Chapter 5

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Alexander ~A day earlier~ Multiple works. Never-ending jobs. The same pain in the ass, every…single…fucking…day. Well, no use complaining now. As long as I received the money into my bank account, nothing else mattered. I did all of these jobs because of my old man. He wanted a successor; he had created one. It was just a matter of time until he finally gave all of his assets to me, his only son. Son? What a joke. I guessed ever since…how many years? It was too long already. He never saw me as his son. Only a person he trained to be his useful successor. That’s all. It was not like hated it. In fact, I was glad he never saw me as his own flesh and blood. Because it would make it easier for me to get rid of him if he pissed me too much. He already had. Once I could kick his old ass away, I could sleep like a f*****g baby. Okay then, forget about my father for a while. My eyes attached to the email on my computer. I read it carefully, feeling my lips form a smirk. Miss Ramsey is currently pregnant. “Pregnant, huh?” I muttered. I did say that I didn’t want to use Eva anymore but she was too useful. There was something interesting about her besides her being James Greene’s fiancée and currently pregnant with his child. Maybe this something special about her was her ability to make a devil fall for her. An angel for a devil. Or maybe, because she was pregnant? Maybe play with her a bit and cause her…a miscarriage? Wow, what a twisted soul I was. Eva would definitely have a breakdown after losing her child with James. Maybe James could carry on with his life, but what about his little angel? Actually…no. Eva was different now. She was stronger than the useless little girl I met a few months ago. Losing some part of hers and James wouldn’t break her that easily again. So, no, I wouldn’t use her again. I should leave her alone. And use the new one. Right, the new one… Yeah, she could be more helpful to me. But first, I had to pay some respect to the little Eve. Since I knew this incredible news, I should send something to her. I dialed Chelsea’s number. “Yes, Mr. Browning?” “Buy flowers for me, Chelsea.” “Certainly, sir. For what purposes?” “Just buy them first and give them to me.” “Okay.” I ended the call. My secretary, Chelsea would never dare to question me, even though she had no idea what I asked her to. She would immediately buy the flowers for me. She never questioned my actions. Not even once. Even when I was so f*****g pissed off at my father and needed someone to throw my anger out, Chelsea was the only option at that time. So, I f****d her. Only once. I knew she would not refuse me even though she wanted to. I threatened I would fire her if she didn’t want to satisfy me. She was enough to let out the stress onto her. I’m not as low as you are, Browning. Those were James’ words when he was looking for Eva. Honestly, he had no right to say that. He was just the same as me. The same corrupted as I was. He was just lucky an angel came to save him and pulled him out of his eternal darkness. Gaining him another happiness to be added to his life. Making his life miserable was my only goal since a long time ago. I might hate him, but I wouldn’t kill his baby. Killing was not my way. I didn’t want to end up in jail for the rest of my life just because I killed his child. Because… That sassy little canary could do the work for me. I almost forgot about her. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to see how her pretty green eyes flamed with distaste like what she did that night at my club – Blue Indigo. And those lips, oh how I wanted to devour her sexy lips just because she couldn’t shut off her big mouth. Damn, she was making me excited. Excited…to destroy her. Poor little muffin… She didn’t do anything wrong, though. I had to get these shits done so I could see her again. Until my phone rang and saw Heinz’s name, one of my bodyguards. “Yeah?” “Good evening, sir. I just want to inform you something about Linda Greene.” “Oh, yes. About time. How is she?” “She got the role, sir.” As I suspected. For your information, I had searched everything about James’ cousin ever since I found out Linda was his cousin. Apparently, she was in the Netherlands now and just finished her study in Art and Theater. She wanted to be an actress. The star. Getting this role was her ticket to go Hollywood. Lots of critics and producers would search for new talent in different countries to be hired. Usually, to replace the old ones. Linda could be one of them. She had the talent. I’d seen the recording of her performances before back at her college and she was good. I was impressed too. After all, she was a Greene. And a Greene would never fail. Only this one…would be the first to fail. “Mr. Browning?” Heinz called, returning my senses. “Oh, sorry. Thank you for the information, Heinz. Good job.” I finished the call and someone knocked on the door. Must be Chelsea. She had returned. That was fast, as usual. She walked in with the bouquet in her hands. She came closer as I looked at the roses. Nice choice. Of course, roses would come first in her mind. “Here’s the letter, sir.” She handed the empty letter. I took it and grabbed my pen. I wrote… Congratulations on your pregnancy. I can’t wait to meet the little version of you and James. Alexander B I read it again and put the letter between the flowers. “Send them to James Greene’s penthouse. And call Rosie to meet me at my hotel at eight when you’re finished.” “Certainly, sir.” Chelsea walked out of my office as I continued with my job. When the clock almost hit eight, I exited my building and headed to my hotel. I asked the concierge where Rosie and I headed to the floor. I took the elevator and reached the fifteenth floor. I went to her room and saw her sitting on the sofa while playing with her phone. She got up when she saw me. Of course, she knew who would come in uninvited besides the motherfucking owner. Her lips tilted into a seductive one as she walked closer to me. “Do you need something, Mr. Browning?” she asked with a siren tone. The b***h was trying to get my attention. “I have a job for you,” I went straight to business. “What job?” I inclined my lips. “Simple. You’re going to the Netherlands and do the role in my theater there.” The moment I said that, Rosie wrinkled her eyebrows like she couldn’t believe I just told her that. Of course, being a Hollywood star it was kind of an insult that she had to do a role in a small theater. “Excuse me?” “You heard me.” She scoffed. “You’re out of your mind. Why should I do a role in such a small place like that?” “Well, in case you forgot, Rosie, your shining time is over. Your reputation is dropping and I refuse to have such a failure in my company. I hired you before I saw some potential in you and for you to play around and so goddamn picky on choosing a