3635 Words
            Tess peered through the flap of the tent. The foggy autumn morning chilled her bones. The thick wool dress not nearly enough to keep her warm. She did not use to this weather without proper cloaks and layers. She glanced around at the surroundings. The camp was beginning to rise for the day. Some were sleeping outside, emptied mugs scattered across the ground. Some were preparing the morning meals, and others were washing up for the day, passing a bucket of icy water between them all. The same wash bucket being passed around the camp. She watched as men washed the dirt from their hands and face. Some rinsed their mouths and spitting the water back into the bucket. Clearing their sinuses into the bucket and then passing it on.             Tess cringed, how vile and disgusting, what revolting hygiene. How could people live this way? She continued her scan of the immediate area. There was no sign of her captor. After Dax had left the night before he had not returned. It had been hours since she had seen anyone. There was no one posted outside her tent to guard her, and the few people who were awake were distracted. It was the perfect time to make her escape. If she were careful, she could sneak off. Tess crept out of the tent holding the hem of her heavy grey skirt up so she could walk. Even lifted, the skirt hung to her ankles. She moved along, slowly trying not to draw attention to herself.             Tess paused, her pulse racing as she stumbled across a gathering of sleeping men sprawled out around a dying fire. They had been drinking, and she hoped the liquor would keep them asleep for some time longer while she made her way through them. Unfortunately, there was no way around Tess would be forced to make a path through the lot of them. She took a deep breath mustering all her courage and lifting her skirt higher to be sure the fabric would not brush against the men and wake them; she stepped over the first of many. Stumbling, she caught her balance before tripping over the next. Collecting herself, Tess took a long stride over the large snoring man in front of her, placing her foot strategically so not to step on the other resting against him.             She had painstakingly worked her way through the bodies and had almost reached the end when she moved into position to step over the last three and found one of the sleeping obstacles to be her captor. It explained were Dax had gone for the evening. Her temper flared at the sight of him. He had made her feel so terrible, so used and dirty. Treating her like some common w***e. The urge to hurt him was strong within her. The need to retaliate against him was almost as strong as her desire to escape. She took a moment to contemplate her options, deciding to escape instead of avenging her virtue.             She stepped over Dax and then the next not noticing his mouth curve upward in an amused smirk. She jumped over the last fat man and bolted for the fog. Tess ran as hard as she could through the fog, unable to see too far in front of her. One hand is lifting her skirt out of the path of her slipper feet and the other out in front of her feeling her way through the fog. The rocks and twigs beneath her slippers were uneven and caused her pain. She tripped and stumbled a few times. Her footwear was not made for such a rough service. Her panting breaths were loud in her ears; her freedom had to be close at hand. She had been running so far already.             Then she reached the end of the road. Tess came to a steep unclimbable wall of rock. Mother Nature had put a barrier in her way, cutting off her escape. “No!” She cried, running her hands over the rock. She was so close it could not be true. There must be another way. She veered right and ran as hard as she could push herself. She had to find a way around it; there must be away. She had come too far to turn back. She ran and ran until she could not breathe coming through the fog and finding herself on the banks. The water is stretching out as far as the eye could see. She could see no other side. Another natural barrier, water to the east, cliffs to the north and the Vikings to the south. She had nowhere to go but west, but what sort of barrier would await her there? Her hopes dashed Tess wanted to cry; her freedom stripped away. She was at a loss as to what to do.             No, she was not going to give up. She choked back her tears and turned, bumping square into a powerful, towering body. Tess looked up dazed by the sudden impact. Dax smiled down at her; her heart leapt into her throat. She was sure to be punished. Tess took off. Lifting her skirt high, she broke into stride. Running west, praying there would be an escape. Begging God not to allow her to be recaptured. She ran looking back over her shoulder to see her captor following. He strolled along unhurried. He was not running to catch her. What did he know that she did not? It did not matter; she would not let him catch her. The fog thinned, and Tess came to the edge of trees.             