14. Death on the Ring Road-2

1963 Words

They regarded each other, as if they could make out each other's features. She had the weirdest feeling of the space between them shrinking, then, something drawing them together. She felt dizzy. Distantly, the wires cut into her where she grasped them. She found herself flying through the evening air, her body left behind on the little bridge, sweeping over the dark waters of the canal right up to the shadowy figure. It was the man she'd seen at the library. He smiled as she came, as if enjoying himself, enjoying the hunt. But she could sense the surprise in him, too. It didn't register on his face but she could tell, without knowing how she did it. She understood then. He wasn't pulling her in; she was doing this. She could feel his anxiety, too. His fear of what would happen if she and

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