Chapter 1

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Year 4 1994 //The Quidditch World Cup// “Robyn?” A voice echoed and Robyn let out a small groan, “Robyn?! Wake up!” Robyn’s eyes snapped open as the person shouted. She gasped loudly at the sight of Hermione leaning above her, “Robyn, are you alright? I came up to get you but I saw you thrashing in your sleep.” Robyn nodded touching her scar at the back of her neck as it prickled painfully, “I’m fine.” She dismissed sitting up, showing her tank top and pajama shorts, “What are you doing here?” “I arrived a few minuet’s ago.” Hermione answered, “Mrs Weasley sent me up to wake you, Harry and Ron.” Robyn nodded and pulled herself from the bed as she said, “I’ll be down in a minute.” Hermione nodded and left the room and Robyn walked into her bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth as she gazed at herself in the mirror. Robyn Lily Potter had changed very much over the course of the summer holidays. For one, she had changed her hairstyle into a block fringe that hung just above her eyebrows, after a recommendation from Hermione. Another, was that she, her brother as well, seemed much happier. Ever since they had found out about their godfather, Sirius Black, they had been excited at the prospect of living with him one day and had been owling him everyday. And the third thing, was that she had decided to forget about the mysterious kiss that had occurred in a broom cupboard. She thought it best to not dwell on it and wonder who the boy was. Her reasoning was, it could be someone she hated. So, Robyn left it to rest and pretended it was all a dream - or ignored it entirely. She walked out of the bathroom and saw that Ginny was already downstairs and she walked into the wardrobe and picked out clothes and dressed and then tied her hair into a side pony tail that hung over her shoulder. Then, she grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder and then strolled out the room, off to the Quidditch World Match. *** An hour later, Robyn, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Mr Weasley, Fred, George and Ginny had left The Burrow and were now walking through the forest that went on for miles beside the Weasly's house. Robyn walked between Ginny and Hermione with her brother and Ron behind them. "How do you think we're going to get there?" She asked Ginny and Hermione, "Maybe apparation?" Ginny suggested, "Or by car?" Hermione shrugged just as Ron yelled from behind them, “Dunno” answered Ron honestly “Hay, dad! Where are we going?" Robyn looked back at her brother from between then looked at Mr Weasley, “Havent the foggiest, keep up!” Called back Mr Weasley and Robyn raised an eyebrow and shared a confused glance with Hermione and Ginny. Then, a small plump man came walking around the corner from behind a tree, “Arthur!” Greeted the man cheerfully, “It’s about time son!” “Sorry, Amos.” Appologied Mr Weasley looking back at Harry and Ron, Robyn giggled as Ron yawned widely “Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the ministry.” A boy, a few years older than Robyn, jumped from a tree above them and landed beside Mr Diggory, “And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?” Mr Weasley held his hand out to Cedric, “Yes sir." Cedric confirmed, Robyn looked between Ginny and Hermione and they exchanged small giggles but as they walked past Mr Diggory Robyn was stopped by Amos as he gasped then grinned, “Merlin’s beard, you must be Robyn Potter!” She looked up at him just as Harry and Ron joined them, “And Harry Potter!" “Yes sir.” Nodded the pair as Ron walked past them, Amos held his hand out to Robyn and she shook it but he did it with such excitement that her whole body shook with it. “Great, great pleasure.” Commented the man then held his hand out to Harry, who shook it also, “Please to meet you too sir.” Robyn said and the man grunted in agreement. before walking between the two and patting them each on the back hard and pushing them to follow the Weasley’s. A little later and they had exited the forest and were now in an open field. Robyn walked beside her brother up a small slope of a hill. She glanced at her brother with a small smile then looked at Mr. Diggory, who was a little ahead of her, as he called, “Yes, just over there.” Robyn furrowed her brow as she tried to see what was on top of the hill but she couldn't. Ginny jogged ahead of them and stopped at the top of the hill and frowned, Robyn followed with her brother behind Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory and the others. As she reached the top of the mount, she