Chapter 14

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Claudia's POV: So tonight I have tracked down one of the possible men. He's a businessman so he gets a plus for that because at least with being a businessman he has a chance of being a decent person. I wasn't really thinking about it before all of this about what kind of men these men would actually turn out to be. Just because they have the bloodlines doesn't make them respectable people with good intentions. The bloodlines can be any man out there, including ones with abusive or murderous behaviors. Of course, with the power I have, they wouldn't be able to hurt me but that doesn't mean I want to have the offspring of one of those types. I decided this time to wear a long floral skirt that reached my ankles with a lavender button-down shirt. I pull my hair back and add one of my golden hair snoods with pearls. It looked good with the contrast of my dark hair and copper skin. I also felt that it also brought out some of the colors in the floral skirt. I did a simple eyeliner and nude color lipstick. My look was effortless but that was me. This is how I usually look and how I like it. "So?" I heard Bella ask as I stepped out of the bedroom with my bag in my hands. "So?" I asked her back as I looked up at her before walking over to the counter to grab a few things. "Are you actually going to meet one of the guys tonight?" She asked me and I shrugged. "If I do, then maybe I will just f**k him in the restaurant and get it over with," I told her with silent humor laced in my voice. "Yeah, you! Miss all conservative and modest! You probably won't even let him give you a kiss in public!" She almost shouted as I walked around the counter and gave her a sarcastic smile. We both laughed while walking out of the cabin. I stopped abruptly just outside of the front door, causing Bella to run into me and causing me to take another step, almost stepping into him as he stood on the covered porch. "Jovian?" I asked softly in surprise. "What are you doing here?" I asked quickly before he or Bella could respond. "I came to check on you. To see how you were after yesterday," He responded genuinely. "As you can see, I'm fine," I told him, snapping a little unintentionally. "Claudia!" Bella hissed from behind me but I just ignored her. My eyes were on Jovian's and I couldn't pull them away from his. This ache in my heart is most painful when I'm around him and it's all because of how I feel along with knowing that it could never happen. I never should have come back here and reignited it even more. Back in Florida I knew I was too far away from him and knew that he would never come to an area with so much sun. It helped me heal or I should say, cope. "It's okay, Bella," He said in his deep voice that I fell for the first time I ever met him in that cabin. Even then I knew there was something about him that just drew me to him. If only it was possible, I wouldn't fight it like I have been. I would embrace it and dammit! I would be the happiest woman alive! Instead of being this miserable b***h. His eyes pulled away from mine for a brief second to look at Bella as he nodded before looking back down at me. "We're in a hurry, Jovian if you don't mind," I told him and I took a step to the side to pass him but before I could get around him, he stepped as well and stood in front of me. "We need to talk, more than what we have done recently." He told me. I sighed and put my arms around my chest and glared up at him. Doing what I could to show him that I was not in the mood and tried to make it look like we really were in a hurry even though we actually weren't. The man we were going to find was currently at the gym and he had just gotten there. I doubt he would only spend a few minutes there and figure we had more than enough time to catch up with him. At least, if anything, I can touch his skin for just a second. I have created a little tracking device, as you could call it. It's a cream that will soak into the skin and will stay with the host for up to a week before it will need to be reapplied. All I have to do then is use my crystal on a map with the cream cocktail that was used on the host and it will find their location instantly. No spells, no cutting my hand, just an easy way to track them. "I won't keep you very long and then you can continue with whatever you have that is so important," He told me, pulling me from my thoughts. The longer I stood there with him in my sight, the less I wanted to go and find that man. I wanted more than anything to just stay with him, all night. Not just for a few minutes like he says and not just for a few hours. "Fine, we can walk over here," I told him as I pointed with my hand towards the sidewalk that took you to the steps that took you down the side of the hill to the road below that would then lead you to town. "I'll be back shortly," I told Bella as I looked back at her over my shoulder. "It better be longer!" She shouted at me as I turned and headed down the front steps of the porch with Jovian next to me. We walked silently down the sidewalk in front of the house. Neither of us were talking. I didn't want to start the conversation because this wasn't a conversation I wanted to talk about. As we rounded the corner and to the side of the house, I felt his fingers slide around mine. He didn't grab all of my hand, just my fingers. He held them softly and I didn't pull my hand away from his. Regardless of how I have acted around him, and what I have said to him, or Bella, I didn't want to push him away. I wanted everything he could give me. "You're the one I want, Claudia." He started off by saying. "Jovian, I've told you before that we can never be anything other than at most, friends. We really shouldn't even be having s*x with each other," I reminded him. "I know. You've told me all of this before, multiple times but that doesn't change how I feel," He said as he stopped just before the steps heading down the hill. He turned towards me, causing me to turn and look up at him. I could see him clearly with the light of the moon cascading down through the trees and right on his face. He looked even more handsome in the moonlight. The way he looked made me want to reach up and pull him down to me for a kiss. It was taking everything that I had to refrain from doing so. "I also know that just being friends isn't something that you want either. I know you want more and I can give you more," He