A forest, she could lose him in there, she smirked. Tess moved through the trees, deeper and deeper. The thick forest was dense with foliage, the thick canopy blocking out any light. It grew darker. It had been a good ten minutes since Tess had seen Dax behind her. She had lost him. Tess stopped to catch her breath.             The sound of a snapping twig got her pulse rushing, a low growl behind her. Tess slowly turned to see the source of the growl. She froze with fright as two wolves emerged from the thick of the trees. Their snarling teeth bared, their fur on end, they circled her preparing for the attack. Tess would have given anything at that moment to have a sword. Some means of defence. Her prayers were answered in the most unlikely way. A dirk cut through the air, the whoosh loud in her ear as the blade flew past her head and sheathed itself into the neck of one of the wolves. The beast dropped dead where it stood. The second leapt up to attack, snarling and growling.             Tess screamed and felt a strong arm lace about her tiny waist tossing her aside. She landed hard on the ground, her hands becoming scratched by the thorny brush on the forest floor. Tess looked up in time to witness Dax draw his sword and drove it up hard into the wolf’s rips, the animal dying in mid-jump. The heavy carcass came down hard on Dax knocking the large man on his back. He lay under the animal for a moment and then with his hands and sword covered in blood, he shoved the animal off him.             The body hit the earth with a thud. Dax climbed to his feet and placed one boot on the wolf and his hand around the hilt he withdrew his sword then walked over to the second to retrieve his dirk. He sheathed his sword on the holster he wore on his back and pushed the dirk back into his belt before using the animal’s fur to wipe off most of the blood from his hands.             He then turned to Tess. Frightened and panting for breath as she knelt against a tree. Her hands clutched to her chest as if holding her heart in place. He moved toward her. His pulse elevated from the excitement. His hand extended to help Tess to her feet. Tess reluctantly took his hand, and with one smooth move, he lifted her to her feet like she was weightless.             He made a wide gesture for her to keep running. He had no desire to stop her. Tess looked around at the endless dark forest. There was nowhere to run that he would not find her, escape was futile, and he was mocking her. The deeper she went, the more predators she would cross. This forest seemed to go on forever; there was no way out unless she swam, but the water was far too icy. She would likely freeze to death in under ten minutes. Dax smiled, finding it amusing. She should have known there was nowhere to run, why else would he have left her unguarded? Tess began sobbing, her imprisonment inevitable. She was trapped. Captive to a barbaric group of savages and her future was grim, if not brief. Her head in her hands Tess cried, mourning her life.   ***               Dax shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. He could face an army of murderous warriors with nothing but his battleaxe and never flinch once, but a weeping woman made him feel awkward and clumsy. Oh, how he detested crying women. He never knew what to do. Her head fell against his chest, crying so hard she needed him for support to stand. Uneasy Dax hesitated a moment and finally lifted his thick arms around Tess holding her close, comforting her while she came to terms with her situation.             Tess cried so long he could feel her tears beginning to soak through his tunic. Dax needed to find some way to stop her; something to end this unremitting display of emotion. He took her by the shoulders and held her at a distance. He had an idea of something that might cheer her up, desperate to stop her crying. His head was beginning to pound. “Come.” He ordered taking her by the hand and leading her through the trees.             They had been on this site for a few weeks. Dax had explored the area when they landed finding a few intriguing areas. They walked through the trees for some distance, the terrain moving uphill and getting steeper. They needed to lean forward to make it up some of the slopes. Dax held tight to Tess’ hand, helping her up the landscape.             “Where are we going?” She asked timidly as to his plans. Dax pushed aside some branches and escorted Tess into a small clearing of rock and dirt. A small pool of water gathered at their feet from a spring pouring over the cliff they now stood by. Trees and shrubbery surrounded the spring.             