raised an eyebrow as she saw the others crowding around a single, small, boot. She and Harry shared a glance of confusion with her brother before walking over to it with Ron and her brother. “Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?” asked Harry, “This isn’t just any manky old boot, mate.” Contradicted Fred, ahead of them, George finished with a wide grin, “It’s a port key." “Time to go!” shouted Mr Weasley and Robyn looked down at the boot is disbelieve, “What’s a port key?” Harry questioned and Robyn shrugged as she leaned down and placed her hand on the boot, copying the actions of everyone else, “Ready? After three.” Said Amos Diggory, “One…Two…” Robyn gulped Robyn glanced at her brother who was still staring at everyone as though they were insane, Mr Weasley snapped loudly, “Harry!” Her brother quickly slapped his hand on the boot just as Mr. Diggory yelled, “Three!” Robyn’s mind went. They spun around the small boot and then rose high into the air, Robyn let out a scream and held onto the boot as she closed her eyes and everything became a blur. She heard people screaming and laughing around her. She almost felt sick her her stomach churning and she grimaced. Suddenly, she felt a yank at her navel and her eyes snapped open and looked around at everyone. “Let go kids!” laughed Mr Weasley of the howling around them. Robyn and Hermione shrieked, “What?!” “Let go!” Robyn released the boot at Mr Weasley’s words, very reluctantly, and she went flying backward screaming with her legs and arms flailing wildly. Her eyes widened in fear as she tumbled down what seemed like a grey tunnel. Then, she smacked into the ground with a loud thump. She was lying on her back with a groan escaping her lips from the pain. She fluttered her eyes closed then let out a shaky breath before opening her eyes and lifted herself onto her forearms to see Cedric, Mr Weasley and Mr Diggory running through the air and landing softly on the ground. Mr Weasley laughed softly, “I bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?” Cedric walked over to her with his his held out to her and a smile on his face. She smiled gratefully and took it and Cedric pulled her up to her feet, “Thank you.” Muttered Robyn, blushing slightly, he shot her a flash of his perfect teeth before he left and to his father. She locked her eyes with Ginny and Hermione as he left, they were giggled and winking at her. She and walked over to Hermione and Ginny, “’Thank you’”. Hermione and Ginny imitated mockingly in an overly high-pitched voice. Robyn shoved them playfully, feeling her cheeks heating up, “Shut up.” Robyn mumbled with the ends of her lips twitching in a smile. The three girls followed the others, Harry lagging behind slightly, to the edge of a small hill and looked down. Robyn’s jaw dropped as she saw a sea of people and tents, and it seemed to reach for miles and the colours red and green blurred the crowd and people on broomsticks flew around showing off their love for the sport. Hogwarts got excited about the game - but this was a whole other level. “Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!” Announced Mr Weasley proudly, Robyn looked at Harry who see his eyes widened in amazement and it made her smile, she knew how much he loved Quidditch. Robyn liked the sport but Harry loved it. She glanced at the others around her before walking down the hill with the them, the smile never leaving her face. As they made their way through the crowd, Robyn's eyes couldn't move fast enough to take it all in. Jugglers walked through the crowd merrily, different types and styles of tents, people with elaborate hats and outfits, blurs of green and white - Ireland - and also of black and red - Bulgaria. The Weasley family, Robyn, Harry and Hermione would be supporting Ireland. Mr. Weasley called back to them as Robyn, Hermione and Ginny lagged behind, looking around in awe, “Come on! Keep up girls!” Robyn gasped a laugh as she watched a wizard held a simple rose and, in a small poof, a white and green dove appeared and began singing the Irish anthem. They all ducked as a man on a broomstick flew just over their heads waving his hat widely. She grinned widely and started humming the Irish national anthem. Mr. Diggory and Cedric had left a few minutes prior to their own tend, promising to meet them at the match. “Ah." Ginned Mr Weasley, “Were here”. Robyn looked at the small camping tent in confusion as she they stopped beside them, “Home sweet home.” She had no idea how they were all going to fit into that tent - there was seven of them! She, Hermione and Ginny shared an incredulous