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Monday, January 10th, 2039, 8:01 PM … I slumped in my chair in front of Professor Hernandez’s chair, prompting Professor Hernandez—who was apparently just finishing up his notes—to look up at me and frown. “Ashley, what’s the matter? Is it your condition?” I rubbed my forehead and nodded. “I think so. Ever since school started back up, I’ve been exhausted. Although the mountains of homework that you and the other teachers keep piling on us fourth-years don’t help.” Professor Hernandez chuckled in a good-natured way. “Sorry, but we just want to make sure that you are equipped and ready for graduation. The Final Exam is coming up at the end of the year, after all, and I want to make sure that all of my students pass.” I groaned. “Don’t remind me.” The Final Exam was, as the name subtly

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