2632 Words

Ugh,” said Sofia a couple of hours later, sitting in her hospital bed with a plate of gruel on her lap. “This stuff tastes like crap.” Sitting on a chair next to her hospital bed, I sighed and said, “You know, Sofia, most people in your situation would just be happy that they aren’t dead.” “I know,” said Sofia, “and honestly, I should be used to this food by now seeing as I’ve been working for the G-Men for over a year now. But I’m just so used to the good food we had at the Academy that I can’t help but complain about the stuff they serve here at HQ.” I shook my head in exasperation, although I also smiled a little. It was just like Sofia to focus less on the fact that she had lost her powers and more on the quality of the food she was being served for free. At least that meant she wa

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