you feel Miss Olivia. But think about it, what will the society say if they found out about your pregnancy? Your reputation will be ruined,and it will affect your career prospects. This is the only way to protect both of us." I sat there in silence, contemplating his words. He had a point. As unfair as it was, women were often judged harshly for their actions, especially in conservative circles. And I couldn't risk my career just because of one mistake. "I don't think we should result to this. I can take care of myself pretty fine without your help" "What about my reputation?"He blurted out. "Reputation? It's only about your reputation. Are you afraid I will run my mouth to the public?" he was a bit taken aback by my outburst but later heaved out a deep breath. "Look here Miss Olivia, in this world we only care about ourselves. When we get bashed in the eyes of the world, no one will able to bring us back to our old self. And this is a win win situation. I'm not running away from my responsibility. This is me doing the needful" An annoyed chuckle escaped me as I gulped down the glass of water in one go. "You're wrong Mr. Logan. We shouldn't live to impress the world instead we should live for ourselves. That is the mistake a lot of people are making. We do things to impress people and not caring whether we're okay with it. If that's how you think, then I'm sorry, you don't have to take the responsibility. We don't have to contact each other again. Goodbye" I pulled the chair back and stood up. With my heart heavy, I exited the restaurant I didn't look back. I couldn't. The weight of his words hung heavily on my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to agree to his plan. It just didn't feel right. I made my way back to my apartment, lost in thought. I knew Logan was right about the society we lived in, but it didn't make it any easier to accept. I couldn't believe I was in this situation. I had always been so careful, so calculated. And yet, one mistake had led me down this path. As I entered my apartment, my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a message from Logan. "I'm sorry Miss Olivia. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to find a way to make this right." I stared at the message for a moment, feeling conflicted. Part of me wanted to forgive him and accept his plan, but the other part of me couldn't shake the feeling that it was wrong. After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided to reply. "I appreciate your concern Mr Logan. But I can't go through with your plan. I'll figure something out on my own." I hit send and let out a deep breath. It was time to take matters into my own hands. Few minutes later, Jamie barged in. "How did it go Liv?" She asked crashing next to me. I didn't say anything for some seconds trying to collect myself first. "Talk to me? Did he tell you rubbish again? I swear if-" "Calm down Jamie" I profound taking a deep breath before breaking the news to her. I looked at Jamie, my heart heavy with the weight of my decision. "He came up with a solution," I said slowly, "but I don't know if I can go through with it." "What solution?" Jamie asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "He wants me to pretend to be his friend's cousin sister who came for an internship and is looking for a place to stay," I explained. "He'll take me to his family's house, and we'll stay there until he finds another alternative" Jamie's eyes widened in shock. "That's crazy," she exclaimed. "You can't go through with that. It's not fair to you." "I know," I said, tears stinging my eyes. "But he's right. If the society finds out, it will ruin my reputation and my career prospects." "But what about your happiness?" Jamie asked, her voice softening. "What about your future?" "I don't know," I admitted. "But I can't let this mistake define my life." Jamie hugged me tightly. "Whatever you decide to do, Liv, I'll be here for you," she said firmly. "You're not alone in this." I nodded, feeling grateful for Jamie's unwavering support. "Thank you," I whispered. "I don't know what I would do without you." "We'll get through this together," she replied, squeezing my shoulder before standing up. "Let me make us something to eat. I'm sure you have not eaten anything" I couldn't help but let out a smile. She knows me too well. I watched as Jamie disappeared into the kitchen, feeling grateful for her presence in my life. Despite the difficult situation, I knew I could count on her to support me. As I waited for her to prepare the food, my mind raced with thoughts of what to do next. I couldn't just sit and do nothing, but I didn't want to resort to Logan's plan either. The rest of the afternoon went by and all I could think of was our conversation with Logan. No matter what I couldn't think of any option. How do I take care of the baby alone when I have no money? I can't leave the burden to my grandmother. She's old and needed the care from me. And if she found out about my situation, she'd be devastated. Going to the countryside to live with my grandma wouldn't solve the problem. As I sat in bed, with no slight of sleep in my eyes. Different thoughts and scenarios kept rolling in my brain. My phone buzzed beside me. My vision turned blurry seeing the picture of Alex and his wife in a beach. Their lips sealed together and the caption went on 'My man!' I sighed and put the phone down, feeling a pang of jealousy. I couldn't help but think about how easy it was for some people to have a happy ending. But for me, everything seemed to be falling apart. But wait.... If Alex could move on and be happy why can't I? Why should I be the only one falling apart? If this baby inside me is the glimmer of happiness I will have in the future, why should I suffer alone. Without thinking, I grabbed my phone once again and dial. "Hello-" "Mr. Logan, I will accept your request only if you agree to accept mine" I uttered feeling some sort of encouragement. There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Logan replied, "Okay, I'm listening. What's your request?" "I want us to enter into a co-parenting agreement," I said firmly. "I don't want to go through this alone, but I also want to make sure I would be left out in the future. We can share custody of the child and split the expenses equally. And also, I want us to get married first" "What? Marriage?" I could hear the sharpness in his voice. "Yes marriage. I can't risk staying at your family house just like that. And the co-parenting agreement isn't enough. I'm sure you will be able to do this if you want to save your reputation. And then our secret will be safe. Just between you and me" I didn't know how I got the strength from all of a sudden. The idea of taking matters in my own hands sounds good. There was a moment of silence before Logan spoke up, "I can't say I expected that. Let's talk more about the details tomorrow. We can meet at the park at noon." "Why going to the hassle. I will send you my address. You know to save yourself from prying eyes" I ended with a light smile. I heard his sharp breath from the other end before he answered. "Alright. Do so" I nodded, feeling relieved that he was going according to my books. "Okay, I'll see you then." As I hung up the phone, a wave of uncertainty washed over me. Was this really the right decision? Am I making a mistake by involving Logan in my life again? But then when I thought of my baby, and the hope it brought me, I knew that I had to do whatever it takes to give it the best life possible.
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