The Hunter Leaving the kid in my study, I head to my bedroom to pack for my trip. Giles normally does the majority of it for me, but I needed a few moments to myself before heading over to check on the trainees. This seemed like a good excuse. Besides, Giles had a few errands to do for me that are a little more precedent than packing my bags. As I am stuffing my luggage with some clothes, there is a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I holler. "It's Tatum, Sir." his voice muffled slightly, but still clear enough to understand him. "Come in Tatum. Hopefully you come bearing good news?" suggesting to him, while I turn to face him as he walks in and shuts the door behind himself. "Sir, I hope so too. This came for you," he hands me a telegram, "I noticed the name scrolled on it, and knew