Chapter 7

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Linda I accept your offer. I couldn’t believe I just said that. I knew I wanted this so badly but I couldn’t believe I accepted the offer from him. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew he was bad news. A red flag. A red light. All warnings. I knew I shouldn’t be paranoid but my guts were always true. I looked at him, staring deep into his turquoise eyes. Trying to figure out what was his plan. Again, I couldn’t see anything and it pissed me off. It was so hard to read him like he could hide it impeccably. He did this so many times. I knew there was something deceitful behind his words I could feel it. f**k, just open up yourself a bit. Alex built a steel wall and he didn’t allow anyone to see it. And even though he was smiling now, his eyes didn’t beam at all. He was preparing something inside his head, evil stuff. “I’m glad,” he said, blinking my eyes. Looking back to his glass, he shoved the whole thing down to his throat. “Well then, Miss Greene. Pack your bags,” he added and took out of his cash, handing them to the bartender. “What do you mean?” There was a short pause before he answered, “We’re going to New York. The faster the better, right? Unless, of course, you want to hold back your dream by staying here and all you can do is cry and suck your toes for dumping your dream away.” Damn, he was really rude. But he was right. I didn’t want to face the same thing like before. I was lucky now so maybe this chance wouldn’t happen twice. The last time I got lucky, a shitty actress stole it from me. And now, this man – this incredibly hot and sexy man offered a chance for me to change my destiny. To reach my dream. My half-ass dream. Alex stood up and walked out of the bar. I kept looking at his back. Alex was tall, probably around six feet two. And his back was quite broad. Oh, that guy definitely looked after his body. I bet if he loosened his suit… s**t, Linda, seriously? Anyway, I shouldn’t be doubting this. This was my chance. I shouldn’t doubt him too. Whatever he was planning now, it didn’t matter. We were using each other anyway. He gave me that offer and in exchange, I could reach my dream. He was giving me the free pass. I slid the stool and followed him out, seeing him standing next to a car. The door was opened already. He was waiting for me. Alex knew I would follow him eventually. So, I deposited myself in and then he followed. I saw his driver in front as Alex told him to drive to my house. I looked outside, staring at the building we were passing. I was going to miss all of this. The Netherlands was such a beautiful country. It was so different from New York and Stanford. I liked the environment here. “This place is beautiful,” Alex spoke. I looked at him and he was looking outside as well. “It is. The people here are so nice too. I like here more than New York, to be honest.” “I agree. New York is a big city and it’s very crowded. I’m thinking to build a house here. Settling down in a place like this is not such a bad idea, no?” It was not, but the kind of a guy like Alex lived here? Seriously? “I can’t imagine a person like you wanting to settle down in a place like this. Or even quieter.” He let out a soft laugh. “You’re right. No one would expect that. But don’t underestimate me, little one.” I shouldn’t, obviously. Besides, in my mind, Alex would choose to settle down in a big city, like New York. Not in the countryside. I didn’t think he could fit in or stay for another day and begged to come home. I didn’t think his future wife could stand it as well. Maybe she would have the same vibration as this guy. His future wife. Thinking of a woman, was Alex seeing someone? Probably not. He was just the same as James before he met Eva. The type of a guy who never refused a lady’s offer to sleep with him. Just one night or no strings attached. But still, “How’s the lady from before?” I asked and he turned his head to me. Wrinkling his eyebrows, his face was nothing but confusion. “What lady?” “The one who was with you in the hotel. When we first met.” Hearing my words, Alex kept his blank face like he couldn’t figure out which lady. Because there were too many of them. Jerk. “I honestly can’t remember. Sorry, my bad habit. I’ve never remembered the women I've f****d with. I can only remember the interesting one.” What a bastard. I should have known that. I was so stupid for asking him that question when I already knew what the answer was. Why I even bothered? I was a fool for thinking maybe Alex could be nice which I think was impossible. “Interesting, huh? Like what?” “Like you,” he stated it so easily like he didn’t even think twice. “Me, huh? Why? What did I do?” This time, he didn’t answer straight away. What? He had no answer, after all? Or just because I was pretty? Or because I only caught his interest? He turned away, back to the window. “You will know soon enough.” What the hell did that mean? But before I could ask him any further, the car stopped as we arrived at my house. “Do you have a boyfriend, Linda?” he asked out of nowhere. Oh, just because I asked about a woman to him, now he was asking about men around me, huh? Why did he want to know anyway? “Why do you ask?” I asked back. “I ask you a question and I demand an answer,” he countered. “I want to know the reason first before I give you an answer.” “Well, I don’t want to get into trouble just because you came home with another guy. Dealing with an involved woman is