glance before walking into the tent after Mr. Weasley and Fred and George. The wizarding world had never cease to amaze her. It reminded her of the muggle TV show Doctor Who: Small on the outside, bigger on the inside. It was massive inside. It reminded her of a marquee that was decorated in red and white. There were rooms coming off the center and a fully set kitchen and dinning room. Robyn's jaw was dropped in awe and she ran her eyes around the place just as Mr. Weasley grinned, "Girls. Choose a bed and unpack!" Robyn glanced at Hermione and Ginny before they ran to the room with three beds. She then tossed her bag onto the bottom bunk and turned around but was met with a pillow by Ginny. Robyn gasled softly then laughed, “Oh it is so on, Weasley!” She picked up one of her own pillow’s and swung it at Ginny lightly and soon all three were laughing as they had a large pillow fight with feathers fluttering around them. *** “Blimey dad, how far up are we?” It was late evening now and the crowds in the fields had disappeared, it was almost like a no one had been there. They were all now in the large stadium where lights blared brightly and there where blurs of green and red around the stadium, large screens advertised companies products. The Weasley's, Hermione, Harry and Robyn ascended the steps upward continuously, hence Ron's question. Robyn ran her eyes around in awe then a voice drawled, “Well put it this way,” Robyn and the other’s looked down to see Malfoy senior and junior looking up at them from the level underneath with smirks on their faces. Robyn shifted her gaze to Draco and saw that he had changed during the summer, he was much taller tand his hair was more tamed but still had its pail blonde colour, his jaw also seemed more defined, “if it rains…you’ll be the first to know.” Robyn’s stared down at Malfoy junior with a blank expression as he began to speak, “Father and I are in the minister’s box,” He bragged Malfoy“by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Robyn moved around the small box they were in and headed toward the steps, but her eyes followed Malfoy who, as it seemed, had his gaze fixed on her but she shook it off. “Don’t boast, Draco.” Snapped Mr Malfoy, poking his son harshly in his chest with his cane, Robyn raised an eyebrow at the abuse, then turned to look up at them, “There’s no need with these people.” Robyn felt start to Harry pulled her around but something hooked onto her foot and she turned to see Mr Malfoy’s cane on her shoe as he smirked up at her, “Do enjoy yourself won’t you. While you can.” He removed his cane and Robyn took a small step back to Harry, still watching the Malfoy’s walk away but with Malfoy Junior sending a final glance at them. She stared at him with a blank expression. He watched her for a few more seconds they looked forward, his back to her. *** Robyn clapped with a great smile on her face as the Weasley twins danced around the tent supporting the Irish flag chanting loudly in the tent. It was 3 hours later and Ireland had won. Ireland - 170 : 160 - Bulgaria However, the game ended with Krum catching the snitch just like the Weasley twins had predicted - meaning they won their bet with Barty Crouch. Robyn giggled and clapped happily as she joined in the song of the Irish national anthem . “There’s no one like Krum!” Announced Ron standing on the table and Robyn looked up at him then at the twins, “Krum?” Repeated Fred deeply, “Krum?” Copied his twin , “He’s like a bird the way he rides the wind.” Ron continued seriously as Fred and George moved around him flapping their wind. Robyn rolled her eyes playfully, "He’s more than an athlete,” Ron through of the green and silver flag his brother had thrown on him. “he’s an artist.” “Think you’re in love, Ron?” Ginny sighed smirking, walking past him, "Forbidden love." Robyn teased and Ron narrowed his eyes at her then tossed the flag at her, “Shut up, Robyn!” Ron laughed and she peeked out the flag as the Weasley twins broke out into song, “Viktor I love you! Viktor, I do!” Harry had joined in now and they all sang to Ron, “When we’re apart my heart beats only for you!” Suddenly, there was a loud scream and the sound of things falling over, stopping the song as Fred commented with a snigger, “Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." She nodded in agreement just as Mr. Weasley ran over and broke apart Ron and George, his face deadly serious. Robyn frowned as she watched Mr. Weasley turned to look at all of them with alarm, “It’s not the Irish. We’re got to get out of here. Now!” Robyn looked at Harry and he shrugged a little before pulling her out of the tent. The moment she saw the scene she understood the fear in Mr. Weasley's eyes. It was complete and utter chaos. People were screaming and running, as if for their lives, everywhere she looked and fire blazed a little away from them. There was loud cries of pain and fear breaking through the ear and trampling feet that rung in her ears. Her eyes widened and she gripped her brothers hand as they walked through the crowd. Mr. Weasley looked at everyone and yelled over the screams,“Get back to the port key everybody and stick together! Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility." Robyn’s feet were stuck to the ground as if she was in a trance but a harsh tug from Harry brought he back to reality and she looked at him with panicked expression, “Come on!” He shouted at her and pulled her toward Hermione, she followed him quickly with her eyes darting left and right at the horrid sight. They walked deeper into the crowd nervously, trying to stick as close together as possible. At first, Robyn thought she had a tight grip on her brother but that was obviously not the case. This became apparent when a man barged between the twins, yanking Robyn completely from his grip and into the crowd, “Harry!” She shrieked, trying to get out the crowd, “Robyn! No!” She heard Harry yell loudly then she could no longer see him as she was sucked into the crowd. Robyn looked around but only saw a blur of faces everywhere she looked, her heart hammered as she was shoved left and right. She let out a whimper then began to call for her brother and friends but no one responded. Robyn snapped her head around hurriedly as she tried to get her bearings. The crackling of the fires, screams of the people and stamping of feet thundered in her ears. She felt her heart thump rapidly as adrenaline flooded her veins. She stepped forward but immedieatly lifted her foot away as she felt someone squishy. Her head darted down and she recoiled in terror when she saw someone lying motionless on the ground, covered in blood. Robyn's breath hitched in horror and she covered her mouth and stumbled away from it. Robyn looked around fearfully then her eyes stopped on a mass of wizard’s in long black robes with tall hoods walked in her direction, their face covered by a scull masks. They were shooting spells at people and lightening tents on fire. She stumbled backward and felt a bead of sweat run down her forehead from the heat of the fire. Then, a voice shouted from behind her, “What the hell are you doing?!” An arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her backward,“You truly are an i***t Potter." Her eyes widened as she realized she recognize that voice as Draco Malfoys. Robyn spun around to come face to the face with the tall blonde boy, he looked down at her with his grey eyes wide, “Come on!” He hissed and grabbed her hand and dragged her through the crowd, keeping a punishing grip on her hand - ensuring she didn't slip through his grip. His strides were so long, Robyn had to jog to keep up with him as he pulled her between people and tents. Robyn glanced back as the crowd of black-cloaked wizards began to get further away, “Who are they?” She asked fearfully, looking back at him. “Deatheater’s, Potter.” Snapped Malfoy not looking back at her but he yanked her closer to him as he went, “Followers of you-know-who.” Robyn’s eyes widened at the information, “B-But why…” “Now is not the time, Potter.” Malfoy growled and she nodded a little. She spotted a blast of blue light coming forward her and she let out a scream. Malfoy pulled her out the way to his chest then looked down at her and groaned, "Great. They'll recognise you soon." He dragged her behind a tent hurriedly then shrugged off his jacket and shoved it on her pulling the hood up over her head. It was a little big for her but covered her head in the hood and he said, “Keep this on. If they recognise you, they’ll kill you, do you understand?” There was no scene of worry for her but as if he would have a guilty conscious if he let her die. Without hesitation, Robyn nodded in response and Malfoy pulled her through the crowd of people and tents. She knelt her head down but looked around with her sharp eyes. She noticed a small stand a little away and she recognised it as the place near their port key. He halted to a stop and turned to her then glanced over her shoulder at the crowd around them then back at Robyn, "Go straight and you’ll find your blood traitor friends at the port key.” Robyn frowned at his comment about her friends but nodded a little, “And, Potter, don’t do anything