6: And Four Years Later…

1171 Words
Sunrise in Los Angeles is always beautiful to behold especially if one isn't hurrying up to somewhere. In the case of Mia, when the alarm chimed at five she jumped out of bed hurrying into the kitchen to make herself some coffee and prepare Ann for the day. Monday mornings are dreadful — she has to constantly count the things she needed done and to undo  before the week runs out again. While she drunk from the mug she jotted down on a few things then continued making pancakes for her daughter.  At seven she  hurriedly picked up Ann from the bed teasing her wake. "Good morning my love" she said to the little girl, "what did you dream of?" "I don't remember" she said sleepily, "Well we need to get you ready for school. How about that?" "I don't wanna go to school today Mommy" she complained "So you wan' go to the office with me?" "Yes!"  "But last time you did you said you missed school and you didn't like been in my office. What changed?" Ann was quiet.  "I made pancakes. And I'll be picking you up with some ice cream and cookies today. And ha we'll order some pizza and watch My Little Pony together…" "Promise?"  "I promise, babe"  Ann became excited to go to school. Mia helped her out and prepared her for school. Mia could still feel the exhaustion of last weekend in her bones. She could need a relaxing time right now. A massuer perhaps or some kind of spar to get the exhaustion out of her system. Been made a department manager was one thing, handling negotiations and acting like an assistant to the the general manager was another thing. She sometimes hated her job and wished she could just quit and run away to some town with her daughter. But she hasn't really come to terms with that. Leaving her job meant saying goodbye to the subsidized medical care she enjoyed, her car and respect accorded to her by her team members. Dwin&Co the marketing and advertising company had finally  settled to launch the new restaurant down town. After months of planning, and doing her job  was the scheduled date for it. It was going all well until a certain lady had come in filing the Benard Robinson the founder and CEO of 2Tasty for stealing her recipe and that she had proof.  "Get your lawyers Benard!" The lady declared. It was an awkward moment after moments of silence as Dwin&Co tried it best to continue with the event: one by one the guests and customers started leaving not minding  the food palatable  dishes served in their plates. "Do something Mia?" Katie had said commanding her "Do what exactly?"  "You're the most effective speaker convince them to stay back" "I don't think I can do that Katie. You're the one with all the brightest ideas, why don't you do it?" She hissed and walked off like a Barbie. On Saturday, she had an appointment with a certain client that wanted to hire the agency to do it product promotion. The meeting was going well until the client's starting suggesting if really wanted the secure the deal with them she'll need  spend a night out with him. She felt furiated and lashed out almost immediately, though she knew this was something detrimental to her and her job. She called Katie immediately, "your ex best friend wants me to go out with him before he can finally strike the deal with us" "What did you say?" "f**k it Katie?" "Mia you know there are ways to do these things right? And it's just a night out together." "So?" "So…it's business. You of all people should know that" She got mad and hung. Katie texted her: if we don't secure Boaz, Mia, I'll make sure you get fired . Mia ignored her. Next day, she'd driven downtown for Sunday mass with Ann in the back seat. After service she'd visited her parents who lived two miles away from the church. This was exactly what she and her daughter needed; to be away from the buzzing sound of the city to a place where they could both enjoy themselves with family. Ann was very fond of her grandparents especially Mia's father whom Ann referred to as Poppa. Both of them had played together, Ann narrating her ordeals in school and neighborhood while Poppa listened and asked questions as though they were old friends.  Mia and her mother spent the time making soup and toasting potatoes for lunch and dinner respectively. Are later entered the old garden to help with the growing weeds that was eating up the Vegetables. By the time she returned Ann was lying down on Poppa's thighs sleeping and snoring softly. "She must really be tired," Mia Laughed. "She talks alot. Reminded me of you when you were little" "Ann talks way faster than Mia, darling" her mother said from the other end. "I wish we could stay longer" Mia said sitting beside Poppa, "You could. You're always welcome here. Infact please bring Ann to holidays this Christmas" Poppa suggested. "She's stress Daddy. Your health and Mommy's can't handle her" "We're are close to dying dearie" her mother said, "we need to spend more time with you and Ann" Mia laughed, got up and kissed her parents, "how are you two responding though?" "Don't worry about me, ask after your mother. She's the one that needs more attention. My legs only broken"  When are faced her mom, she shrugged, "I just want it to all end that's all"  "Okay nobody is dying anytime soon. I still need the both of you too." Mia lifted Ann, "I'm going to lay her in my room then help with what I can clean up in the attic" she exited with Ann around her. After spending the time with her parents, Mia had left three hours after Ann woke up. She loves to come to this part of LA. It was serene and reminded her of her times when she was a child and growing up. She still sometimes loves to consider herself a child in her parents house those moments weren't like these ones when she will have to face a demanding job and hierarchy of bosses. Mia had just entered the big building that houses Dwin&Co when she hit someone, "I'm sorry!" She muttered without looking up and then when she did it was him —  in a black suit and clean cut hair. Cold ran through her body making the back of her to stand. Who in the worlde would have expected to see Liam in this building? She wanted to say something, a hello maybe, but nothing came out. She was speechless and saddened too, because she expected that he'll know her, but she too knew how well she played her cards five years ago.  When the man looked at her, Mia dodged into the crowd of persons hustling to the elevator. 
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