Chapter 20

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Claudia's POV: As soon as I sat in the car, I could immediately see that Bella was glaring at me and having the look of worry all mixed in one look. I'm sure she's upset with how I talked to Jovian but also worried about the man who followed me back to the car. Neither of which, I was in the mood to talk about. After a few seconds of silence and she saw that I wasn't going to elaborate on what had happened just now outside of the car, she finally put the the car in to drive and drove out of the parking lot. I was glad that Bella never said anything to me during the entire ride back to the cabin. I'm sure she will have more than enough to say or question once we get back, but at least for right now, I was able to sit here and think. I didn't have a lot to think about, really, other than the fact that it seems like the more I try to get this accomplished, the more I can see that this isn't going to work. Not going to work as in, to get this done in the timeline the Grand Witch has given me. I'm not sure how she expects me to do this in such a short time frame! I'm now down to two months and I'm no closer to getting this done than I was back in Florida, one month ago. Maybe I'm making it harder than it needs to be but I guess I'm not exactly the type to just jump in bed with the first one I find. That's how most of the head witches did it in the past, my mother included. Yet, for some reason, I just can't bring myself to do the same as the ones in the past. Maybe I want more out of this than any of the others. Even though I'm already seeing it isn't going to happen, maybe I would like to have more than a one-night stand with one of these men. Maybe I would like to continue some type of relationship after all of this is done. Or maybe it's just my lack of a romantic relationship that causes me to think it's possible to find love out of all of this. Or, maybe it's a certain somebody that I can't seem to get out of my mind. "You were rather rude to Jovian," She suddenly said as we walked into the cabin. "I didn't mean to be, I was just still worked up with what had recently happened," I told her as I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. "Maybe so, but I don't think that was the only reason for you to snap at him," She continued as she grabbed a few wine glasses out of the rack and set them on the counter for me to fill up with the wine. "I mostly didn't want to answer his many pending questions," I told her as I took the first sip. "What makes you think he had more other than the one he had asked?" She asked me. "I could see it all over his face after that man kissed my cheek. He thinks something is going on between me and that other guy," I told her. I grabbed the bottle of wine and my glass and walked over to the island counter. I sat down on the stool and took another long drink of my wine, drinking almost all that was in the glass. "Did you honestly think you would be able to hide this from him? To act as if you weren't going around town looking for guys to give you their sperm?" She asked as she sat down beside me. "Just how I want to look at this whole ordeal as...thanks Bella," I responded sarcastically. "Sorry but come on, Claudia! Think about it a little here! It's not like he won't be able to smell the scent of the other men on you along with the scent of s*x or how about when your belly grows? Can't exactly hide that one and even if you did run off back to Florida, the word of the head witch being pregnant will travel fast through the supernatural realm." She continued to tell me. "I never said this was something that I could keep hidden. It's just that I'm not sure if I am going to tell him or not. Sometimes I thought that I would tell him what my real reason for being here was. But the more I would think about it, the more I knew it would be a bad idea." I told her while grabbing the bottle and pouring more in my glass, this time I just looked down at the clear liquid instead of drinking it. "He's a supernatural too, obviously, I'm sure he would understand what it is you have to do," She reminded me. "He may understand what it is I need to do but that doesn't stop the jealousy of a man. Not to mention, add that to a vampire's already short temper and possessive behavior," I reminded her. "Oh...yeah, I sort of forgot about that. How could I have ever forgotten about the vampire's lovely temperament," She said as she chuckled at the end, causing me to smile as well. "Their possessiveness and temper is a very deadly combination. I don't need to fuel that already smoldering fire," I added, causing her to chuckle. We sat there for a few more minutes in silence. I ended up finishing up the second glass of wine. I got up from the stool and walked over to the sink to rinse the glass out. "I see where you're coming from, really I do, but you still need to tell him," She suddenly said as she put the bottle of wine back in the fridge. "I know," I responded to her as I stood there and stared into the empty sink. "Probably should sooner than later," She continued to tell me. "I know," I simply responded again. "I'm sure he's either outside the cabin or back at his right now. You could always do it tonight," She continued as if she was trying to secretly urge me to go talk to him. "He's not outside the cabin, no vampire or supernatural is at the moment," I informed her. "Okay, that's good I guess. You could always wait till morning..." She started to say but I cut her off in mid-sentence. "No, I can go to his cabin tonight," I told her as I walked away from the counter and headed in the direction of my room. "Are you sure? I wasn't exactly thinking and forgot about all the dangers that could be in these woods," She said as she followed me into the bedroom. "I'll be fine, just need to go prepared," I told her as I walked over to my bag of supplies. "What are you going to do once you get there?" She asked as I filled my bag. "I'm not really sure," I answered her. "Do you think you will actually tell him once you see him?" She asked. "I don't know. Nothing seems to go as I plan whenever I'm around him, " I responded as I turned and looked at her. "Okay, I didn't exactly need that mental picture in my mind," She said as she laughed. "Sorry, but it's the truth," I told her with a smile. She just smiled at me as she walked over to me and put her arms around me, pulling me into her for a hug. I hugged her back before pulling away from her. "If you end up not telling him tonight, just don't keep it from him for too much longer. It will only make this worse, especially if he finds out before you tell him," She told me and I just nodded as I grabbed my bag and headed out of the room. I walked to the middle of the family room and pulled out a small bottle of teleportation potion. I only have a few of these left and will need to get more made up. It will be good practice for Bella. Should do that when I get back. I looked over at her and she gave me another smile. I took the bottle in my hand and threw it to the ground by my feet as hard as I could. The thick smoke from the potion filled the air around me quickly. I put the image of the porch on the front of his cabin into my mind. As soon as the image was clear, the potion teleported me. As fast as I could