Crown 22 ♛ SAVAGE

3332 Words

KYRA BLINKED again. But all she could feel was the pain. The hollow pain that was grating on her chest, on every surface of her skin. It hurts so bad! "Kyra! Stop it!" sigaw ng lalaking pumipigil sa kanyang mga braso. He held both of her arms and it was making her feel more suffocated. Gusto niyang umalis! Gusto niyang mawala! "Bitiwan mo ako! Lumayo ka sa'kin!" sigaw rin niya. "Kyra! What are you doing?!" She wanted to tear herself up to pieces because that was how she felt deep inside. Broken and tattered into thousands of pieces, like a shattered glass. Pilit siyang pinipigilan ng lalaki. She hated him for doing that. She screamed. At the top of her voice, she tore the whole place down as she clawed her own skin. She had to get away from the pain. "Kyra! Please wake up! You're hur

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