1529 Words

MELIA POV I opened my mindlink. "Roxy, can you hear me?" "Melia, where are you?" "Rox, I'm at the corner of the territory next to the standing stones. Will you please come and get me? I'm beat!" "I'm on my way." I closed my mindlink as I waited for Roxy to come and save my ass. "Mia." Without any questions, Roxy pulled my arm around her neck and helped me to her cottage. "Lightning or Thunder?" Roxy questioned. "Lightening" Roxy smirked but said nothing. "Lay down for a little bit and I'll get Abuela's broom." I couldn't help but chuckle. "Shut it, you know it helps." Roxy raised her eyebrows at me as she walked back into the room with her Nana’s old handmade broom. Roxy started shuffling around the room, sweeping forcefully. As she kicked up a mass amount of energy in my

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