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MELIA POV Abuela was working on Maggie but kept pausing and shaking her head like nothing she was doing was helping. Abuela had been at it for hours and finally looked up at my mother and father, shaking her head, then bowing her head in defeat. “I’m sorry, High Priest and Priestess, but I have never encountered anything like this before. This isn’t magic related. I need to do some more research before I can try again.” Tears fell down my mother's cheek, and my father wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed. After a few, never-ending moments, mom finally spoke. “Thank you, Abuela, I appreciate the effort. Please let us know if you find anything that might help our girl.” Abuela nodded her head before she took her leave. “Come, Melia, we all must get some rest. Alpha Aug

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