1440 Words

MELIA POV I must have fallen asleep because as soon as we crossed over into our coven's territory I felt an overwhelming sense of urgency that startled me awake. "Melia, Macie, is that you guys? Where have you been? Everyone has been looking for you two." A voice came through my mindlink. "Maggie? Is that really you? Are you awake?" I tried not to cry. "Of course, who else would it be?" Maggie sassed back at us. "She's back!" Maisie grabbed hold of my shoulders from the back seat. "It really worked?" Jeanie was in complete shock. "We're coming, Maggie, we will be there in . . Without warning, Maisie shimmered us to Margot's bedside. We climbed into bed with her, one on each side. "You two are squashing me," Margot whined, trying to make more room for herself. We hugged her t

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