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June PoV . . I sighed in relief when the lecturer left the class, the class was so damn boring.. “I almost slept in class”. Sara huffed, I just pray I don’t get a fail again... “You won’t if you study hard”. I advised her “Fine”. She said, I still have another class to attend “Alright then , see you later ....... . . I walked out of the class and was surprised to see Mary in front of the lecture room I scoffed and walked past her “June”. She called “What do you want?”. I asked turning to face her “I need to talk to you”. She replied “Really?”. I asked studying her, she looked disturbed “What is wrong?”. I asked her She moved closer to me and hugged me “I am sorry June”.she said sobbing and my heart immediately melted “It is alright Mary”. I assured patting her back..... I need your advice June”. She said disengaging from the hug , I am all messed up... “What happened?”. I asked her “Can we go over to your room to talk?”. She asked “Sure”. I replied........ . I listened to Mary as she told me everything , I was gobsmacked I never Mary could go to the extent of being a b***h in a club owned by Troy...... “Do Troy knows about it?......: . . “For how long have you been working in the club?”, I asked when she was done talking “Three months”. She replied “Is that the reason you advised me to severe ties with Troy”.I asked her Yes”. She replied, I was scared he would use you the way he used other ladies “Did he sleep with you?”. I asked her “No, she replied,he never spared me a glance .. I sighed in relief... “Your life is not messed up”,I said trying to cheer her, you just have to fix it back “How can I do that?”. She asked “You have to severe all ties with those so-called friends of yours and you have to tell Miguel everything “ what!”. She exclaimed, I can’t do that, Miguel will dump me “I won’t be surprised if he does that but you still have to tell him. how do you think he will react if he finds out from someone else? he will never ever trust you again... “Is that really the best thing to do?”She asked “Yes “. I replied “Alright,I will do that”.She muttered wiping her tears “ it will be fine”. I assured her. ......... . . I went over to Troy place immediately Mary left I got to his mansion and the two guards in front of his huge gate seemed to be more friendly with me “Welcome June”. one of them greeted while the other flashed me a smile as I walked into the compound..... “Why are they acting all friendly?”, I wondered..... . . . “June”. Tricia called running to hug me immediately I walked into the sitting room, “how are you baby?”.i asked her “Fine”. She replied. She showed me a drawing of her in a paper she was holding “Wow! this is beautiful “. I remarked, who drew it? “Trent”. She replied pointing at a boy seated on the sofa .... “ who is he ?”. I asked “ he is daddy new friend”. She replied holding my hands as she led me to the boy “Trent. She called , This Is my friend June The boy smiled at her before looking at me “Hi June”. he greeted flashing me a smile “hi”. I replied meeting his gaze, he has the same blue eyes as Troy....... . . . Yakusa POV . . . I paced up and down the room waiting for information about the spy “Yakusa”. Carl called running into the room “What is it?”. I asked “Troy took him in”.He replied “Really?”. I asked in excitement, I knew everything will go as I planned it “Are you sure the boy won’t betray us?”. he asked “He dares not”. I replied, it he tries it I will kill the person he values more than his life ...... No body messes with Yakuza....... . . . Troy PoV . . I headed downstairs and was surprised to see Tricia and June playing and laughing with the newbie “Troy”. June called immediately she saw me “When did you get here?”. I asked her “Not quite long”. She replied , I was playing with Tricia”. I glanced at Tricia and scoffed, she was jumping around the newbie and didn’t even notice me.... “I need to go over to the warehouse “ “ can I go with you?”. She asked “No, it might get dangerous “ “Please Troy”. She pleaded pouting Fine”. I muttered....... . . I drove headed to the ware house as June kept on ranting about her boring classes and lecturer.... Gosh ! She talks too much . We soon got to the ware house , The boys were surprised to see her with me “Why did you bring her over?”.Andy asked “Do you have a problem with that?”. I asked him “No”. he replied “Good, then get back to work”, I instructed... . . I watched them arrange boxes full of drugs into the ware house “Are they all filled with drugs ?”. June asked “Yes”. I replied staring at her, she looked kind of dazed.... . It was already getting late and the boys were still not done. “ can we go home please”.June pleaded, “Fine”. I replied I went over to Andy and instructed him on what to do.. “He is the only one I could trust with my business “.. “Let us go”..... We got into the car and drove off . . “Do you know Mary before we met?”. June asked on our way home “Yes”. I replied “ why didn’t you tell me?”. She asked “It is........”. I stopped when I noticed a car following us. It was coming really close. I pressed the gas pedal to increase the speed but the did the same ... “Who the hell Is this”. I yelled I looked at the side mirror and noticed a man wit his head out of the car, he brought out a g*n and aimed it towards me “Get down”. I yelled and immediately the sound of gunshots filled the air shattering the windows of the car. “Damn”. I cursed as the man kept on shooting . “Are you alright?”. I asked “Yes”. She replied fidgeting I was about to pull out my g*n when a bullet pierce my left shoulder “Aaaargh”. I groaned in pain “Troy”. June screamed in fright , you are bleeding “I am alright”. I assured her I stopped the car and made a u-turn “What are you doing?”. June asked “Stay down “. I instructed her, don’t bring your heads up .... I pulled out my g*n and aimed for the gas tank and kept on shooting till the car exploded...... . . I headed to my penthouse as June kept on crying “Troy you are bleeding”. She said “I am fine”.i grunted in pain “Why didn’t you drive back home?”. I asked him “ i can’t let Tricia see me like this”. He replied . . I parked in front of the house and walked to the sitting room holding my shoulders, my clothes were soaked in blood “Should I call a doctor?”. June asked worriedly “Get me the first aid box”. I grunted ignoring her question “Where is It?”. She asked “Under the bed”. I replied and she immediately left to get it......... “Who is behind the attack?”. I wondered . She soon returned with the box and placed it on the table beside me “the scissors, I need the scissors “. I grunted and she immediately brought it out “What should I do with it?”. She asked “Pull out the bullet”. I replied “What?”. She exclaimed “Pull it out”. I yelled weakly “I will hurt you”. “Do you want me bleed to death?”. I asked her “No “. She replied “Then do it ........... “Troy”. She called “Do it now”. I yelled I closed my eyes and groaned in pain as I felt the scissors dig deep into me . “ i did it”. She said dropping the bullet on the table I gave her a weak smile “You are bleeding Troy........ I smiled watching her dress the wounds and soon drifted off to sleep . .. . . Hmmm . TBC
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