
1910 Words
EMILY'S POV -- How hallow could someone be? How could Sienna say something like that about my dad? Is she so heartless that she tried to break me by using my dead father? He died when I was sixteen, and it hurt for years, and when the time finally came and it didn't hurt that much anymore, she said that and it felt like my heart was being torn open again. I know it isn't true, and he died in an attack, but why did she think it? He loved me, I know he did and for her to say something so cruel baffles me. My father was a strong man, he was the beta and we lost our title when he died, and I went from the it girl, to the weird one. I lost friends, but what hurt more was when Haiden abandoned me too. He was my best friend, and now he's just a bastard. A loud knock makes me wipe my tear stained cheeks, and the loud, angry voice makes me bite down on my teeth. "Emily! Get out here!" Haiden yells. I storm out of my bedroom, stopping at the top of the stairs to see my mother reaching for the door. "Don't let him in!" I yell at my mother from the top of the stairs as the banging on the door doesn't stop. "Open this door," he yells, the vibration of his loud voice pulses through the walls of our home. "Emily," my mother growls, she's fed up with me and I don't blame her for being upset with me. I came into this house, greeted her, and went upstairs without another word, but I will blame her if she opens that door. "Mother," I grit out, glaring at her from the top of the stairs. "He's the Alpha's son," she sighs, looking hopeless while she opens the door and Haiden storms past her, almost knocking her over. My hand grips the railing of the stairs at the sight of Haiden, and he looks distraught, his hair is a mess and his eyes are crazed. "Get down here," he demands when his eyes land on me. "Screw you, Haiden." His eyebrows raise momentarily before his eyes narrow on me, "You will not ignore me." His heavy footsteps shake the floor as he charges up the stairs when I walk towards my bedroom, but he doesn't intimidate me, he never has and he never will. "Emily," he growls my name, his tone laced with venom and hatred twisted into one, but I refrain from looking back at him even if I know he's right behind me, following me into the only sanctuary I've had ever since my father passed away. I turn in the entrance of my room, my fingers curling around the curve of the door as I stare right into Haiden's fiery orbs, "Don't," he warns, his pace picking up and for a second I believe that I can slam the door in his face, but his large hand stops the door and he shoves it open, forcing himself inside. "Do you ever f*****g listen?" he snaps, inching closer to me. I stand still, keeping my head held high. "I guess not," he snorts, shaking his head. His lips are twitched up in a snarl, and he looks monsterous. I blink slowly as I stare blandly at him, "Can you even hear me?" his anger is replaced with concern, but what he forgets is that I know him. I know him better than anyone, and I know exactly how to piss him off. I nod, giving him a silence response that shoots him into a frenzy. "f*****g talk, Emily." he snaps, "Don't just stare at me like a doll," he grits out, the anger getting the best of him. How could I tell him that what he did hurt when I know that he wouldn't even care? How do I tell him that I've missed him ever since he walked out on me when he doesn't regret it for one second? "Speak." he demands and the words want to roll off my tongue, but I bite down on my teeth, refusing to listen, which only angers him even more. "Do you want me to apologize?" he asks instead of actually apologizing. I snort, shaking my head, "Then what?GO HOME" I shrug and his eyes narrow in confusion. “What?” "I don't need anything from you, except for a rejection." I shrug, crossing my arms and it's the first time his gaze bounces down. His eyes bounce as they travel down my body as if stopping to investigate some parts of me. I clear my throat, raising my brows when his gaze flicks up to meet my eyes. "I'm not rejecting you." he scoffs, “My parents will disown me.” It hurts to know his parents are the only reason he isn't rejecting me. Hope sparked in my heart when he said he wasn't going to reject me because some idiotic part of me wanted to think that he was with Sienna because he had needs, but of course, only Haiden could crush my dreams with one sentence, and now there's only one thing left to do. "I, Emily Coffey, reject you, Haiden Douglas, as my mate." He stops when trying to reach me, his face twitching up as the pain affects him. "You didn't." he grits out while holding his breath. "I'll talk to your parents later," I deadpan, "But for now you can leave." I keep my head held high, forcing myself not to cry by digging my nails into the side of my thigh. He scoffs, his shoulders sinking as he starts to breathe normally, "You will speak to them now and explain yourself," before I can refuse, he closes the distance between us, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. His large arms secure my legs against his body as my face is buried in the loose material of his t-shirt at his midback. He strides downstairs, but not without a fight as I cling to every corner I could grab onto, and he stops at the front door, "I promise she'll come back later aunt Celeste," he slaps my ass, hard and I hiss, biting into his side which makes him flinch. "Don't bite me!" he growls, "Then don't touch me inappropriately!" I yell, hitting his back with my fist. I'm ignored as he carries me to his house, and I'm only let down at his father's command as we enter his office. "What is the meaning of this? Haven't you put her through enough?" His mother yells, but the room falls silent when he says, "She rejected me." I don't miss the glance between Aunt Heather and uncle Cade before his father gives me my freedom,"then accept it."He shrugs, not seeming to care. Haiden turns to me with a smug grin on his face, "I, Haiden Douglas, accept your rejection." the pain shooting through me makes me groan as I bend over, gripping the back of the chair while everyone's eyes are on me. Haiden lowers next to me, his hand on the small of my back, "Like how that feels?" he grits out and I elbow him in his ribs, making him step back as he groans too. "I think I do." I shrug, standing upright. Upon looking at his parents, I notice how they try to hide their smiles, "Excuse me," I sigh,"Good riddance, get lost because I never want to see you again!" Haiden yells breathlessly and I praise myself for knocking his wind out. "Hold on," Alpha Cade makes me freeze and I turn, looking at him. His cold gaze flicks to his son, "Since you have no respect, this will be your punishment." he tells his son with no room left for argument before turning to me, “Emily, it was never my intention to send you off for training, but since you have the training of the alpha...” "Dad, no." Haiden seethes, but he's silenced when Alpha cade lifts his hand. "You will be our new beta, and I will set up a contract, with Haiden and my signature stating that he can not replace you while you are alive. You will be this pack's second leader, you will take over the role as beta immediately and you will continue your father's legacy." I stare at him blandly, wondering if this is some sort of dream...I always dreamed of following in my father's footsteps, but the dream was always shut down because I am a girl. A beta is supposed to be resilient and a man, someone strong enough to carry the pack when the Alpha isn't around. The beta helps to train the warriors, and the beta is the one who's supposed to fight first when the Alpha is late and it's been a dream, a dream that wasn't possible. "Dad," Haiden grits out and Alpha Cade turns to him, "If you want this pack and the Alpha status, you will sign the f*****g paper," he demands. I glance at Luna Heather, looking for some sort of support and I feel at ease when she nods her head. I clear my throat, breaking the tension between Haiden and his father. Both of them stare at me, the one excited and the other dreading my response. "I'd be happy to." I smile, which makes Haiden fume and he storms off, slamming the wooden door shut, which makes me flinch. "Emily," Alpha Cade smiles, walking over to me with an outstretched hand, "You will make us so proud," he beams, "You'll make your father proud," his eyes soften while saying that, and nothing else means more to me than him saying that. I take his hand, tears resting on the rim of my eyes as we shake on our deal, "Come by tonight, I will have the contract ready," he nods, letting go of my hand, but he doesn't move as he stares down at me, "Alpha aside, I'm still your father's best friend kiddo," he smiles with his own eyes becoming glassy and he pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back. "He'd be proud," he whispers before letting me go before making waves with his hand in the air, just like my father used to do. -- I return to Alpha Cade's office later that night, and upon entering, I find Haten- I mean Haiden, sitting in front of the desk and when his eyes lock on mine, he stands, "You were serious?" he yells at his father, who responds calmly, "Sit down," and he does, obeying his father's demand like the little b***h he is. Alpha Cade waves me in, showing me with a gesture of the hand to sit down next to Haiden and I do exactly that. Haiden might have broken my heart, but this is one thing he could never take away from me. This was always supposed to be mine, and I will continue what my dad left behind. Alpha Cade signs the paper, pushing it over the table to Haiden, who's glaring daggers at him. His jaw tightens as he bites down on his teeth and signs the papers reluctantly before shoving it towards me. Haiden made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to see me again.But karma is a funny thing and I'm the b***h.
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