not my thing.” Of course. I wished that was the only case because ever since he gave me that offer, every time he asked me questions, there was always another meaning behind every single of them. Like he was planning on something based on my answers. “Okay then. But no. I don’t have a boyfriend so you don’t have to worry anything.” He slowly looked back at me. Surprised. Yeah, I got that a lot. “This is very rare, huh? Especially for a woman like you,” he commented. “Well, let’s just say I’m not interested in a casual relationship and I want a man who can be serious with me. For your additional information, one has caught my…interest,” I replied where he grinned. I walked out of his car and headed to the house. He didn’t follow me and stayed in the car. I walked in and found my parents in the living room. Mom’s green eyes found me. “Hi, sweetheart.” “Oh, hey there, cupcake. Listen, we’re planning on having dinner outside. What do you think? Maybe pizza night is not bad, right?” Dad invited. “That sounds…amazing, but I won’t make it tonight,” I told him. “Oh? Why? Have you made a plan with your friends?” “No, Dad. Actually,” I paused. Inhaling and exhaling before I finally told them. “I got a job in New York and I’m going there now.” Both of their jaws dropped. “A job? Like a movie job?” Mom made sure. I nodded my head as a smile formed on their lips. “Oh, my God. Congratulations, sweet pea.” Mom and Dad stood up in unison and walked toward me. She hugged me tightly. “See? There’s a good thing happening behind the failure. Maybe you’re meant to be in a movie, not on stage. A bigger one.” “You’re right, Mom.” She let me go. “Where did you get this job? Did you apply by yourself or did someone scout you?” Dad asked behind her. That was an easy and a hard question at the same time. If I said yes, he would ask me who the person was. I mean, Dad was quite known and he had a lot of connections. He probably heard about Alexander Browning. Most importantly, Alex was a man. And Dad had this tendency to not let me near any men. “It’s a secret, Dad. Anyway, I didn’t sell my body just because I was desperate. So, relax, okay?” I convinced him. “I should pack now. Excuse me.” I hurried to my room before Dad could continue to interrogate me again. I packed most of my clothes. I might be going to stay there for quite a time so better I grabbed a lot. I also grabbed some of the pictures I had with Cathy before. And pictures of…Jason. Jason. He was the only reason why I was here. On why I was doing this. On why I wanted to be an actress. Jason was looking at something when I secretly shot this. He looked so handsome here. Some of his dark brown hair was spread by the winds with the sun lightened his hair. And he was wearing a denim jacket with a black t-shirt underneath. He rested his arm on his knee. Maybe gazing at the river in front of us at that time. I remembered I took this when Cathy’s family invited me out to have a picnic in the park. Whenever bad things happened or I needed encouragement, I would always look at his picture. It calmed me down. I could hear Jason’s voice saying it’s okay and everything is going to be all right. I smiled and placed a kiss on his picture before I stuffed it into my suitcase. I went out of the room when I’d made sure I didn’t forget anything. I headed downstairs where my parents were waiting near the door. They were talking. Mom turned to me. Dad followed but he…looked worried? Why? And he strode his legs to me. His blue eyes shone in anguish. And he let out the question I was worried he would ask me, “Linda, baby. What are you doing with him?” “Who?” He pointed to the door. “That guy, Alexander Browning. How did you know him?” “He, uh, he’s the one who scouted me. Why?” The color drained from his face. He looked back to Mom and even though it was faint, I could see the concern on her face too. What? What was happening? “What’s going on?” None of them answered me. “Dad?” I faced him again but he still hadn’t spoken. “Dad—” “Don’t worry, Linda. Your dad is just worried because you’re going with a guy. Nothing happens with him,” she reasoned while smiling, trying to convince me. I was not stupid. I knew they were hiding something. I sighed. “Okay then. Bye, Mom, Dad. I’ll call you when I’ve landed.” “Of course. Be safe, dear. And good luck.” We hugged for one last time. I went to my dad, and he did the same too. He was still shocked, I guess. I walked out of the house and saw Alex standing outside of the car. No wonder Dad immediately knew who the person was. I looked back at my parents and smiled. Mom waved her hand. Dad only stared at me. I strode my shoes toward Alex as he helped me put my luggage inside the trunk. His kind driver, Simon also helped me. When everything was in his car, I waved to my parents one last time before I deposited myself into the car. Until I could hear Alex’s voice, “Don’t worry, Mr. Greene. We will take care of your daughter.” Why did I feel like…he was threatening my dad? Did they meet before? Alex jumped in. “To the airport, Simon.” He gently punched the pedal and the car moved. I looked at my parents’ figures until they were gone. I was so going to miss them. I’d been to New York a few times without them but usually, I only went there for a week or two but now… I didn’t know how long I would stay there. Perhaps until the shoot was over which probably could take six months. I hoped they would be okay. I hoped I would be okay.
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