
1175 Words
June POV continues . . My Dad apologised to me the Next morning before leaving with my mom, he also gave me back my phone.. “I can’t really believe you said all that to dad”.Mary started “Did i say anything wrong?”, I asked her “No”. She replied, you were so bold I looked at her and smiled “Are you really dating Troy?”. She asked “I wish“, I replied “ what do you mean?”. She asked , do you like him? “Yes I do”, I replied, but I don’t think he can date someone like me “You have to kill those feelings”. She advised,Troy doesn’t have the heart to love “But what if I can change him?”, I asked her “ you can’t June, he only know how to use girls”. She replied , he will make you his personal b***h and dump you after sleeping with you... “But I......:.:” “. No but dear”. She replied, just take my advice “ fine”. I replied “I will see you later”.she patted me and left the room “Are you going to a avoid him?”. Sara suddenly asked I looked at her in surprise.i thought she was asleep “ When did you wake?”, I asked her “Are you going to avoid Troy?”, she asked ignoring my question “Never”.I replied , “Good”. She muttered . . I went to the bathroom to freshen up , I returned n***d and went over to my bag to look for something to wear “Are you going out?”. Sara asked “ yes”.i replied “ where are you going?”. She asked me “Troy home”,. I replied “ really?. She asked, you are so lucky “ I promised Tricia I will come over today”, I replied “ who is Tricia?”, she asked “Troy daughter”. I replied, “ I never knew he had a daughter Steph never told me.who Is her mother?”she asked “I don’t know”. I replied with a shrug I dialled Troy number , it was not going through “I will just have to go with informing him. I muttered and waved at Sara before walking out of the room..... . . . I met two scary guards outside when I got to Troy mansion . One was tall while the second was short “Good af...........” “Troy is not around”.The short one replied rudely “ I am here for Tricia”. I told him “ Is he aware you are coming?”. he asked “ yes”.i replied “Let her in”. The tall one instructed him, she is Boss bitch “What!!”. I exclaimed, I am his friend “ whatever”.he replied opening the gate for me... . . . I walked into the sitting room and met no one “Where did they all go to?”, I wondered I climbed up the stairs and headed to Tricia room. I pushed the door opened and smiled when I saw her watching cartoon... “June”. She called running to hug me “How are you?”. I asked carrying her “ fine”. She replied I walked to her bed and placed her gently on it “ I have been so bored”. She complained “Where is your dad?”. I asked her “ I don’t know”.she replied, he left this morning after instructing me to stay in my room “Alright”. I replied I sat beside her on the bed stroking her hair as I thought about Troy....... . . . Troy PoV . . I smiled when I saw Andy arrive with the shipment. “ what took you so long?”. I asked him immediately he stepped out of the bus “ I am sorry”.he apologised, I was delayed by the cops “ how many did you get rid off?” I asked him “None”. he replied, I just settled them “Good”.i muttered . . I watched the boys arranged the box filled with drugs inside the warehouse “The peace treat is going to two days from now”.Andy reminded me “ really?”. I asked “ yes”. he replied, will you be going?”. He asked me “ of course”. I replied, that Is the only way I get to see my enemies ...... . . I drove home with Andy after I instructed the boys on what to do.. I thought about June and pulled out my phone from my pocket to call her damn”. I cursed “ what is wrong?”. Andy asked “ my battery is flat “. I replied , I wanted to call June, she must have been trying to reach me “ you can call her when you get home “. Andy drawled “Yeah right”. I replied . . . I drove into the compound and was surprised to see My guards beating up one of my underlings “ what is wrong?”. I asked stepping out of the car “he tried stealing from you Boss”. one of the guards replied, we caught trying to run away with this”. he explained pointing to a bag on the floor “Open the bag”. I instructed Andy and when he did, I scoffed “ really?”. I asked glaring at him “ I am sorry Boss”. he replied whimpering “Bring him in”. I commanded and walked into the house.... . . I walked into the sitting room and watched as the man was being dragged in “ Please Boss”.the man pleaded as he was forced to his knees “ why did you do it?”. I asked him “ I am sorry Boss”. he pleaded, please don’t kill me “ I don’t believe in forgiveness”. I replied pulling my g*n out from my back pocket “Pleassssse”.he screamed I scoffed and was about pulling the trigger when I heard my name I turned to look back and met the gaze of June...... . . . June PoV . . I sat down on the bed reading stories to Tricia when I heard voices .. “ where is that coming from?”, I asked Tricia “Dad is back and he is angry”.She replied I tried to stand up but Tricia held me tightly “ what baby?”. I asked her “ don’t go please”. She pleaded “ why?”, I asked her “ anytime Daddy is angry he is always mean”. She replied, I am so scared “ don’t worry baby I won’t be long”. I assured her “ promise”. She asked “ promise”. I replied . . I climbed down the stairs and gasped in shock when I saw Troy pointing a g*n at a man covered in blood while the others watched “ Troy”.i called in fear and he turned to look at me “ what are you doing?”, I asked in surprise “Nothing”. he replied keeping the g*n in his back pocket “Take him out of here”.he commanded the men and they left dragging the injured man along “ when did you get here?”. he asked “ what exactly were you doing?”. I asked ignoring his questions “What exactly do you want to know?”, He asked “Did you plan on killing him”. I asked “ yes”.he replied “ Why?”. I asked “He made me angry”. he replied . I stared directly into his eyes, it was deadly “ who exactly are you Troy?”, I asked “ do you really want to know”. he asked me moving closer to me “ yes”.i nodded “Then attend a party with me”. he said “ what kind of party?”, I asked “A peace party”, I replied “What is that?”. I asked in confusion “ will you go?”. he asked ignoring my questions “ To where exactly?”. I asked “ Russia”. he replied Russia??? . . . oh my gawd!
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