Tess stood breathlessly; it was beautiful, so lovely, almost untouched by the frigid autumn weather. It was strangely warm. The chill was gone from her bones. “It is warm here.” She noted not understanding the phenomena. Dax smiled, stripping away his fur cloak and draping it over a bush. He took her hand and coaxed Tess to her knees, guiding her hand into the clear waters. She smiled surprised to find the pool was heated. “It is hot.” She grinned. The idea of bathing in clean, warm water brought a smile to her lips.             He thought this might cheer her up. Women always seemed to appreciate a good bath. “Get in.” Dax coxed, sitting himself down on the edge of the springs. Tess looked around, uncertain and shy. It was silly; he had already seen her partly nude, but still, she felt shy. Dax chuckled and placed his hand over his eyes. If it put her at ease, he would not look until she was in the water.             Tess waved her hand in front of his face making sure he could not see. Satisfied he was unable to see her and tempted by the warm water, Tess unclasped the broaches on her shoulders and let the heavy garment drop down her curved frame pooling at her feet. She stepped from her dress and slid her white cotton chemise off her shoulders and let it drop. Tess carefully lowered herself into the spring. The warm water blissfully soothing as it engulfed her. After four days of dirt and filth, this place was heaven on earth to a woman, and he heard her sigh. A little content sound of pleasure escaped her lips. She could stand on her toes, and the water came to her shoulders. Her long braided hair is floating around her.             Dax opened his eyes, admiring the smile on her pretty face. She was radiant when she smiled. Enchanting, she was so fragile and small; he felt the overwhelming desire to protect her. It was odd, really. He had never felt the protective need with any of the other women. They were larger than this English dove, strong, good fighters; quite easily equal to some men. They did not need protecting, but she was different, small and fragile, like a single flower in a heavy storm.             It was strange the way he felt around her. As much as Dax had hated Tess the previous night, he found himself loathing his treatment of her. He had acted like a brute, selfish and mean. He was ashamed of his behaviour so much he had not been able to bring himself to face her for the duration of the evening. It was odd, unexplainable. She was a thrall, and he had no reason to feel guilty. She belonged to him, a possession, his property to do with as he wished and to treat as he saw fit. Like his battleaxe or his armour. So why did it bother him so to have her view him as nothing more than some barbaric monster like the rest of her countrymen did?   ***               “The water is glorious, thank you… um, Dax was it?” Tess asked confirming what little conversation they had the previous evening.             Dax nodded stretching out into a lazy sprawl along the rocks.             She looked him over; stretched out in his boots and breeches. His light grey tunic dishevelled and hung loosely over his muscular upper body. His golden tresses dusted his collar. His chiselled jaw darkened by the morning growth. His bright blue eyes seemed softer this morning. It was difficult to believe he was the same frightening monster that had stormed her home and murdered her countrymen. “You do not seem as frightening as you were back in Barmen.”             “Thank you,” Dax smirked, taking in her beauty.             “You looked like the devil himself that night.”             “So, I have been told.” His English was getting better the more they talked.             “And yet this morning you look as though you could be an angel.” Tess reflected her eyes scanning his long muscular form. He was the very pinnacle of male beauty; strong yet enchanting. He invoked the strangest combination of fear and intrigue within her, apprehension and excitement.             “I shall have… to take your word… on that… my Lady.” He drawled in that heavy accent. She supposed as a pagan he wouldn’t know much about angels.             Tess sighed and moved through the water; the warmth caressing her skin. She folded her arms over the rock side placing her chin on her wrist and gazed up at Dax. “But you are far from an angel I would wager.” She whispered. “I suppose appearances can be deceiving.”             “They always are.” Dax grinned, lowering his face to hers, her ruby lips beckoning him. Tess pulled away slightly. Her feelings conflicted, unsure of everything about this man. How was it possible to hate someone so much and yet still crave their touch? She had lived a clean life, and yet in two days, she had sinned more than she had in her lifetime. Lustful impure thoughts, indecent acts with a pagan sinner. When she should drop to her knees and seek redemption, she could only think of how she wanted to feel his lips on hers, his strong arms around her. This man was temptation incarnate, bent on stealing her immortal soul with the sweetest of sins. “Please do not… I must not.”             