stupid.” He added before he ran into the crowd. Robyn watched him go until his white hair was no longer visible. She blinked, trying to make sense of the situation. Robyn quickly shook her head and hissed at her self, not the time. She followed Malfoy's instructions and walked through the grounds straight then saw familiar faces. It was the Wasley family. Robyn broke out into a run, her hood falling off her head. Ginny looked up at her and her eyes widened at the sight of her, “It’s Robyn!” The other red heads and Hermione turned just as Robyn joined them and immediately Hermione hugged her tightly, “Oh my god, Robyn!” Hermione shrieked in her ear and Robyn winced, “What happened?!” She pulled back as saw Mr Weasley step forward and looked down at her with a concerned expression as he asked, “Are you alright, Robyn?” At her nod, Ron sighed softly, “You gave us a scare there Robyn." “Whose is that?” Robyn saw Hermione pointing to her jumper that Malfoy had given to her - she had forgotten to take it off. “Oh…um…I wore it before we left.” Robyn lied quickly and everyone nodded but Hermione looked unconvinced. She gulped then looked around when she noticed someone was missing, “Where’s Harry?” they all exchanged looks of nervousness “We don’t know” Hermione answered, “He got separated from us a little after you. We hoped that he had found you, but that apparently is not the case." *** “Harry!” “Harry!” “Harry, where are you!” “There he is!” Hermione said pointing out a black haired figure, a few tents away. Robyn jogged over to her brother thought the blackened tents. The events were over as the Death Eaters had apparated away from the place when the Ministry arrived and Robyn and the others still hand't found her brother - it had been over half-an-hour of searching before they finally found him. “We’ve been looking for you for ages." Groaned Ron as they stopped in front of him. Harry didn't responded and noticed a wild look his eyes and she frowned a little, “Thought we lost you." “What is that?” Harry asked, ignoring his friends comments, as looked up at the sky and Robyn followed his gaze to a a glowing green scull that hung in the air with a large snake slithering from its mouth. Suddenly, immense pain shot through Robyn’s scar and she clutched it hissing out softly. As the pain began to subdue, there was movement from behind her and she spun around to see blobs of smoke appear and voice shout, “Stupify!” Harry pulled his sister down, tucking her under his arm as Ron pulled Hermione down just as jets of red light fired just over their heads, Robyn let out a small yelped and moved closer to Harry as more spells were fired through the haze of smoke. “Stop! That’s my son!” Robyn looked up between her arms to see Mr Weasley charging toward them, “Ron, Harry, Robyn, Hermione are you alright?” He stopped before them as they stood and ran his eyes over them frantically. “We came back for Harry.” Ron said just as Barty Crouch appeard beside Mr Weasley pointing his wand between the four, “Which one of you conjured this?” Demanded Crouch and Robyn's throat worked at the deranged look in his eyes, “Crouch, you can’t possibly – “ Mr Weasley was cut off by Crouch, “Do not lie!” He yelled "You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!” “Crime?” repeated Robyn in confusion, “Barty, they’re just kids!” Mr Weasley tried to reason with the man, Harry asked, “What crime?” “It’s the dark mark.” Hermione muttered to the twins, “It’s his mark." “Voldemort?” gasped Harry and Robyn's eyes widened and she looked at the adults, “Those people tonight, in the mask…they’re his too, aren’t they.” Robyn said breathlessly, “His followers.” “Deatheaters.” Confirmed Mr Weasley turning to Crouch who was staring at the children suspiciously then looked at the adults around them then at the chidlren, “Follow me.” ordered Crouch walking backward, running his eyes over the area, “There was a man.” Harry interrupted quickly stepping forward and the Ministry wizards looked at him, “Before. There.” He pointed a little away from where Robyn and the other’s hand found him, “All of you, this way!” Demanded Crouch, his voice shaking slightly as he walked away, the other wizards following. Either ignoring Harry's comment or not hearing him. “A man, Harry?” Mr Weasley said carefully, as they stayed, “Who?” “I dunno” Harry answered, “I didn’t see his face.” Robyn looked at her brother not believing him but decided to probe him later about it. She lifted her gaze up the dark mark that hung in the air and felt a shiver run down her back.
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