20'th birthday

939 Words
This year was like last year and she didn't know why she expected any different. None of them had even said anything, never mind realizing they had forgotten. She didn't know why it meant so much to her, it was just a stupid birthday after all. Adrian hadn't called, but they stumbled across each other every now and then. He had found a job. Well, maybe it was Daniella who had found him a job. She had called around to family contacts and got him a job at a gallery owned by some far cousin. He was proud, finally doing something with his life. She was proud too, though she hadn't really gotten the chance to tell him. She wasn't surprised to be alone in the bar that night. Trough she wouldn't have minded the company she felt happy he had moved on with his life. So she ordered another refill and continued her drawing on the tissue. "Little dhampir."  She smiled without looking up from the pattern on the paper. "Adrian."  He sat on the barstool beside her. "This is becoming a tradition." He told her, humor in his voice and she laughed under her breath. "Is it a good thing?" She asked and he shrugged. "You decide. I get to see you every year on your birthday."  She smiled, remembering that day two years ago when she had knocked on his door, asking for an unfair favor. "I suppose, now that you mention it, it is always you that I run into on my birthday." She smiled as the bartender placed a glass of whiskey in front of Adrian. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small package, sliding it sideways to her. "What is this?" She asked almost laughing in surprise and looked at him for the first time that night.  He shrugged. "A birthday present? I had a feeling I would run into you."  Her smile dropped. "Really?" Was it that obvious that she would be here alone on her birthday for the second year in a row? He laughed. "No. I was by your apartment earlier to drop it off but no one was home, so I went here for a drink instead."  She smiled. Then her life wasn't so obviously lonely after all. She ripped the paper off pulling out a small box with fancy writing and flower print on it. She couldn't help but laugh. "Amor Amor perfume, my favorite but you already know that!"  He smiled just looking at her happy face. He had made her light up. He felt proud at that "I figured you would have run out by now," he told her. "I have. Thank you, Adrian." She reached over and placed a kiss on his cheek and he blushed. She looked at him through blurred eyes. The world was spinning but it seemed to focus on him. He was really handsome, she thought. He always had been but her eyes had been blinded at the time. "Do you think, when you got too many choices, you seek to what is safe even when it isn't right?"  He looked at her intensely, trying to figure out what she referred to. When he couldn't figure it out he nodded, remembering his late teenage years when he always followed his parents' advice though it wasn't what he wanted. It took him three unaccomplished years in college to realize it wasn't what he wanted "Yes I think so…"  She looked at him for a moment, trying to decide if he had figured it out. Then she decided it didn't matter if he had and reached over placing a light kiss on his lips. When he didn't pull back she kissed him again, placing a hand on his neck to pull him closer. Gathering more self-control than he thought he had, he placed both hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. "Rose this isn't right-" He tried, but she just stared at his lips. "Then why does it feel right?" She asked him, trying to lean in again but he held her back. "Because you are drunk, we both are. Not like this Rose, not tonight." She frowned but turned away, and emptied her drink, ordering another. He sighed and did the same three times in a row. Then he paid for their drinks and put an arm around her waist, so he could pull her from her chair. "No, Adir-wan!" She wined drunkenly. He held her tightly to his side and supported her out. "Yes Rose, let's get out of here." He told her, slightly drunk himself through the alcohol hadn't taken its full effect. "Not when you are.. lik… that.." she slurred. He sighed, pulled her over his shoulder, and carried her to his room. The streets were empty at this time of the night, so they avoided curious stares. He threw her unceremoniously on the bed and let out a sigh of exhaustion. Had she always been that heavy? He looked at her and wondered how such a petite girl could be so heavy. She was already snoring, face down on his sheets. He couldn't help but laugh a little at her. Her long brown hair spread out and her legs still hanging out from the mattress. She was cute, really cute. She was also hopelessly unavailable and drunk out of her mind. He was drunk himself, he realized. Way too drunk to make life-changing decisions. Still, when he woke up to the sun in his face and an empty bed, he couldn't help but feel maybe it would have been worth it.
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