“Someone once said that all life is precious. That loud blaring sound you just heard was my BS meter going off. If all life is precious, then why do such horrible things happen to supposedly ‘precious’ people? And why do so many ‘precious’ lives end before they even have a chance to begin?” ~Kara “Are we going to die?” Lizzy sat with her head down, running her fingertips over the rough shingles of the rooftop. Kara was staring out at the lights scattered throughout the city, trying to keep from glancing over at Lizzy. Kara knew if she turned and saw the fear in the girl’s eyes, she might lose it for good. One of them had to be strong. Someone had to keep it together. Kara’s heart beat heavily in her chest as she fisted her hands to help control the shaking. Drying sweat chilled her body