Chapter 7

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Sara’s POV   I was watching “The Umbrella Academy” in Netflix and was so engrossed in it that I had not seen  that my phone was blinking and after an hour or so when I felt sleepy I went and snuggled under the quilt and checked my phone. I saw a new text from an unknown number. I was curious and I opened the inbox and saw that it was sent by none other than Rufus Mattias.   “Why are you ignoring me Lola? I want to meet you tomorrow; you better decide a time and venue and message me. And no, I will not hear no for an answer as we really need to talk if we must work together as a team.” Rufus had written.   I read it twice and did not know what to say but I couldn’t meet him alone, as after today’s confrontation I knew I don’t have any control over my feelings whenever he’s around and I behave live a love sick teenager. I thought for  awhile and decided to text him in the morning and keeping my phone aside I closed my eyes but sleep was far away, it was not coming any nearer and I tossed and turned and finally my mind drifted back to the memories, which I had hidden down in my memory lane.   I wanted to study architect from early stages of my life because I wanted to fulfil my parents dream of the project which they left midway.   My brother had been busy taking care of me after my parents died.   So when I turned sixteen, I urged my brother to send me to Delft University of technology in Netherlands. Netherlands is in north western Europe. The country shares a border with Germany in the East and Belgium in the south. I had always been fascinated with the country’s history. But the main reason was to go to a place where I could maintain a low profile and complete my studies. And it takes almost two hours via flight to commute from Budapest, so I could easily juggle back and forth whenever I wanted to see my brother and granny.   After a lot of reluctance my granny had urged my brother to let me go to Netherlands. The first year of the university was very carefree, as we were just starting off and had plenty of time to fool around. Delft university has one of the largest campuses in the world. Extending over one hundred and sixty one hectares, it features restaurants, parks, cycle paths, a botanical garden and a media centre.   It offers a lot of courses so there were many foreigner students. I was one of them. The day I entered my assigned flat by the university, I met my flatmate Merlin, who is now my best friend and now my part time assistant. The moment she came to know that I cannot speak she decided to stand by me no matter what happened.     So it began the journey of our friendship as well. She was majoring in applied physics. Our  tastes were similar so we gelled around really well.   We would meet after our classes at the restaurant near the cricket ground where Merlin would be busy staring at sturdy and handsome sportsman of the university.   I used be highly amused at the way she shamelessly went and spoke to them but few of them were bully’s they would tease me because I was always dressed like a nerd with big glasses and my hair covered most of my face, which made me look shabby.   Merlin on the other hand was a very pretty blonde who would attract guys like bees and they would be swarming around her.   I did not mind even if they bullied me because I found it very useless t argue with them. But one day as I was walking down the path towards the Restaurant it was getting a little dark but I wanted to have my favourite ice cream, so I had rushed down towards it before it closed for he day,  I was walking hastily and suddenly someone put his foot, right where I was about to step in and because of my  sudden panic I fell down, more over my glasses left my eyes and it shattered on the ground. I was struggling to get my glasses but I saw the guy whose name was Murphy picking it up and dangling around. He always bullied me whenever he could. I never understood why he would pick on me. “Do you want this, Nerd? Come give me a kiss and I will give it you.” He said with mockery.   I looked around for help but as I could not speak, I gestured him with pleading expression but he merely smiled. I tried to get up and made grunting noise to attract someone for help but I had hit my leg badly, when I slipped so I couldn’t move my leg. “Murphy, do you really want to kiss her? She is so ugly. You will find some better girls around, just let her go.” Jerry his friend told him pleadingly.   He merely smirked and said. “That’s the fun.” Murphy came towards me and holding my face smirked a little and said. “Now how about a kiss, maybe my kiss will turn an ugly duckling like you into a princess.” I was struggling to fend him and hit him with my fists but he laughed aloud and said haughtily. “You dumb girl, why are you trying to resist, be glad that, I, Murphy King am going to kiss you. Girls  throw themselves at me but I am kissing you for free.” Saying that he bent his face towards me. But all of a sudden his weight was lifted away from me and I saw him being pushed on the round while a hand grasped my arm and pulled me up.   “Ouch ! I exclaimed with pain.  Seeing me in pain he lifted me in his arms. My eyes had gone blurry so I did not see his face properly. I tried to protest and looked up towards him but I met his determined stare and  I did not say anything more, as I was looking into the eyes of one of the most talked about guy in the campus “Andrew Mellor” and he was carrying me away, I don’t know where. But before we left, I saw him looking at Murphy with murderous eyes. Even I shivered at the thought of what will happen.   My legs were aching a  few minutes ago but as I felt his warmth engulf me, I forgot my pain and stared at him with dreamy eyes.   As today, I not only get to meet the most happening guy of the campus but also get to be so close to him. I had butterflies in my stomach.        
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