Chapter 6

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Claudia's POV: I walked around the small living space, placing the stones and candles where they needed to be in the circle while Jezabella was grinding the herbs. Tonight is the night I'm going to try to find one of the possible sperm donors. After Bella and I got our groceries put away earlier this afternoon, we decided to go out tonight and see if we could find one of them. With this town being on the larger side and the men could be anywhere, I've decided to do the locator spell to narrow it down a little. I don't want to do a lot of tracking and spend weeks or more trying to find them. I don't have the time for that and have my own duties I need to get back to doing. Duties that will be put on hold once I'm pregnant. Unlike some species, my pregnancy will be no different than a human's which means I could lose the baby if I were to get in a fight. Miscarriages are almost unheard of with the royal pregnancy but not impossible. There is one recording of it in my books from a few centuries ago. I also won't be able to do a lot during the time of training the new heir. I will only have the first 18 years to teach them everything they need to know to start with. They will then spend the rest of their lives learning more just like I am still learning new spells and powers. I walked over and got in the center of the circle and sat down. Bella had the map of the city out on the outside of the circle. Just like the last time, I took my dagger and cut my hand. I winced in pain as the point dragged across my skin. Once the cut was made, I closed my hand and tightly squeezed, letting the blood drip into the bowl of herbs. It didn't take long before the crackling sound happened and the awful smell from the mixture of my blood and herbs filled the room. Once I had as much blood in the bowl as I could get before the bleeding stopped, I closed my eyes and started the chant in Latin. Bella sat there in silence, watching and listening. Once I got to the part needed, I nodded to her to let her know it was time to sprinkle the blessed sand on the map. Her Latin still needs a lot of work which is why she is unsure of when to do her part by just listening. Once I was done, all the little sparks floated to the map and landed where all of the men were currently. Of course, that doesn't mean that is where they will be once we get there but it's a start. "This one appears to be at home. It looks like a housing addition." Bella commented as she looked over the map. "Then, we should mark it as so. We can use that address to find the man's name later so we can track him down." I responded to her as she nodded, took a pen, and circled the area of the map. "This one is in downtown!" She said with excitement. I stood up and stepped out of the circle as I took my cloth and wrapped my hand until I could get to the sink to wash it before wrapping it with gauze. "We could probably go to that one first, I suppose," I told her as I looked down at the map to see where it was located. I'm not all that familiar with this town so I honestly don't know what kind of place this will be taking us to but it's worth a shot, I guess. "Well, if it's a club, then we need to make sure we are dressed for it!" She said over excitedly as she got up from her place on the floor. "And what is it you think we need to be dressed as?" I asked her as she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her through the cabin to her room. "I knew that you would never pack anything like this so I made sure to get you something that you could wear just for this occasion!" She said with a smile on her face and I just groaned in irritation as we walked into the room. She walked over to her bag and opened it. The first thing she pulled out was a pair of shorts. A pair of really short shorts! I just stood there with my eyes a little wide as she pulled out the next piece of clothing. It was black with silver sparkling gems all over it. It had spaghetti straps but the worst part of it was, that the only place it connected in the center was between your breasts. It then opened in an upside V as it traveled to the side and around your back, which even that was only held together with crisscrossing spaghetti straps. "There is no way I'm wearing that!" I almost shouted at her as she held it up for me to look at it with a huge smile on her face. "Oh come on! You're always fully covered! The men won't get to see what they may get to win!" She spoke, trying to convince me of the ensemble. "My heritage is mostly the reason for my way of dress. There is also no way this body is fitting into something that small! I don't even have the breasts to fill it out!" I snapped at her as I pulled it from her hands and tossed it in the wastebasket. "There's no way I'm letting anyone see any of my pudgy middles either!" I continued to snap as I turned to walk out of the room. "Claudia! Your body looks amazing!" She called after me as she ran out of the room behind me. "Just because you aren't skin and bones doesn't mean you aren't gorgeous!" She continued, causing me to turn and glare at her. "Gorgeous!" I snapped sarcastically. "My black hair has just enough wave to make it a mess and frizzy! My eyes are too big, my breasts are just large enough to be too big for an A cup yet too small for a B cup. My hips are wide and my stomach is far from being toned with this big ass. I'm also only five feet tall to go along with it!" I continued to snap at her as I criticized myself. "You are beautiful, Claudia. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! You're that perfect mix between your Egyptian mother and your father from India. Those eyes are drop-dead gorgeous and you're not pudgy. You're curvy, yes, but still with a flat stomach and perfectly round ass. Your breasts may not be large but they are really full and give great cleavage. I would love to have breasts as full as yours," She told me as she stepped closer to me. "Now, stop being a baby and put the outfit on so we can go pick up a guy!" She told me as she pushed the outfit into me again, forcing me to grab it. I groaned in frustration as I grabbed the outfit. "I'm going to get you back for this," I snapped at her as I walked away to my bedroom, with her chuckling behind me as she walked into her room. "You'll look beautiful and sexy! Trust me!" She shouted before I shut the door. I tossed the outfit on the bed and just stared at it. I have never in my life ever worn something before! My mother taught me to be more conservative. That's the way I was brought up in the late 1800s in Egypt. She told me that a man should love you for who you are, not for what he sees. It's not like I don't have a little bit of a wild side. It's not like I am saving myself for that Mister Perfect. I was a rebel as a young adult. Even now, I don't always wear a headscarf, well most of the time I still wear the scarf or a partial scarf, but I don't wear a full-length gown most of the time. Once I was no longer living with my mother and could do as I wanted without her knowing, I gave myself to the first man I dated at the age of 20. I don't exactly sleep around either. I've only been with a total of five