13. Fires

2802 Words

13. Fires Manchester, England“Hi, Danny.” “Cait! Hi. Come in.” Two of the family's dogs barked around her legs, a lively white puppy, all ears and tail, and an older, lumbering Labrador. She was never entirely clear how many dogs lived there let alone what they were called. But she loved coming to Danny's house. This explosion of noise and excitement always greeted her. The whole place was a jumble of people, dogs and clutter. At the same time she could always find a quiet corner to sit and talk. Not like back home. There, Cait and her mother just got in each other's way. They only had the living room, where the TV stood, and you either watched that or tried to talk over it. She liked Danny's kitchen best. It was always busy: one of his parents cooking, one or more of his sisters eatin

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