
1142 Words
June PoV continues . . “ what?”. he asked “Nothing”, I replied and continued munching the cookies “he must be a really bad guy”. I thought “Daddy”. a tiny voice suddenly called I turned in surprise and saw a pretty little girl coming down the stairs “Daddy”.she called again running to hug Troy “What!!!”. I muttered in surprise, is he a father? he is so young “Tricia”.he called ruffling her hair, go back to your room “ I am bored upstair”,The little girl queried, I just want to play with you “I don’t have the time for that”.Troy replied, go to your room The girl turned to go and stopped when she saw me “ who are you?”. She asked walking towards me “I am June”. I replied smiling at her, you are so beautiful “ really?”. She asked jumping up in excitement, no one has ever told me that “What! they must be blind”.i remarked “ I like you June”.She said “ I like you too also”. I replied playing with her cheeks “ can you come here often to play with me?”. She asked “ I can”. I replied “Promise?”.she asked “ can I?”. I asked looking at Troy , he was watching us quietly with a puzzled look “ if you want to”. he replied “ I promise”. I replied Tricia “Thanks June”.she said jumping “Can we go now?”. Troy asked “ sure”. I replied standing up “Andy”. he called one of the scary guys, get her bag from my room “Bye”.Tricia waved and ran up the stairs . . “ can I really come over to play with June?”. I asked Troy as he drove me to my hostel “You promised her , so you should keep to your promise “.he replied “ your kid is so cute”, I remarked “Thanks”. He muttered “Steph must be so lucky to have her”. I grinned “What?”, He asked laughing , “ why are you laughing?”I asked him, isn’t she her mother?”, I asked “ she isn’t “.He replied “ he has so many girls”. I thought shaking my head... . . He parked in front of my hostel “ I will call you”. He said as I opened the car door “How? I asked him, do you have my number? “ yes”. he replied I stepped out of the car wondering how he got my number “ bye”, I waved as he drove off I noticed the students outside were all staring .“ why are they all staring at me?”, I wondered as headed to my room . . I was surprised to see Steph sitting on my bed crying when I waked in “ June. Sara called , where have you been? and why are you dressed in different clothes “ I got drunk and someone nice took me to his house and bought me new clothes”, I replied “ wow! the clothes are beautiful and it looks expensive”, She remarked “ why is she crying?”, I asked Sara “ she just got ...............” “It is none of your business “, Steph yelled cutting Sara short “ oops I am sorry”. I apologised, can you please stand up from my bed? She glared at me and went over to Sara’s bed “ so who is the nice guy who took you over to his place and bought you expensive clothes”.Sara asked “Troy”, I replied and they both looked at me in surprise “ which Troy?”, Steph asked sobbing “ Are you talking to me?”, I asked her, it is none of your business “ I can see you have grown wings”. She said standing up from the bed and moving closer to me, if you are talking about my Troy I advised you to back off”. She warned and stormed out of the room in anger Did she just threaten me?”, I asked touching my chest, I was really scared “ Are you sure it is Troy who helped you?”, Sara asked “ yes”, I replied “ it is so unlike him”. She muttered, I think he wants to make you his personal bitch “ what is that?”. I asked “ it is like being his personal girl just like Steph”. She explained “What of Steph?”, I asked her “ she got dumped”. She replied laughing “ why are you laughing?”, I asked her , I thought you both were friends “ of course we are but it is so funny”. She replied still laughing My phone suddenly rang and I gasped in surprise when I saw the caller “Troy, how did his number get on my phone “ pick it”.Sara urged me and I did “ Are you surprise?. he asked immediately I picked “ yes”. I replied, how did it happen? “ I exchanged the numbers when you were asleep”. he explained “Oh okay”, I replied “ I just called to check up on you”.he said , I hope you are okay? “ yes I am”. I replied “ Alright”. he said and ended the call “ what the hell just happened?”.Sara asked “Troy called to check on me?”. I replied “ it is so unlike him, why am I having this feelings?”.she muttered “What feelings?”.i asked her “That he cares about you”. She replied, and it seems different...... . . Troy PoV . . “Who exactly is she to you?”. Andy asked me “ what do you mean”. I asked him “You brought her over to the house,she slept on your bed , you allowed her play with Tricia and you even cooked for her”.he explained “ so?”. I asked, is there anything wrong in that? “ It is unlike you Troy,you don’t allow your bitches come Close to Tricia, you have never even cooked before. What is your relationship with her?”.he asked “ she is just a friend”. I replied “ Boss”. One of the boys suddenly called running into the sitting room “What is it?”. I asked him “A client needs the stuff”. he replied “ then make the transaction”.I said banging the table beside me “ he is a Russian”.he explained “ what!”. I exclaimed. how is that possible ?Where is he?”, I asked “ he is at the warehouse”.he replied “ I will take care of it,you can leave......... . . . I drove over to the warehouse with Andy .I scoffed when I saw two Russian men in front of the warehouse “Mr Troy Daniels”. One of them called as I stepped out of the car “Who are you?”, I asked pulling out my guns “ I am Mr yuan”. he replied, I am just here for business “ why me?”. I asked , there are lot of d**g lords in your country “ I heard your offers are the best” he replied I stared intently at him and sighed “Fine”.i said putting the guns back into my back pocket and instructed Andy to make the transactions I watched them as they carried two bags on drugs into their car “ I bet Diego will go crazy when he hear of this”. .... . . . Hmmmmmmh . . TBC
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