Chapter One 1869-2

2006 Words

It was inevitable, as Zena had said when she was out of hearing of her father, that the Wiedensteins should be a nation of mongrels and moreover in their own family their father’s mother had been half-Hungarian. “Everybody knows,” Kendric had once said to his sister, “that accounts for the wild streak in both of us.” “We have not had much chance of showing it,” Zena replied resentfully. “We shall have to wait until we are grown up,” Kendric answered. Now that he had left school and she was free of the schoolroom except for visiting Tutors, they were to be separated and Zena’s heart cried out at the idea, for she was sure that when she lost Kendric she would lose half of herself. The family were at last allowed to leave the breakfast room and Zena had to listen to Kendric’s account of

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