Dax turned away, respecting her request as she moved away from him. His arousal pressed uncomfortably against his breeches. He wanted her, she could tell, but he seemed unwilling to repeat the mistakes of the previous night. “Very well, I think I shall bathe as well,” Dax smirked pushing himself to his feet and pulling his tunic off over his head. The sculptured muscles in his back and shoulders flexed with the motion.             Tess watched with intent interest as the fabric fell to the rocks. His fingers are loosening the leather lace of his breeches as he kicked off his boots one by one. Tess knew she should look away, but her body worked under its own treacherous will. Unable to divert her eyes from his splendour as Dax lowered his bronzed naked body into the water. His manhood gloriously erected. A smug smile graced his handsome face as he observed her intent stare. Tess flushed with embarrassment, the throbbing returning to the intimate triangle between her legs.             He moved toward her in the water. “It is warm, is it not? Feels… so… good.” He teased coming close enough she could feel his arousal brush against her leg.             Unable to resist the pull she felt to him, Tess gently slid her hands down his chest, hoping to keep him at bay. His body was hard beneath her fingers. Silken flesh pulled taut over corded muscle. He was amazing. Unlike any man, she had ever seen. “I should not. I cannot.” Tess whispered, trying to convince herself to resist him. Dax’s hands slid down her body flat over her belly and came to rest on her hips as he circled her like a predator stalking its prey. His erection brushed against her once more, sending excited shutters through her traitorous body.             “Say the word… my Lady… and I am all yours.” Dax whispered, nibbling the lobe of her ear. A pleasurable tingling coursed through her body, intensifying her need for him.             “You are the devil sent to tempt me.” Tess breathed, unsure how she could deny him. She was a prisoner to this barbarian.   ***               Pleased with her answer Dax moved closer to Tess, in small degrees teasing and toying with her, her back against his chest. His manhood nestled against her bottom. Shocked, she almost jumped out of her skin. He could feel her body tense.             “Relax sweet dove; it hurts but a moment.” He held her close, allowing her to grow accustomed to the feel of him against her before taking it further. He had no desire to hurt her more than was necessary. Tess was so much smaller than what he was used to, yet she felt like no other woman. Soft and curvy as if the goddess Freya had tailor-made Tess just for him. “Please Dax, do not torment me.” Tess pleaded huskily as his hands caressed her sides, and she tensed once more.             Her request excited him immensely, his need for satisfaction threatening his restraint. “I knew I must have you the moment I saw you.” He moaned softly in her ear. “You were so… beautiful, like a goddess. One day you will want me too.” Her breath was ragged and strained as she did her best not to move. “One day, you will beg me to end your torment.”             “Never.” She breathed, holding on to her damned English pride. So stubborn but he had no doubt she would be worth the work.             “Why resist me?”             “I will never lay with a pagan.” She whispered, straightening her back.             Dax frowned, there was that word again. Pagan, she spoke with such venom like he was beneath her. He was the Demon Dax. People told stories about him. He was feared and revered. She should count herself lucky to warrant his attention.             “Is this to be my future? A life of servitude as your concubine?” She asked between breaths.             “Yes,” Dax answered honestly, “when I saw you, I wanted you. Made you mine, to do with as I wish.” He said light-hearted, his fingers pushing long wet locks of her chestnut hair behind her ears. “Come now is it that distasteful a fate? I can be… how do you say… gentle. Make you feel so very good.”             Tess smiled. “And what precisely is it you wish to do with me?” She teased. She should not taunt him. It was unwise. “It sounds dreadful.”             “It does not have to be. Life of a concubine can be sweet. If you keep me happy, I shall do the same.” Dax promised.             Tess abruptly moved away from him, turning her back to the rock and looking up at him; her chin thrust defiantly. “I am an English Lady; I will never submit to your will.”             “I will wear you down.” He promised. He had yet to meet a woman he could not tempt, and he did tempt her, he was sure of it. But he would play her game. He could wait, and when he finally conquered her, it would be all the sweeter.  
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