3. Miss Georgia

2969 Words

3 MISS GEORGIA JUNE 27, 2009 “And the winner is … Amelia Ballentine!” My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped in shock. My runner-up pulled me in for a giant hug, congratulating me on my success. Then, the former Miss Georgia helped fit me into my crown, a bouquet of flowers was pushed into my arms, and I strode forward, smiling through my astonishment at my win. Confetti rained down on the front seats. Tears threatened to run down my face. The crowd was on their feet for me. My entire world had come to watch me win this crown. They were currently seated to the left of the stage, and I waved. Their cheers rose even higher. I’d been in pageants since I had been old enough to toddle on the stage. They were outdated, of course. As much as debutante balls. They were patriarchal bullshit. A

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