role in movies, you are f*****g ruining my business, lady.” She couldn’t counter my words. She knew that I was right. She might be from Hollywood but not everyone could be as successful. And here I was, trying to help. But of course, I had a reason for helping her. Because if she was not that useful anymore, I would let her rot by herself. I walked past her and sat on the edge of the bed. “Look at me, Rosie,” I ordered as she slowly turned her body. Looking at me as I eyed her from top to bottom. Rosie was stunning. With her light blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes. From the outside, she passed the beauty standard. My standard…just for f*****g. “How about this? One night with me, do what I’m assigning you to, and you will have a bright future waiting for you in Hollywood. What do you say?” Stars sparked in her eyes. I didn’t mean to be so overconfident; I knew how many ladies wanted to sleep with me. They would do anything to have my attention. To have my c**k inside their p*****s. And Rosie wanted me. She smiled and walked her heels closer to me. Raising her hands to my cheeks, she touched me with her filthy hands. “Oh, how I’ve been waiting for you to say that. Do you have any idea how many women waiting for you to say that? I’m a lucky girl.” I touched her hands. “So, you’re going to do it for me? “Well, since I can have my way with you tonight. This chance wouldn’t come twice anyway. I don’t know what’s your reason too, I guess I should accept the offer and do the role you want.” “Good girl.” With it, she kissed me and I welcomed it. *** ~Twelve hours earlier~ Right after I was done, I took a shower and contacted my acquaintance there. He picked up after the second ring. “Hello, Alex. Been a long time since the last time you called. How can I help you?” “Hello, Kirby. I want you to do something for me.” “Anything. Just name it.” Wrong words. Wrong and right at the same thing because by the end of the day, he would receive money in his bank account. “I’m buying your theater there, Kirby. And I want you to ask one of your men there to tell Eddie that one of my actresses will be doing the role. Not Linda Greene,” I told him. He didn’t react. Probably shocked. “What are you saying, Alex? Why?” “This actress of mine is dropping. I don’t want to receive any negative reviews just because she becomes an unwanted actress in Hollywood. I have a reputation to hold. Heard the play in your theater is quite popular too. I want you to give the role to her. You’re the producer too. I’m sure you can do it.” “W-Wait, Alex? The reason we give this role to Linda is because she perfectly fits the role. She plays it very well, it’s like watching a real one. I can’t really give it to somebody else no matter she’s your actress and from Hollywood.” I chuckled. “Just remember, Kirby. That theater is mine now and I can do whatever I want. And I’m sponsoring the play too. If you don’t want to do it, I will close down the place. I can ask someone else to destroy it and build something else and you have no choice but to look for a new place to do that role you’re treasuring so much.” “Oh, f**k. Okay, okay. Do whatever you want but I expect so much more from this actress.” “Don’t worry, Kirby. You won’t be disappointed.” With it, I ended the call. There was no way Kirby would disobey me. He owed me a lot. Now, time to go to the Netherlands. I only slept for two hours because I wanted to reach there at the same time Linda received the news she lost her job. Lost her dream. I left Rosie in the hotel and immediately went to the airport and took my jet. When I arrived, I went to the theater. I walked inside and found Kirby was talking with Eddie. I approached them and Kirby spotted me. He exhaled, looking unhappy seeing me here. Eddie turned, wearing the same expression as Kirby. None of them liked the idea. I don’t f*****g care. “Gentlemen.” Eddie’s expression hardened. He was just the same as Kirby, he wanted Linda more. These two were there when she had the audition. “What the hell were you thinking, Browning?” he spewed. “I think Kirby has told you. This is business, Eddie. Nothing more. Don’t worry, I’m sponsoring your play too. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed,” I convinced him and headed to the waiting room. Hurry up and come, muffin. Ten minutes later, I could hear the commotion outside. They had heard it. I stood up and slightly opened the door. There she was. Walking inside the building while looking at people staring and whispering at her. I smirked at the scenery. She had no idea what the hell was going on. On what was going to happen to her. I watched her until she entered the hall. It was just a matter of time now. Mentally counting down in my head… Oh, wait. Maybe I should wait at the entrance. She would suspect something if she saw me here. Linda was smart and she could tell immediately what a dangerous person I was before. With that decision, I walked out of the waiting room and headed to the entrance, pretending like I just arrived. It didn’t take long until the door was opened and her tall body bumped into me. Just by her pressing her body to me, I could feel it. The depression and sadness overwhelmed her. It was so strong I could even smell it. Heck, even I wanted to laugh. Hold back, Browning. This was not enough. I had to do something more so she would break even more. She hit me very hard like she was on a mission. Big ego this lady. She didn’t want anyone to see her crying. She raised her head and her emerald eyes widened. She didn’t think will see me here. “Why, hello there, Linda. Long time no see.” She pushed herself away from me. “What are you doing here?” As usual, this girl had no manner at all. Usually, I would let them know their places. Weirdly with this woman, I could let it slide. Spunky was her signature move anyway. If she was just like Eva, she was no fun and I could throw her away like a piece of garbage easily. I could see it, whether she realized it or not, she was trying to hide it. Her disappointment. Trying to act strong while deep down, the little girl inside of her desperately wanted to come out and cry like she had no will to live anymore. Damn, I wanted to laugh so badly at her pitiful state but I couldn’t. I still had a lot stored for her. I wanted to watch her break slowly with my hands and then show what was left of her to James later. If she still had some. Linda Greene might be a strong woman. But people had limits. When she reached hers, she would be ruined. Look at her, she was hiding something. I just had to find her weak spot. I would definitely enjoy this. James might be able to protect Eva, but what about his cousin? His sister. The person who shared the same blood as his. Would he choose his woman instead of his family? Let’s see what you can do for her, Greene. The game had begun.
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