guys in all of my 131 years of adult life. Two of those guys weren't even from the living but we don't really need to ever talk about one of them...ever! No one knows about that one mistake that cost me a broken arm and leg. I vowed after that day to never fall for lust again but unfortunately, I couldn't keep that vow and lust took over again with another vampire two months ago. I'm not proud of the last two guys I've slept with even if I can't get one of them out of my head. I just stare at the top. That is the part that has me worried. There's no way I could fill something like that out. I took a deep breath and grabbed the shorts first and slipped those on. I was surprised that they actually fit and weren't too tight. I walked over to the mirror and took a look at them. They hugged the shape of my ass and did make it look good. I wasn't too thrilled about how short they were but at least none of my ass was hanging out the back. Maybe as long as I don't sit and make my thighs look big they will look good. I walked over to the bed where the top was lying and looked at it. I would admit, it is cute but not my style. I took a deep breath and undressed the rest of my clothing. I put the top on and hooked the center together between my breasts. I walked over and took a look at it. I felt so naked! If my mother would ever see me like this she would probably kill me herself and start over with a new heir! All I wanted to do was cover my exposed stomach with my hands. "Claudia! The sun went down almost an hour ago! It's time to get moving!" I heard Bella yell at me from the other side of the door. "I'm almost done!" I shouted back at her even though I've been done for quite some time now, I just can't stop staring at myself in the mirror. "Claudia!" She shouted again a few minutes later when I didn't exit the bedroom after the last time she called me. "Well, here goes nothing, I guess," I mumbled to myself as I turned and walked out of the room. "It's about time!" She exclaimed as she walked over to me. "Turn around. Let me see it all." She said with excitement and a smile on her face. I slowly turned around. I felt as if I was a child shopping with my mom and she was making sure the robes she chose for me looked okay. Although, the outfits my mom put me in back then were nothing like this one. Back then I would have had a headscarf draped over my head, covering all of my hair that would have also been wrapped up along with other robes draped around my body. I also would have had a decorative piece of cloth that would have gone from one ear, over my nose and mouth to the other ear. Exposed skin of any kind when I was growing up was shamed. If my mother saw me now, she'd probably drag me back to Egypt and wrap me back up and tie it with a knot. "You have a tramp stamp tattoo!" She shrieked, causing me to spin back around quickly to take it from view. "Tattoos aren't unheard of even back when I was young," I told her. "No, but they didn't exactly have those." She told me as I walked over and grabbed my bag. "Hold on! We need to do a few things first," She told me and I looked at her all confused, unsure of what more there is to do. "Come on!" She said as she pulled me into her room. "First, you need to wear heels. Men like the looks of long legs even if you are only five feet tall. And second, you need more than just the eyeliner and foundation." She told me as she pulled me over to the mirror and started to do my makeup, or should I say, add more to what I already applied. "Now, you're going to knock them dead! No pun intended, of course," She said, practically referring to that vampire again as she stepped away from me and allowed me to see myself through the mirror. I would have to admit, I did look really nice. I still felt a little uncomfortable and it's a little much but pretty. --- It took us about 20 minutes to get to the location and when we slowly drove passed it before parking, we could see that it was a club of some kind. All of the windows were tinted so you couldn't see in. We parked the car about a block away in the parking garage and walked to the front of the building. We could hear the music playing lightly as we stood at the front of the building. I found it a little odd that there wasn't a line of people waiting to get in. In fact, there wasn't anyone standing outside, not even a bouncer. "What kind of club do you think this is?" She asked me as she looked up at the building as well. "I'm not really sure. I've never heard of the name," I told her just as she grabbed my hand, pulling me with her into the building. As soon as we got in, there was a man behind a piece of glass, sitting on a seat. He asked us for our identification cards and told us there was a cost to get in. I was starting to wonder about the club that this man was at. I paid for us to get in and he stamped our hands with some kind of glow-in-the-dark stamp. As soon as we walked through the door, I knew exactly what kind of club we were in and it wasn't a dance club. There was loud music, tables, and small-looking barstools around a stage that had a woman dancing around a pole, stripping! If I thought I was uncomfortable before, I really feel uncomfortable now! Along with the overly revealing outfit I was wearing, I'm now standing in a strip club. Not exactly the best combination, at least, not for me. "So this is what a strip club looks like?" Bella whispered as she looked around. "It appears so, never been to one before," I said as I looked around as well. I could sense the man in the building but wasn't sure which one he was. I honestly wasn't sure if a man who comes to a club like this is a man I want to meet. "Why don't we get a seat at one of these tables and order a drink?" Bella asked and I just nodded as I continued to look around. We walked over to one of the tables and sat down. There was a menu holder on the table that Bella snatched up right away when we sat down. I, however, couldn't stop looking around. I sensed vampires in the room but also one demon, a few werewolves, one of the four men that I was looking for along with the rest being humans. "There are other supernaturals here, isn't there?" Bella asked quietly and I slowly nodded my head. "What kinds? The smell is different and I can't figure out which ones," She asked me. "I will tell you later, now isn't the time," I told her and she slowly nodded her head. I wasn't concerned about the vampires or werewolves, just the demon. He wasn't a low-ranking demon either which is why I have concern for him being in here. He would be more than powerful enough to kill me if he were to catch me alone. He's a high enough rank that I would make sure I was a lot more prepared before going up against him. "Should we leave?" She asked me and I shook my head. "It's best that we don't show that we have a problem with them being here. The more they feel we are just here for entertainment purposes only, the safer," I explained to her and she nodded. Suddenly, Bella's eyes looked up and widened. Before I had a chance to turn to look to see who was behind me, his deep voice was already speaking. "Why would the royal witch come to a place like this?"
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