blink, I was standing on the front porch of his cabin deep in the woods. Just as I opened my eyes, I could already feel the presence of the rogue wolf pack nearby along with several rogue vampires that were wondering. I could sense that they knew I was nearby. Most won't risk going near a royal of any species for fear of being mistaken as a threat. I could also sense that Jovian was inside so without knocking, I just opened the door and walked in. Most probably think I made a mistake just walking in unannounced but the thing is, a vampire can sense other supernaturals just like any other. Jovian knew I was here before I opened the door. He probably could already hear my breathing, and heartbeat and smell my scent, all through the door. I walked in and looked around the open floorplan of the small cabin but didn't see him. I knew he was here. I could smell his scent strongly, suggesting he was recently in this room. My ears immediately picked up the sound of what sounded like someone cutting wood. I walked through the house in the direction of the sound. I walked out the side door that was in the laundry room and was met with the sight of Jovian using an ax and cutting pieces of wood. He was shirtless and covered in sweat. His body glistened in the little bit of moonlight that made its way through the trees. His muscles flexed and moved with each movement as he swung the ax with little ease, chopping each piece of wood in half. It was really hard to keep my eyes off of his perfectly sculpted body and thoughts of what he could do with that body to me crept into my mind. He may have appeared to have not known that I was standing on the small side deck, watching him, but he did. I knew that he was ignoring my presence and I was okay with that because it meant that I could just stand there and watch him. "What's your purpose, Claudia," He snapped in irritation as he took the ax and hit it against the wood. "I just came by because I wanted to talk to you," I responded to him. "What for? To tell me that you've moved on to another? That you didn't even have the decency to tell me that you had found someone else?" He snapped, causing my heart to ache at the thought of being that cruel to him. "That's not what happened and you know it," I snapped back at him as I took a few steps off of the deck and walked to him. "He was leaning into you seductively and kissed you, Claudia! You didn't even push him away! It doesn't take a scientist to see that something was going on!" He shouted as he swung the ax with so much anger that it broke the piece of wood and the stump in half. "There isn't anything going on between me and that man!" I snapped as I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "I had rejected him but he wasn't taking a no for an answer," I continued to tell him as I looked up into his eyes which started to turn a deep crimson red, indicating that his temper and jealousy were increasing. "He can't hurt me, Jovian," I assured him as I placed my hand on the side of his cheek, rubbing his skin with my thumb. "Regardless, you are the only one that I want. The only one that has dangerously and recklessly stolen my heart," I told him as I smiled up at him. His eyes softened and slowly went back to their normal grey color. He placed his hand over mine which was still on his cheek. He pulled it away from him, making me think he was going to turn me away but instead, he pulled on my wrist, causing me to take another step closer to him. He leaned down and placed his lips over mine, forcing his dominance through the kiss. The kiss was rough yet heated and full of passion. He reached down and grabbed under my thighs and lifted me off of the ground. I wrapped my legs around his body and my hands around his neck as he carried me easily back into the cabin. I may have originally wanted to come here to talk to him, to tell him about what it is I need to do but for some reason, once his lips came in contact with my skin, the idea of ruining this with the truth was no longer an option. Lust and s****l need were quickly taking over As soon as we reached the bedroom, he reached behind me and pulled the zipper of the dress that I was wearing down. I unwrapped my legs from around his body, pulling him down with me to continue the kiss. His hands were quick to pull the sleeves of the gown off of my shoulders, sending it to the floor. My hands were quickly pulling my panties off of my hips just as he was unhooking my bra. Our tongues were going mad attacking each other. We didn't pull away from the kiss until the backs of my legs touched the bed. I crawled onto the bed as he undid his jeans. I watched as he pulled his pants and boxers down, releasing his fully engorged member. He's a little longer than average length but his girth is thick, making the feel of him one of the most pleasurable I've ever had. Just the idea of him entering me and stretching me with his thickness was getting me soaked between my thighs. He crawled on the bed, forcing me to lay on my back as he hovered over me. He took my lips into his just as he reached and pulled the tip of his c**k in line with my entrance. "You're mine, Claudia," He whispered into the kiss as he pressed his c**k into me. I slowly nodded my head in acceptance of his order. My breathing had picked up quickly and I wanted more than anything to release a strong moan but was unable to with him preventing any sound from escaping my lips. "Say it," He snapped out his order as he ran his fangs along the side of my jaw and down the side of my neck. "Jovian..." I started to plead in a whisper. "Say it!" He growled louder from deep in his throat just as his fangs grazed over the crook of my neck, sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. I grabbed his back with my hands, digging my nails into his flesh as my orgasm quickly approached. I wanted more than anything to release my cry of pleasure but I couldn't seem to form any words. His hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, forcing my neck up and into an uncomfortable position, causing a shaking moan to escape my lips. He pulled his c**k out just before my orgasm, causing it to fade quickly. I let out a whine of disappointment. He released his grip as he leaned back away from me. I let out several harsh breaths, but before I opened my eyes, my body jerked in pleasure and I let out a pleasurable cry when he took his c**k and smacked my sensitive clit. He did that several times, each time sending sudden bursts of pleasure through my body. He reached down, grabbed my body, and flipped me over onto my stomach. He lifted me onto my hands and knees. I cried in pleasurable pain as he grabbed my hair again and pulled my head back. I felt him enter me with a hard thrust, stretching me wide and fast. I moaned loudly from the feel of him pounding into me. I cried again in pleasure when he took his hand and smacked me hard on my ass. He did that a few times on each side, reddening the area more with each slap. "Say it, " He whispered harshly into my ear as he leaned over me. "I'm forever yours," I breathed out as he pulled on my hair more. "Good girl, my sexy witch," He growled just before his fangs sank deep into my neck from behind, sending me instantly into a hard powerful orgasm.

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