told me and this time, I did pull my hand out from his. "Give me more? How, Jovian? You're dead and will live forever. I won't. Destined to do everything that I am against. You may not have a real demon inside of you like the royal vampire line does but you are still considered a demon. Demons don't hunt you and you don't hunt them but I do. I hunt you both." I told him and he just looked down at me with a stoic gaze. "I am the royal witch. I am destined to protect the lives of humans from predators like you. I can't turn my eyes every time you need to feed. I can't ignore the fact that you will kill again and one of these times I will see it or hear of it. I can't pretend like it won't or doesn't happen. Do you have any idea what would happen in the supernatural realm if I were to know of your killings and not do anything about it?" I asked him seriously as I looked up at him, trying to read him the best that I could but I just couldn't. "This is why we can never be and for the sake of your life, we need to stay away from each other. Once I am done with what I need to do here, I plan on going back to Florida. It's best that I never know of your actions." I told him as I turned and started to walk away. "Claudia!" He shouted from behind me, causing me to stop. He quickly stood in front of me, looking deep into my eyes. I could tell he was thinking about what he wanted to say or do next. "I don't believe that is the real reason for you to be walking away from what we may have with each other," He finally said after several seconds of silence. "It may not be, but that's the reason I'm giving and it's the reason you need to accept," I told him and as soon as I said it, I felt my heart get tighter. "Goodbye, Jovian," I told him as I sidestepped and walked around him. He grabbed my arm quickly and pulled me around. My body hit his hard chest. The coolness of his body caused a pleasurable chill to run down my spine. I felt my heart start to race and I willed for it to slow down. I didn't want to alert him of how I was truly feeling but I knew that it was too late, he already knew. I could tell by the way he was looking at me and the way his hand slowly slid up the back of my neck and into my hair. His other hand went around my body and held me close to him as I stared up into his dark eyes which looked black in the moonlight. "You may want me to accept your reasoning for us not to be together, but you have yet to accept it yourself," He told me as he lowered himself till his lips lightly grazed over mine. I didn't stop him. For some reason, I just can't gain control of my actions whenever I am around him. I practically melt in his arms and want nothing but what he wants to do to me. I would probably even allow him to turn me even if that was a forbidden action of one of the royal laws. I closed my eyes, anticipating his lips on mine. I longed for the feel of his soft lips pulling and tugging on mine. I wanted to submit to him. I wanted to be ruled by him and let him dominate over my entire being. I thought I was never going to get the feeling and satisfaction of his lips. I almost thought I felt the cool air of him pulling away when really, it was the cold breath of his dead being. "You want me," He whispered just before he closed the gap and took my lips with his. He pulled me into his body even tighter, making sure to tell me that he wasn't going to let me go. I did nothing to tell him otherwise. I slowly reached up and put my hands around his neck and pulled him in deeper. I felt him ask for permission and I granted it. I allowed him to take over the kiss and dominate in every way possible. I allowed him to torture me with his tongue and the sting of his fangs. I yearned for the taste of him and I wasn't going to stop him. I took my fingers into his hair and squeezed them tightly, pulling at his hair and forcing him to release a growl from deep in his throat. The pain I induced was what I wanted. I wanted to bring out his inner beast. I wanted to induce pain and pleasure in me in the most intimate of ways. His fangs shot deep into my bottom lip. I hissed in pain but soon replaced it with a moan as the blood gushed into his and my mouth. He was quick to get as much as he could before healing the wound. I felt the need to force him into submission as well by forcing both of our tongues back into his mouth. His fingers tightened on my lower back and he pulled back on my hair. He pulled my head back and pulled me away from the kiss. "Be careful. Vampires are naturally dominant and we don't take submission lightly," He whispered into my neck and he lowered himself till his tongue ran across my skin and over the area of my fast-beating artery. "You need to be careful, I'm not your typical human," I said in a strained voice from my head being pulled back. "I will dominate over you," He said as he breathed deeply in my scent. "You also want me to punish you for the behavior you have had towards me. I can smell it in your arousal and in the scent of your blood," He whispered into my ear, causing me to suck in a deep breath. Just the sound of his voice and the words that he spoke caused me to feel the moisture pooling in my panties. I've never been with one that has caused me to get so aroused just by the sounds of their voice. Just the way he talked about punishing me was getting me overly worked up. My body was heating up in pleasure and arousal and my heart was beating hard and fast. He trailed his lips and cooled breath along the side of my neck till he reached my lips again. He kissed them softly. He slowly released his grip on my hair, allowing me to bring my head back to a more comfortable position. "I must go," I whispered in the kiss. Before he had a chance to stop me with another tempting kiss, I used my royal strength and pulled away from him. I walked quickly down the sidewalk, not looking behind me in fear that if I were to look at him in his lust filled state, I wouldn't be able to leave and I would run back to his arms. I quickly ran up the steps of the cabin and opened the door as fast as I could, slamming it behind me. I leaned my back on the door, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. "Well?" I suddenly heard, causing me to open my eyes to see Bella standing a few feet from me with her arms crossed over her chest. "Nothing happened. We need to go," I told her and quickly walked out of the cabin.
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