Chapter 10 - An Insatiable Desire

2488 Words
................. Amara ................. “Do you want to dance?” I ask Clio, seeing her staring at the door, my heart clenching for my friend, and I’m glad when she nods. I take her hand and lead her to the dance floor. It’s just after midnight, and she’s been throwing them down. I’ve also been doing the same, but because I’m a wolf and this is not wolf spirits we are drinking, I’m still a sober mess. A few hours ago, Christos announced that Valerio wasn’t coming, and the announcement knocked the air out of my lungs. The last time I spoke to him, he said he was coming. Christos said he said the same to him too, and he didn’t say it, but I know he’s thinking the same thing I’m thinking. Val knew I was going to bring Clio here and didn’t want to see her. “You know we can go home anytime you want, right?” I ask Clio, no longer sure if sticking around is the best idea. Maybe Christos was right; maybe I shouldn’t have brought her here. She asks me why I’m telling her about going home, asking if she looks unhappy and I tell her she looks happy. I’m just letting her know. I need to use the restroom and I open my mouth to say that but just then, the last person I’d rather see enters, stealing the show as usual, and I feel a twisting sensation in the pit of my stomach. What the hell is she even doing here? Did Val tell her about Clio? Is that why she’s here, even though he’s no longer coming? “Come, let's-” I start to ask Clio to come with me, but just then she speaks, asking who Athena is. I tell her who she is, watching her as she heads over to my man and my wolf snarls. She and I stand as one in not liking the b***h. Clio says she’s beautiful and I’m about to say, not really, even though she is, unable to stand the sight of her, but just then, the beast who’s got my stomach in knots enters. He came. “He’s here,” Clio whispers, letting go of me. I can feel her heart going crazy and just then, their eyes lock. He must hear it, too. I watch as they hold each other’s gaze and my wolf starts losing it in excitement in my head, and I tell her to calm down while my stomach flutters for my friend. But just then, Athena ruins everything and takes him away. “f**k this b***h,” I mutter under my breath, looking at them, but my gaze snaps back to Clio as she whispers, she has to step outside. I open my mouth to ask if she wants me to come with her, but before the words can leave my mouth, she’s gone. I feel eyes on me and I look up to see Christos looking at me with this look I can’t decipher and just then, I catch movement from the corner of my eye and when I look, it’s Valerio. He takes long strides, following in Clio’s direction, and that’s it. Fear paralyzes me and tears fall from my eyes while my mind races, and before I know it, my steps are carrying me towards the exit. But just then, I feel familiar arms wrap around me from behind. “I have to go to her,” I say, turning to face Christos, but he shakes his head, telling me there’s nothing I can do. “I’m scared for her Christos.” “I know, but there’s nothing you can do, my love.” . …………. Clio ........... The elevator opens, and I stumble out to see stairs going up. I take them even though I do not know where they lead and soon I discover they lead to the roof. I stagger, suddenly drunker than a few minutes ago, as I desperately wipe away my tears that won’t stop falling, scolding myself for acting so crazy. But just then, a voice speaks behind me, and I freeze. I slowly turn around, still a crying mess, but my traitorous heart skips a beat, looking at the cause of my misery. “Hi,” he says, taking slow steps towards me. The world and everything in it stop for the second time tonight and the next thing I know, I’m taking long strides toward him. He meets me halfway and crashes his lips against mine and my hands fly to his neck, feeling my left shoe drop as I wrap my legs around his waist when he lifts me up. I don’t even look back at it, consumed by an insatiable desire. At this moment, nothing exists but the two of us—all I can feel is him and I want more. I want him to put out the fire he’s ignited in my soul. We stumble back to the elevator, and everything is a blur until my back connects with the wall. A loud moan tears through my throat, my head tilting to the side as his lips find the sweet spot on my neck. My hands move to his chest, and I undo his buttons with haste while his lips devour mine like it’s their favorite meal, our tongues fighting for dominance. I chuck the shirt aside but gasp in surprise when he suddenly pins my hands above my head before resuming his sweet torture on my neck. My back molds with the cold paint, and I welcome its cooling sensation as my whole body starts to burn while my panties dampen. My eyes flutter shut, but they fly open again when he suddenly turns me around to see a huge mirror covering the side of the wall. “You smell so good,” he growls against my ear, his voice sounding inhumane. I don’t know how he did that, but it covers my whole body in goosebumps, and I shiver, letting out another loud moan as I tilt my head more to the side to grant him more access. I look into his eyes through the mirror and find them dark with lust, and for a moment, I can almost swear I saw the white disappear from them, causing me to close my eyes and open them again, seeing things as my brain turns to mush. His hand reaches for my zipper and slowly unzips my dress, and I watch as he places soft kisses on the skin he reveals, causing me to clamp my thighs together, shuddering as his lips ignite a fire where they touch. “You are beautiful,” he whispers in my ear as my dress pools at my feet, and I shiver, feeling a strange current as his left hand tightly wraps around my neck while the right snakes around my waist, holding me in place. My breath hitches, and I arch my back, feeling his teeth scrape against my sweet spot as he resumes his sweet torture. “Mm!” I grip his pants, my breathing ragged, as his left hand slowly travels past my stomach. He begins to rub circles on top of the thin material of my panties, and my legs buckle. I turn my face to the side, desperate to feel his lips on mine as he