
1704 Words
EMILY'S POV -- Group after group, I show all of them how to get out of being pinned down. No matter how they are pinned, I show them how to get out every single time. "See you all tomorrow," I beam as the sun starts to go down. The sky is a bright blue, there are no clouds in sight and I feel successful. There's no way that I can feel any better, but as I enter the Alpha's house after dismissing the last training group, I freeze in the door. “I want her gone Haiden!” Sienna’s voice comes from around the corner of the house, outside. “There is nothing I can f*****g do.” Haiden seethes. I can picture his twisted face, his eyes blazing with anger. I stand frozen, listening in on their argument. It’s giving me a kick to know that they’re fighting over me. “Haiden, I just…I don’t like her.” Sienna’s annoying voice becomes soft, luring him in. “Neither do I,” his anger is gone within a second. I frown when I hear them starting to kiss, their moans loud and my kick is now in my lower back. I walk to Alpha Cade’s office and my knuckles hit the hard wood twice. “Come in,” he yells and it’s hard to tell if he’s in a bad mood or not. His gaze lifts from his computer screen, a smile forming. “Emily,” he nods, gesturing towards the armchair and I sit down. “Training went well.” I inform him. “I know,” My confused expression makes him elaborate, “I watched you from afar.” Well that’s not creepy. He chuckles, noticing my concern, “I wanted to see how they treated you, but you have your father’s determination and gift.” the proud look in his eyes makes my heart beat faster. “Thanks,” I smile. If I smile, I won’t cry. “You should go home and get some rest.” he nods as a dismissal. “One more thing,” I keep my eyes on his, straightening my back, “Yes?” I can’t tell if he’s annoyed. “Salary,” I blurt, hoping the word says enough. His smile widens, his eyebrows raising. “Do I get one?”, “Of course you do,”, “How much?” I feel like an i***t asking. “Enough,” the relief on his face makes me less tense. “Why can’t you just tell me?”, “Because you’ll refuse,” he deadpans. “Why would I refuse? I have gotten a salary at the cafe of three grand it was enough.” I shrug. Lines form beside his eyes as he smiles, placing his hands on the desk. “You are worth more than three grand Em. You will receive the compensation your father received of thirty grand.” My eyes almost pop out of their sockets. “That’s…”, “Too much.” he finishes my sentence, “Yes.”, “It’s not. You now risk your life for this pack and it’s time to save money for your future too.” He makes sense, but it feels too much. “Ten is enough. It’s just my me and my mom.”, “Thirty. End of discussion.” his stern voice leaves no room for argument. “Okay, thank you.” Is all I can say, even if there is more arguing I want to do. He nods and I raise to my feet, “Goodnight uncle Cade,” I beam. “Goodnight Em,” he chuckles, and when I look back, he’s already busy on his computer again. Strutting out of the Alpha’s house with a smile on my face, I freeze when almost walking into Haiden when turning a corner. “Watch where you’re going!” Sienna snaps, “Hush,” Haiden has his finger pressed to his lips, and her eyes widen before she looks around. “Get out,” Haiden snarls at me. “I was…”, “He said get out, bitch.” Sienna sneers, her eyes narrowing on me. She can’t tell me what to do anymore. “How about you get out?” I scoff, loudly. “Don’t talk to her like that,” Haiden pulls her behind him. I hate to admit that it hurts watching him choose her. “Haiden, does your dad know you’re sneaking her in?” I cross my arms, c*****g my head. His eyes narrow, “Get out of my house,” he sneers, getting into my face, but Sienna pulls him back. I snort, shaking my head as I brush past him, but as soon as I pass him, my head is pulled back and I fall onto my ass. “Sienna,” Haiden grabs her palm, squeezing the inside until she lets go of my hair and he yanks her away, but not fast enough to hide her because Alpha Cade and Luna Heather comes storming towards us, “What is going on here?” Luna Heather yells. “What is she doing here?” Alpha Cade asks, staring right at Haiden. “She was coming to get some things of hers.” he shrugs, “Then let go of her hand, I know she’s a child but I think she can walk on her own.” Luna Heather seethes. Her gaze softens when she looks down at me on the ground, “Em, are you okay? Haiden, help her up!” she demands, but I get up before he could even whine about it. Sienna’s stare is cold, but I ignore her. “I’m fine.” Alpha Cade clears his throat, “That is assault to your superior,” he deadpans and I watch with amusement as Sienna’s face turns bleak. “Dad, that’s not what happened. She was defending herself, Emily…”, “I don’t care, Emily is the beta and you will listen to her.”, “I am an alpha!” Haiden yells, “No, you are our son. I am the Alpha and all you are, is a boy.” That must’ve hurt. Haiden whips around, glaring right at me. “Don’t look at her, you lost that right when you slept with this whore.” His mother scoffs, standing up for me. “I’m not a w***e!” Sienna yells at the top of her lungs and Alpha Cade grabs her by the hair, “Dad,” Haiden tries to grab his father, but he doesn’t dare to touch him as he drags a crying Sienna out of his house. Alpha Cade slams the door shut, glaring at Haiden. Can’t the shadows just swallow me whole at this very moment? My dream would come true if the floor could form a hole that would let me fall in and disappear. “What?” Haiden crosses his arms, “How dare you let that girl disrespect your mother?” the silence is loud enough to blow the roof off this large house. “Answer me!” Alpha Cade bellows, “Mom is a big girl,” his taunting tone has his father red in the face and he strides over to Haiden, stopping right in front of him and his gaze flicks to me. “Should I leave?” I ask, and with one stern nod, I turn and escape whatever is about to go down. I smile all the way home, because Haiden is going to get his punishment and Sienna is nowhere to be seen. I feel terrible that Haiden’s parents are treating him like this, because as someone’s child myself, I’d like to think that my mother would choose my side no matter what. But Alpha Cade and Luna Heather has always been stern about appearances and respect, especially to them. As kids, we had to dress up accordingly to each event. As teens I use to feel like a princess because I had gowns that only hang in my closet now, covered in dust and unworn for years. It’s not my fault Haiden forgot the standards that has been drilled into us since children. I surely can’t forget and it’s now apart of my life. I believe in everything, but Haiden always hated it and now he’s rebellious. He’s going to lose his title all because he’s rebelling against his parents. He’s going to lose everything because of Sienna and I know that Alpha Cade will rather try and get him to grow up than to just give someone else the position, because as the rules state, the heir of the Alpha will take over, but it’s starting to show that Alpha Cade isn’t going to retire for years. Before I could enter the house, I’m yanked to the side, and I whip around, staring into Sienna’s green orbs. “Is he okay?” is the first thing she asks, but she can’t fool me with her fake tears. “Go over and find out,” I snort. I will not entertain her games. “You are ruining his life!”, “No, you are!” the shock on her face makes me want to laugh. “Don’t act surprised, you know you’re only with him for one thing.” I deadpan, “I love him,” she croaks out, looking ill. “You love the thought of him being Alpha, which is starting to look very bleak.” I admit and her face falls, the concerned look vanishing. “He will be,” she grits out. I sigh, tired of her facade. My head slants to the side, “Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?” she blinks, once, twice, thrice. “He is going to be your alpha, I suggest you change your attitude.” “I suggest you leave me alone before I report you for assaulting me.” her eyes widen, and she shrieks loudly before storming off, looking like a little girl that didn’t get her way and I find joy in the fact that I’m ruining her life too.
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