starts to drive me insane with desire, and he gets the message. He connects our lips and I try to turn more to the side hungry for more of him, but he doesn’t allow me. Instead, he undoes my bra and starts with his sweet assault on my breasts while trailing kisses to my jawline. “Ahh!” I moan louder, the view from the mirror making me hornier as his hand slips inside my soaking panties and I throw my head back, surrendering to him entirely. The beautiful stranger turns me into a moaning, trembling, horny mess, desperate for a release, and I sink my nails into his thighs, poking holes in his pants, as my body convulses and comes undone. He retrieves his fingers and turns me around before devouring my lips in a fiery kiss while his c**k continues throbbing against my stomach and I wrap my arms around his neck, straddling him as he picks me up and takes me to the bed. . ……... Eli ....... I turn on the seat, watching the bright city lights fade as we continue down the long stretch of road. And just then, we make a detour onto another road. I take out the card and look at it again as we enter the secluded area, crippled by uncertainty and fear of what lies ahead. Orpheus and I have arrived in Elderhaven, and we are now in a city called Luminastra, heading for the man’s address. We left the city behind and now driving on a gravel road, and the street lights are few, making it dark ahead for the driver since he’s human. My wolf sight takes over, and I scoot to the side to keep away from the rearview mirror because he’ll freak out if he sees the glow in my eyes. However, that soon becomes the last thing on my mind as my lips part in awe looking at the majestic waterfall on the right side of the cliff we are driving on. My wolf purrs, and just then, the driver speaks, saying we’re almost there like he read my mind. I nod, still looking at the waterfall, even though he’s looking forward and can’t see me. Bright lights up ahead tear my gaze away from the water as a huge building surrounded by trees comes within sight. “We are here,” the driver says, coming to a stop in front of the house, and I thank him and exit the vehicle. I head to the door and raise my fist to knock, but it opens before I do, revealing a man I’ve never seen before. “Come on in. I have been expecting you,” he says, confusing me since I don’t recognize him, but I do as he says. He welcomes me to his home and asks how my journey was. I tell him how it was as we enter the living room, and I look around, my eyes searching for the man I came to see, now wondering again if I’m in the right place. He offers me a seat before asking me to excuse him for a second and heading out of the room. The house is beautiful, with modern-style furniture that makes me wonder even more if I’m in the right place. Maybe the guy is his assistant or sidekick, whatever they call it, in their world. I tell myself that, but my anxiety won’t let me stay still, so I reach inside my pocket and take out the card again. I look at the address, even though I’ve memorized it by now, but just then, someone speaks, entering the room, and I look up to be greeted by Stormweaver, the man I came to see, causing me to let out a silent breath of relief. I get up to shake his hand, but he doesn’t take my hand. Instead, he tells me I’m just in time for dinner before inviting me to join him in the dining area. I do, checking out the house as we head to the room and I hear him chuckle. “What? You thought you were going to find animal skins hanging on the ceiling and shelves full of potions,” he mocks, looking at me with a smirk, and I nod, not even able to lie and say no. He laughs, saying he’s sacrificed enough to at least live comfortably. I ask if he will not ask me why I’m here or if he remembers me since no one has bothered to, and he says the same thing his assistant said: that he has been expecting me before stopping and turning to look me in the eye. “Eli King,” he adds, and I swallow hard. Something about the way he said my name makes me feel uneasy. As we step inside the dining area, I notice the table is set for two, probably for him and his assistant or whoever that guy is, but he asks me to take the second person’s place. “I hope you enjoy the food. Cooking isn’t my specialty,” he says, pouring us some wine after we sit down, but I thank him, telling him I don’t partake. “You do now,” he says, placing the glass in front of me, causing me to look at him before looking at the wine, and just then it hits me. I haven’t heard his heartbeat the whole time. I have heard nothing nor caught any scents since I entered this house. “Supernatural beings don’t enter this house. Only humans do,” he says before I can say anything like he read my mind and my heartbeat speeds up. I open my mouth to ask him what that means, realizing I don’t feel my wolf, but he beats me to it. He assures me that my wolf is fine and that if I step outside, I will feel it—just not in here—before pushing the glass in front of me and telling me to drink. But I don’t. Instead, I get to my feet, panicked as crazy scenarios run through my mind, realizing I’m powerless. He sighs, placing down his fork. “Revealing myself to you was not my choice, Eli, just as your coming here wasn’t yours. We were led to each other for reasons you have yet to tell me. So, you can go, or you can trust yourself and journey on this path your Gods have set you up on. Whatever you decide is fine with me. But as long as you are under my roof, you will do as I say,” he says with a stern look in his eyes, and just then, my brother’s body lying lifeless in that snow flashes before my eyes, and I sit down. I take the wine and drink it before asking if he lives alone, seeing that the person he was going to have dinner with hasn’t come to join us yet. He says no; he lives with his son. “Oh, is he the one who opened the door for me?” I ask even though the person looked around his age, wanting him to tell me who the other guy was. The way he looked at me as if he recognized me, lingers in my mind. I want to know what I’m up against here. Especially now that I don’t have my wolf. “No, that was me.” “What?"
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